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Create a table if it does not already exist, define a field, make a PrimaryKey index, and put records in.
This example builds a table for storing sequential numbers that can be used for printing multiple copies of a report, getting records for every day even if there is no data, finding gaps, ... useful for all kinds of things!
Use a numbers table to find missing data, label copies of a document, and more.
Set up the error handler and dimension variables. Set database object to current database Use CreateTableDef to create a new table
Create a table to store numbers with CreateTableDef. Make a field called Num using CreateField. Add a field description using CreateProperty. Append the field to the table's field collection. Append the table to the database's table collection.
Create an index named 'PrimaryKey'. Append a field to the index, and set the Primary property to true. Append the index to the table.
Make the table show up in the Navigation Pane using RefreshDatabaseWindow.
Give the user a message when it is done.
Set up the error handler and dimension variables. If there is not a table called Numberz, then give the user an error message and exit.
Dimension the database variable and open a recordset for the Numberz table.
Loop from the specified (or default) start and stop numbers, and add a record for the value of the loop counter (i). If the value already exists, Err.Number will be 3022 so the next statement will be executed.
Give the user a message when it is done.
Return True if table exists and False if it does not. Called by CreateTable_Numberz.
Dimension a string and resume the next statement if there is an error.
See if a string can be assigned to the name property of the specified table. If there is an error, then the table does not exist.
' Module Name: mod_CreateTable_Numberz '*************** Code Start ***************************************************** ' Purpose : create a table called Numberz withb long Num that is PK ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' License : below code ' Code List: www.MsAccessGurus.com/code.htm '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' CreateTable_Numberz
'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub CreateTable_Numberz() '... 181221 strive4peace, consider all ' 'create a table to store sequential numbers 'CREATE table: ' Numberz ' field: Num, Long, PK ' ' CALLED BY ' MakeRecords_Numberz, if necessary ' 'set up error handler On Error GoTo Proc_Err 'dimension variables Dim db As DAO.Database _ , tdf As DAO.TableDef _ , fld As DAO.Field _ , idx As DAO.Index 'set database object to current database Set db = CurrentDb 'create a new table Set tdf = db.CreateTableDef("Numberz") 'create a field Set fld = tdf.CreateField("Num", dbLong) 'set the description to the field name fld.CreateProperty "Description", dbText, "Num" 'append the field to the table tdf.Fields.Append fld 'append the table to the collection of tables db.TableDefs.Append tdf 'create an index and name it Primary Key Set idx = tdf.CreateIndex("PrimaryKey") With idx 'add the Num field to the index .Fields.Append idx.CreateField("Num") 'set this to BE the Primary index .Primary = True End With 'append the index to the table tdf.Indexes.Append idx 'refresh the tables in the database db.TableDefs.Refresh 'make the table show up in the Navigation Pane ... Application.RefreshDatabaseWindow '... do it now DoEvents MsgBox "Done creating Numberz table", , "Done" Proc_Exit: On Error Resume Next 'release object variables Set idx = Nothing Set fld = Nothing Set tdf = Nothing Set db = Nothing Exit Sub Proc_Err: 'error handler MsgBox Err.Description, , _ "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " CreateTable_Numberz " Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' MakeRecords_Numberz
'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub MakeRecords_Numberz( _ Optional pnStart As Long = 1 _ , Optional pnStop As Long = 1440 _ ) '... 181221 strive4peace 'make records in a table to store sequential numbers ' tablename --> Numberz ' fieldname --> Num (Primary Key, Long Integer, no Default Value) ' if the Numberz table does not exist, it will be created ' use this table to to get all records when data is missing ' for instance, to construct particular years, months, days, ... ' to print a copies of a report ' to find missing Numberz 'you can also use a Numberz table to print out copies of a report and more ' ' click HERE ' press F5 to Run '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'NEEDS reference to Microsoft DAO Library 'or 'Microsoft Office ##.0 Access Database Engine Object Library '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'CALLS ' DoesTableExist_Numberz ' 'PARAMETER ' every now and then, you might