Message with num ber cross-reference records created Ms Access Gurus

VBA > Data > Make Cross-Reference Records

Make cross-reference records by separating values from a field with multiple values.

Table1 has values that need to be parsed and stored in Table2. Cross-reference records need to be created in TableX.

Tables that have data and need to get data

video tutorial


video: Make Records in an Access Cross-Reference Table with VBA (9:00)
(and a little about HTML)

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'  module: mod_MakeXRefRecords
'*************** Code Start *****************************************************
' Purpose  : make cross-reference records
' Author   : crystal (strive4peace)
' License  : below code
' Code List:
'          :
'                              launch_MakeXRefRecords
Sub launch_MakeXRefRecords() 
'200920 strive4peace, 21
   'Press F5 to Run!
   Dim sTable1 As String _ 
      ,sTable2 As String _ 
      ,sTableX As String _ 
      ,sTextField1 As String _ 
      ,sTextField2 As String _ 
      ,sPk1 As String _ 
      ,sPk2 As String 
   '--------------------------- customize 
   sTable1 =  "Table with data to separate"
   sTable2 =  "Table to create records in"
   sTableX =  "Cross-Reference table"
   sTextField1 =  "field to separate"
   sTextField2 =  "field for single values"
   sPk1 =  "primary key fieldname of Table1"
   sPk2 =  "primary key fieldname of Table2"
   Call MakeXRefRecords( _ 
      sTable1,sTable2,sTableX _ 
      ,sTextField1,sTextField2 _ 
      ,sPk1,sPk2 _ 
End Sub 

'                              MakeXRefRecords
Sub MakeXRefRecords( _ 
   psTable1 As String _ 
   ,psTable2 As String _ 
   ,psTableX As String _ 
   ,psTextField1 As String _ 
   ,psTextField2 As String _ 
   ,psPk1 As String _ 
   ,psPk2 As String _ 
   ,Optional psDeli As String =  "," _ 
'200920 strive4peace, 21
' separate a list of values in Table1.TextField1
' add records for Table2.TextField2 as needed
' Create cross-reference record in TableX with Pk1 and Pk2
' Assume PK/FK fieldnames are the same.

   '  RunTheSQL
   On Error GoTo Proc_Err 

   'dimension scalar variables
   Dim sValue As String _ 
      ,sWhere As String _ 
      ,sSQL As String _ 
      ,sMsg As String _ 
      ,i As Integer _ 
      ,nPk1 As Long _ 
      ,nPk2 As Long _ 
      ,nCount1 As Long _ 
      ,nCount2 As Long _ 
      ,nCountX As Long 

   Dim asItems() As String 
   'dimension object variables
   Dim db As DAO.Database _ 
      ,rs1 As DAO.Recordset _ 
      ,rs2 As DAO.Recordset 
   'set db and open recordsets
   Set db = CurrentDb 
   Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset(psTable1,dbOpenDynaset) 
   Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset(psTable2,dbOpenDynaset) 
   'initialize counters
   nCount1 = 0  'records separated in table1
   nCount2 = 0  'records added to table2
   nCountX = 0  'records added to x-ref table
   With rs2 
      Do While Not rs1.EOF 
         nPk1 = -99 
         sValue = Trim(Nz(rs1.Fields(psTextField1), "")) 
         If sValue <>  "" Then 
            nCount1 = nCount1 + 1 
            'get primary key from table1
            nPk1 = rs1.Fields(psPk1) 
            asItems = Split(sValue,psDeli) 
            'loop through items
            For i = LBound(asItems) To UBound(asItems) 
               nPk2 = -99 
               sValue = Trim(asItems(i)) 
               If sValue <>  "" Then 
                  'see if value is already in table2
                  sWhere =  "[" & psTextField2 &  "] = """ _ 
                     & sValue &  """"
                  .FindFirst sWhere 
                  If .NoMatch Then 
                     nCount2 = nCount2 + 1 
                     'add record
                     .Fields(psTextField2) = sValue 
                     .Bookmark = .LastModified 
                  End If 
                  nPk2 = .Fields(psPk2) 
                  'add x-reference record
                  sSQL =  "INSERT INTO [" & psTableX &  "] (" _ 
                     &  "[" & psPk1 &  "], [" & psPk2 &  "])" _ 
                     &  " SELECT " & nPk1 &  ", " & nPk2 
                  'call RunTheSQL
                  If RunTheSQL(db,sSQL) > 0 Then 
                     nCountX = nCountX + 1 
                     sMsg =  "Error executing SQL statement" _ 
                        & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &  "OK to continue " _ 
                        & vbCrLf &  "Cancel to stop "
                     If MsgBox(sMsg,vbOKCancel, "Error") = vbCancel Then 
                           GoTo Proc_Exit 
                     End If 
                  End If 
               End If  'psTextField2 has value
            Next i  'asItems
         End If  'psTextField1 has value
      Loop  'rs1
   End With  'rs2
   sMsg = nCount1 &  " records separated from " & psTable1 _ 
      & vbCrLf & nCount2 &  " records created in " & psTable2 _ 
      & vbCrLf & nCountX &  " records created in " & psTableX _ 
   MsgBox sMsg,, "Done"
   On Error Resume Next 
   If Not rs2 Is Nothing Then 
      Set rs2 = Nothing 
   End If 
   If Not rs1 Is Nothing Then 
      Set rs1 = Nothing 
   End If 
   Set db = Nothing 
   Exit Sub 
   MsgBox Err.Description _ 
       ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ 
        &  "   MakeXRefRecords"
   Resume Proc_Exit 
End Sub 

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Click HERE to download the zipped BAS file containing the code
(3 kb, unzips to a BAS file)


This code may be used freely, but you may not sell it in whole or in part. You may include it in applications you develop for others.

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Or maybe you have graphics you want to be able to use on reports ... an image or logo that Access could draw? or maybe indicators like stoplights on records? That would be fun to figure out!

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I look forward to hearing from you ~

~ crystal

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