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Properties are powerful. They describe an object, like adjectives describe a noun. The VBA code on this page will help you manage property values for any object in Access ... read, write, delete, and show.
Properties can be for a database, a table, a field, a form, a control, and the list goes on ... almost every object has properties you can read and write.
Built-in database properties include the name of the startup form, the application title, if AutoCorrect is on or off, and lots more. Set the application title (displayed on the title bar) to what you want, or allow special keys if they're off so you can press F11 to see the Navigation Pane, even though it may normally be hidden.
Set custom properties for a database such as who the current user is, or default form settings. Because database property values are persistent, once you set a property, it remains until you change it or remove it. They keep their values even when a database is closed and opened again. They're also more reliable than global or tempvars.
Database properties scrape the surface. All objects have properties that describe them. Whether you intend to get and set them using VBA or not, properties is a concept to be understood.
A great place to explore object properties (and more) is the Object Browser. To launch the Object Browser, go to the Visual Basic Editor (Alt-F11), and then press F2 or, from the menu, choose: View, Object Browser
In the Object Browser, when something you want to learn about is selected, press F1 to go to Microsoft's Help page or look in the bottom of the dialog box for a Help link.
In addition to built-in properties, you can use properties to define and store custom information such as:
Advantages of using properties include
You can use these same procedures to manage properties for the database as well as other objects such as forms and reports, controls, tables, fields, and more.
Set, get, show, and delete ... most important being get (read) and set (write).
While properties encompass so much more, the first reason I found great use for them was to store information in a database file about the front-end ... the user it belongs to, read/write permissions, and paths or path\files that the application uses like back-end, images, and templates.
When my contact management application FE (front-end) is opened, code reads database properties. When deployed, some of the properties aren't set to anything specific because the contact template is for teaching and has about 80 tables, even though contacts uses less than 20 of them, so you can envision how to plug it into your bigger application. It is split into a front-end and back-end. One of its features is a light user management interface, (but the FE Maker, which I'm working on now, has a better one; it runs outside the application and sets up each front-end for a specific user).
If this is the first time that the user is opening the contact template, they're prompted to identify who they are, and specify the path to the back-end, which is the only file in that folder with "_BE_" in the name (if I recall right). The user can choose their category to define privileges; these aren't checked, but could be; form and report Open events can be cancelled if privileges don't let the user see that. You can download the free Contact Template for Access, use it, and look at the source code.
When you set Access Options, many of the values are stored in database properties that you can read and change.
Here is a sample message box generated by the Launch_Get_Property_variousDatabase procedure.
A few settings that deserve special mention are:
Read (Get), Write (Set), Delete, and Show property values for any object.
'*************** Code Start ***************************************************** ' module name: mod_Properties_s4p updated 10 June 2023 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose : set and get properties, show and delete ' send object such as Database, Field, Control ' if object not specified, CurrentDb is used and released ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' Code List: www.MsAccessGurus.com/code.htm ' This code: https://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/Code/Properties.htm ' LICENSE : ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Use at your own risk. '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' last update: specifically set obj if needed ' instead of using With since that doesn't seem to work anymore '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Set_Property '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Function Set_Property( _ pPropName As String _ ,pValue As Variant _ ,Optional ByVal piDataType As Integer = 4 _ ,Optional obj As Object _ ,Optional bSkipMsg As Boolean = True _ ) As Boolean 'set or change a database (or object) property to specified value 'strive4peace '8-9,130410,160820,170721,191107...1124,191205 ' PARAMETERS ' pPropName is the (database) property name to set ' pValue is the value for the property ' optional: ' piDataType is the Data Type: dbBoolean, dbLong, dbText, ... ' default is Long Integer, 4 ' obj = database, field, tabledef, querydef, ' or other object with properties ' if obj is not specified, then CurrentDb is used ' bSkipMsg = True: don't give user feedback ' ' RETURN ' True if successful ' 'EXAMPLES ' Call Set_Property("AppTitle", sAppTitle, dbText, db) ' or Set_Property("AppTitle", sAppTitle, dbText) ' where ' sAppTitle