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Sort String Array by any column using VBA

Got an array of information you want to sort? Pass the array and it will be changed. Two procedures here -- one called BubbleSort for one-dimensional arrays, and SortStringArray2D for 2-dimensional arrays to sort by the first, or whatever, column you want to sort by.

Since this is pure VBA code and not application specific, it will work with Access as well as other applications like Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Visio.

UPDATE: Include simple bubble sort procedure specifically for string array with just one dimension, and a couple routines for testing. Add counter for number of swaps to VBA code so it will stop comparing if there's nothing else to sort.

use VBA to Sort 2-Dimensional Array by any column using VBA

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Download zipped BAS file that you can import with a function to sort one or two dimensional array. Also contains simple Bubble Sort for one dimension and a couple test procedures.

If you have trouble with the downloads, you may need to unblock the ZIP file, aka remove Mark of the Web, before extracting the file. Here are steps to do that:

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watch on YouTube: How does Bubble Sort work? (5:50)

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Standard module

Option Compare Database 
' at top of module, set Option Compare [Database|Text] to Ignore Case
'  otherwise, modify this code to convert case for comparing
Option Explicit  'variables must be declared

'*************** Code Start ***************************************************
' module: bas_Array_Sort_s4p
' Purpose  : Pass a string array you want to sort -- it will be changed.
'              1- or 2-dimensional array
'              Optionally, designate a column index to sort by
' Author   : crystal (strive4peace)
' Code List:
' this code:
'   You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it.
'   Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk.

'           SortStringArray2D
Public Sub SortStringArray2D(ByRef psArray() As String _ 
               ,Optional ByVal piSortColumnIndex As Integer = -1 _ 
' Sort a string array by specified column
' 240520 strive4peace,  ... 240714 stop if done
'  based on bubble-sort code originally written by Brent Spaulding
'  although designed for 2-dimensional arrays,
'     this code also works to sort 1-dimensional arrays

   '     psArray -- string array you want to sort
   '                1 or 2 dimensions will be considered
   '     piSortColumnIndex is the column index (2nd dimension)
   '        in the array to sort by
   '        if not specified, will be by the first column

   On Error GoTo Proc_Err 
   Dim asCurrentValue() As String 
   Dim iColumn As Integer _ 
      ,iColumn1 As Integer _ 
      ,iColumn2 As Integer _ 
      ,iRow As Integer _ 
      ,iRow1 As Integer _ 
      ,iRow2 As Integer _ 
      ,iRows As Integer _ 
      ,iLastRow As Integer _ 
      ,iCountSwap As Integer _ 
      ,sValue1 As String _ 
      ,sValue2 As String 
   iRow1 = LBound(psArray,1)  'first row
   iRow2 = UBound(psArray,1)  'last row
   iRows = iRow2 - iRow1 + 1  'calculate number of rows
   iColumn1 = LBound(psArray,2)  'first column
   iColumn2 = UBound(psArray,2)  'last column
   iCountSwap = 0  'haven't swapped anything yet
   If piSortColumnIndex < iColumn1 Then 
      'sort by first column if lower number specified
      'default is -1
      piSortColumnIndex = iColumn1 
   End If 
   If piSortColumnIndex > iColumn2 Then 
      'sort by last column if higher number specified
      piSortColumnIndex = iColumn2 
   End If 
   'array with current values -- works with one-dimensional arrays too
   ReDim asCurrentValue(iColumn1 To iColumn2) 

   'Bubble sort the array if more than 1 row
   If iRows > 1 Then 
      'set the last row to compare
      iLastRow = iRow2 
      'loop until last row is the first row
      Do Until iLastRow = iRow1 
         'loop from first row to next to last row
         For iRow = iRow1 To iLastRow - 1 
            'store current value and next value, in Sort Column
            sValue1 = psArray(iRow,piSortColumnIndex) 
            sValue2 = psArray(iRow + 1,piSortColumnIndex) 
            'if current is greater than next, then swap them
            If sValue1 > sValue2 Then 
               'save current value for each column in array
               For iColumn = iColumn1 To iColumn2 
                  asCurrentValue(iColumn) = psArray(iRow,iColumn) 
               Next iColumn 
               'swap value in each column
               For iColumn = iColumn1 To iColumn2 
                  'assign current values to next row values
                  psArray(iRow,iColumn) = psArray(iRow + 1,iColumn) 
                  'assign next row values to saved values
                  psArray(iRow + 1,iColumn) = asCurrentValue(iColumn) 
               Next iColumn 
               'count how many swaps made for this pass
               iCountSwap = iCountSwap + 1 
            End If  'values swapped
         Next iRow 
         'stop the loop if no swaps were made
         If Not iCountSwap > 0 Then 
            'all done!
            Exit Do 
         End If 
         iLastRow = iLastRow - 1  'decrement last row
         iCountSwap = 0  'reset swap counter
      Loop   ' Until iLastRow = iRow1
   End If 
   On Error GoTo 0  'reset
   Exit Sub 