need to run this again ' to change the max number created ' pnStop is the last number to create ' 1440 is the number of minutes in one day On Error GoTo Proc_Err Dim db As DAO.Database _ , rs As DAO.Recordset Dim i As Long _ , iCount As Long '190316 if Numberz table doesn't exist, create it If Not DoesTableExist("Numberz") Then Call CreateTable_Numberz End If Set db = CurrentDb Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Numberz", dbOpenDynaset) iCount = 0 With rs For i = pnStart To pnStop .AddNew !num = i .Update iCount = iCount + 1 Next i End With 'rs MsgBox "Done creating " & iCount & " records in Numberz", , "Done" Proc_Exit: On Error Resume Next If Not rs Is Nothing Then rs.Close Set rs = Nothing End If Set db = Nothing Exit Sub Proc_Err: If Err.Number = 3022 Then 'value already exists -- skip it iCount = iCount - 1 Resume Next End If MsgBox Err.Description, , _ "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " CreateNumberzRecords" Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' MakeRecords_Numberz_launch
'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub MakeRecords_Numberz_launch() ' CLICK HERE and press F5 to Run! Call MakeRecords_Numberz End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' DoesTableExist
'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function DoesTableExist(psTablename As String) As Boolean 'strive4peace 'return True if table exists in the current database, ' or false if it does not ' ' PARAMETER ' psTablename is the name of the table to check for existence of ' ' dimension variable Dim sName As String ' don't stop code if an error happens On Error Resume Next ' see if the table is there sName = CurrentDb.TableDefs(psTablename).Name ' if tablename couldn't be assigned, it does not exist DoesTableExist = IIf(Err.Number > 0, False, True) End Function ' ' LICENSE ' You may freely use and share this code ' provided this license notice and comment lines are not changed; ' code may be modified provided you clearly note your changes. ' You may not sell this code alone, or as part of a collection, ' without my handwritten permission. ' All ownership rights reserved. Use at your own risk. ' ~ crystal (strive4peace) www.MsAccessGurus.com '*************** Code End *******************************************************
What do you do when you need three (3) copies of something? Easy with a numbers table.
In the record source for your report (or display form), add a numbers table with criteria under the field with the number for specifying 1 to 3 copies ... whatever you want -- maybe an expression to calculate it.
Don't make any link lines to the numbers table — let it free-float, so to speak; not connected to anything. Whatever rows your query gets will be tripled for 3.
A cartesian query is when data sets are included without a join. This causes a multiplication of records. If A has 100 records and B has 3 records, then a cartesian of A and B is 100*3=300 records in the resulting data set.
You could then apply criteria and sort.
Make a query to get what you want to see. Add the numbers table and these 2 columns. Customize names and expressions as it suits you.
Note the calculated field using the built-in Choose function to get different text for each of the 3 copies of the information.
TitleOfCopy: Choose([Num],"Shop","Office","Customer")
Here is the designer view and the results:
You can use a numbers table to find where data is missing by constructing values and joining in your other data.
The query screenshot below creates dates (expression below) and shows, day-by-day, the status of records for the month of December 2018, to see if records are missing.
When the day of the week is displayed, we see it is no surprise that data is missing for Saturdays and Sundays since the shop is not normally open. On December 8, which was a Saturday, the status does not say 'Missing', so there must be one or more records. That might bear exploring.
It is not suprising that today, Friday, December 21, does not have records because the data has not yet been transferred from the collection systems.
However, there are also no records for December 12, which was a Wednesday. Business was done that day, so data is probably missing, and needs to be entered or converted.
TheDate was calculated using this alias and expression:
To get all the days in the current month up to today (whatever that is) we want 1 (one) to whatever is the day number of the month. Criteria under Num (from the Numberz table) is:
If you absolutely know the records in the numbers table start at 1, you could simply use:
There are a lot of references for this example! Even though a simple table with only one field is created, there is a primary key to avoid duplicates and provide a unique index, and then records are made.