   MsgBox Err.Description _ 
       ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ 
        &  "   SortStringArray2D"
   Resume Proc_Exit 
End Sub 

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'------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' BubbleSort -- simple example '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub BubbleSort(ByRef psArray() As String) ' 240714 strive4peace ' Sort a single dimension string array ' based on bubble-sort code originally written by Brent Spaulding ' PARAMETERs ' psArray -- string array to sort On Error GoTo Proc_Err Dim iRow As Integer _ ,iRow1 As Integer _ ,iRow2 As Integer _ ,iRows As Integer _ ,iLastRow As Integer _ ,iCountSwap As Integer _ ,sValue1 As String _ ,sValue2 As String iRow1 = LBound(psArray,1) 'first row iRow2 = UBound(psArray,1) 'last row iRows = iRow2 - iRow1 + 1 'calculate number of rows iCountSwap = 0 'haven't swapped anything yet 'Bubble sort the array if more than 1 row If iRows > 1 Then 'set the last row to compare iLastRow = iRow2 'loop until last row is the first row Do Until iLastRow = iRow1 'loop from first row to next to last row For iRow = iRow1 To iLastRow - 1 'store current value and next value sValue1 = psArray(iRow) sValue2 = psArray(iRow + 1) 'if current value is greater than next, then swap values If sValue1 > sValue2 Then 'set current row value = next value psArray(iRow) = sValue2 'set next value = saved current value psArray(iRow + 1) = sValue1 'count how many swaps made for this pass iCountSwap = iCountSwap + 1 End If Next iRow 'stop the loop if no swaps were made If Not iCountSwap > 0 Then 'all done! Exit Do End If iLastRow = iLastRow - 1 'decrement last row iCountSwap = 0 'reset swap counter Loop ' Until iLastRow = iRow1 End If Proc_Exit: On Error GoTo 0 'reset Exit Sub Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description _ ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " BubbleSort" Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Sub

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'------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' testBubbleSort -- for testing '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub testBubbleSort() '270414 s4p, for testing 'make an array with string values ' write the original values, sort, then write final values 'CALLs ' BubbleSort ' WriteArray2Debug Dim asArray() As String 'define test array asArray = Split( _ "Title" _ & ",Subject" _ & ",Author" _ & ",Keywords" _ & ",Comments" _ & ",Last author" _ & ",Revision number" _ & ",Application name" _ & ",Manager" _ & ",Company" _ , ",") Debug.Print "INITAL ARRAY" Call WriteArray2Debug(asArray) 'sort the array Call BubbleSort(asArray) Debug.Print "SORTED ARRAY" Call WriteArray2Debug(asArray) End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' WriteArray2Debug -- for testing '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub WriteArray2Debug( _ ByRef psArray() As String _ ,Optional pbShowIndex As Boolean = True) '270414 s4p, for testing ' write values of a string array to the debug window ' PARAMETERs ' psArray -- string array ' pbShowIndex = true to show element index Dim i As Integer Debug.Print String(25, "-") For i = LBound(psArray) To UBound(psArray) If pbShowIndex Then Debug.Print i; Tab(7); End If Debug.Print psArray(i) Next i Debug.Print String(25, "-") End Sub '*************** Code End *******************************************************
' Code was generated with colors using the free Color Code add-in for Access

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Microsoft Learn

Help: LBound function

Help: UBound function

Help: Exit statement

Help: String function

Help: ByRef, ByVal

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Maybe instead of saving values to a table, you're using an array that only exists in memory?

Bubble Sort

BubbleSort is a fairly simple version of sorting a string array. It was based on code originally written by Brent Spaulding. It sorts by one dimension ... and some of you may notice I failed to change the code completely from copying 2D stuff ... oh well ... it still works ;) How it works is explained in:

YouTube video: How does Bubble Sort work? (5:50)

Until I wrote intermediate arrays to Debug, for Bubble Sort video visuals, it didn't occur to me to stop comparing ... hence a new thing to keep track of — iCountSwap — number of swaps so looping and comparing will stop if there's nothing more to do.


SortStringArray2D works with 2 dimensions like an Excel spreadsheet. Whenever data is swapped, so are corresponding values in related columns.

As written, SortStringArray2D is limited to working for 2D. If no particular column is specified, array will be sorted by the first column. This could be expanded for more than 2 dimensions.

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~ crystal

the simplest way is best, but usually the hardest to see

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