This simple set of actions brings in a lot of basic knowledge about how objects are created and stored. Spending time with these links will give you a solid foundation for Access and information management that you can build strong structures upon.
DoesTableExist, the helper function to determine if a table does indeed already exist in the current database, should be a page on its own.
Allen Browne's pages are gold for every Access developer. He documented the basics of using DAO so very well, and his site is a treasure trove of knowledge.
To build and modify Access objects,
you must understand them.
This page will be a good reference again and again.
Here you will gain understanding about
how to create Access objects--
whether they be tables, fields, queries, or other.
DAO Programming Code Examples
According to Allen,
"DAO (Data Access Objects) is the native library Microsoft designed to expose the object in Access".
Help: Database.CreateTableDef method (DAO)
Help: TableDef.CreateField method (DAO)
Help: Field.CreateProperty method (DAO)
threw this in for good measure:
Help: TableDef.CreateProperty method (DAO)
Help: Fields.Append method (DAO)
Help: TableDefs.Append method (DAO)
Help: TableDef.CreateIndex method (DAO)
Help: Index.Primary property (DAO)
Help: Indexes.Append method (DAO)
Help: Application.RefreshDatabaseWindow method (Access)
Help: Database.OpenRecordset method (DAO)
Why not name this table 'tbl_Numbers' instead of 'Numberz'? You can if you want. You can name it anything you like. I use Numberz because it is short, easy to remember, and spelled with "z" on the end instead of "s" to avoid any possible conflict with reserved words.
How can you learn what to avoid? This is a reason to use naming conventions, or at least use them for ideas. There are a few standards such as Leszynski/Reddick. In practice, do what you are comfortable with and will remember.
Allen Browne has an excellent page to look up bad names and reserved words that, as a general rule, you shouldn't use when you create names ... table names, field names, calculated field names, procedure names, ....
I use Allen's page a lot to look up common words that might have a conflict. The general rule I use is to avoid common words is to spell them wrong (in a way I can remember) ... hence the "z" on the end of "Numberz" ~
Access can have problems when you name objects something it might interpet differently. For instance, almost every object has a "Name" property -- so you should not use 'Name' for a name that you create. Another common error is using "Date" for a field name. Date() is a built-in function, so there could be confusion.
There are more than 2,500 terms you should not use for names, for one reason or another, which Allen lists for you. There is a handy alphabet line at the top so you can quickly jump to a letter, which is nice since there are so many items in the list! There is also a useful download tool you can run on any database to check for bad words and more.
On this link, you will also find a database issue checker utility you can download (also free) to check any existing Access database for violation of rules. There are several tests you can run.
... and then once those things are fixed, you may want to check other issues. I don't agree with all the tests being issues — some depend on your situation. For instance, if the data is in Access, zero-length strings (ZLS, "") are okay, and perhaps even preferred, so you can see if the user really filled a value.
While you are developing, here is a free utility you can use to document the structure of your database: https://github.com/strive4peace/Analyzer
Today is the Winter Solstice, and a Friday to boot! so special indeed. For many, Winter Soltice is a time to let go and begin again. An Access database starts with tables and fields. So here is code to define a table with a field using DAO. Thanks to Allen Browne for his excellent examples.
here's the link to copy:
unsecure: http://MsAccessGurus.com/VBA/Code/API_Sleep.htm
It is interesting to hear from you. Was something not clear? Did you find a bug? Is an explanation wrong or not sufficient? Do you want the code do more (there is always more)?
Some of you write to say thanks and tell me what you're doing with Access ... its nice to get an echo back. I want you and others to be good with Access, and other Office applications like Excel, Word, and PowerPoint ... and Windows. Take advantage of the strengths in each to manage your information wisely.
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Email me at info@msAccessGurus