is defined -- or a literal value ' Call Set_Property("AllowAutoCorrect", true, dbBoolean, oControl) ' Call Set_Property("Description", "my field description", dbText, oField) 'set up Error Handler On Error GoTo Proc_Err Set_Property = False Dim bRelease As Boolean _ ,iNumTries As Integer _ ,sMsg As String bRelease = False iNumTries = 0 If obj Is Nothing Then Set obj = CurrentDb bRelease = True End If 'assume property is defined obj.Properties(pPropName) = pValue Set_Property = True Proc_Done: On Error Resume Next sMsg = pPropName & " Is " _ & pValue _ & " For " & obj.Name Debug.Print Now(),sMsg If Not bSkipMsg Then MsgBox sMsg,, "Done" End If Proc_exit: On Error Resume Next If bRelease = True Then Set obj = Nothing Exit Function Proc_CreateProperty: obj.Properties.Append obj.CreateProperty( _ pPropName,piDataType,pValue) Set_Property = True GoTo Proc_Done Proc_Err: 'property is not defined iNumTries = iNumTries + 1 If piDataType <> 0 Then If iNumTries > 1 Then sMsg = "ERROR setting " & pPropName & " To " _ & pValue _ & " For " & obj.Name Debug.Print Now(),sMsg If Not bSkipMsg Then MsgBox sMsg,, "ERROR" End If Resume Proc_exit End If Resume Proc_CreateProperty End If Resume Proc_Done Resume End Function '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Get_Property '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Function Get_Property( _ psPropName As String _ ,Optional obj As Object _ ,Optional pvDefaultValue As Variant _ ) As Variant ' get the value of a database (or object) property ' pass (optional) object to look somewhere other than CurrentDb ' pass (optional) default value to return if property not set 's4p 8-9 ... 130831, 160820, 170721, 191124, 200511, 220403 ' PARAMETERS ' psPropName is the (database) property name to return the value of ' OPTIONAL ' obj = database, field, tabledef, querydef, ' or other object with properties ' if obj is not specified, then CurrentDb is used ' pvDefaultValue is value to return if property cannot be read ' 'RETURNS ' Value of property ' OR Null (or pvDefaultValue) if property has no value or isn't defined 'EXAMPLES ' MyValue = Get_Property("MyDatabasePropertyName") ' MyFieldDescription = Get_Property("Description",oField,"") ' ?Get_Property("Description",currentdb.TableDefs("MyTable").fields("MyField")) On Error GoTo Proc_Err Dim bRelease As Boolean bRelease = False If obj Is Nothing Then Set obj = CurrentDb bRelease = True End If 'initialize return value If Not IsMissing(pvDefaultValue) Then Get_Property = pvDefaultValue Else Get_Property = Null End If With obj Get_Property = obj.Properties(psPropName) End With Proc_exit: On Error Resume Next If bRelease Then Set obj = Nothing Exit Function Proc_Err: Resume Proc_exit End Function '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Delete_Property '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Public Sub Delete_Property( _ psPropName As String _ ,Optional obj As Object _ ) '140226,191122 strive4peace, 210811, 230514 ' PARAMETERS ' psPropName is the (database) property name to return the value of ' OPTIONAL ' obj = database, field, tabledef, querydef, ' or other object with properties collection ' if obj is not specified, then CurrentDb is used 'EXAMPLE ' Delete_Property "calendar_QueryName" ' delete the "calendar_QueryName" property for the current database On Error GoTo Proc_Err Dim sMsg As String Dim bRelease As Boolean '230514 bRelease = False If obj Is Nothing Then Set obj = CurrentDb bRelease = True End If With obj '210811 s4p, 230514 .Properties.Delete (psPropName) sMsg = "Deleted " & psPropName _ & " in " & .Name End With Debug.Print "*" & Now(),sMsg Proc_exit: '230514 On Error GoTo 0 If bRelease Then Set obj = Nothing Exit Sub Proc_Err: Resume Proc_exit End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' IsPropertyDefined '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Function IsPropertyDefined( _ ByVal pPropName As String _ ,Optional obj As Object _ ,Optional vValueReturn As Variant _ ) As Boolean '121127, 130429, 210811, 230514 'Crystal, strive4peace 'PARAMETERS ' Obj can be a database, a Tabledef, a Field... ' if it is missing, CurrentDb is used ' On Error GoTo Proc_Err IsPropertyDefined = False Dim bRelease As Boolean '230514 bRelease = False If obj Is Nothing Then Set obj = CurrentDb bRelease = True End If With obj '230610 s4p vValueReturn = .Properties(pPropName) End With IsPropertyDefined = True Proc_exit: '230514 On Error GoTo 0 If bRelease Then Set obj = Nothing Exit Function Proc_Err: Resume Proc_exit End Function '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Show_Properties '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sub Show_Properties( _ Optional obj As Object _ ,Optional psStartCharacters As String = "" _ ) 'crystal (strive4peace) ...191122, 210811,230610 'output each property type, name, and value to the Immediate (Debug) window ' WizHook is used to sort the array before displaying it ' OPTIONAL PARAMETER ' obj = database, field, tabledef, querydef, ' or other object with properties collection ' if obj is not specified, then CurrentDb is used ' psStartCharacters is what the property names you want to see start with 'EXAMPLES ' Call Show_Properties( ,"calendar_") ' see all database property names that start with "calendar_" ' Show_Properties ' see all database property information Dim oProperty As Property Dim i As Integer Dim aPropertyName() As String Dim iNumberProperties As Integer Dim bRelease As Boolean '230610 On Error Resume Next If obj Is Nothing Then Set obj = CurrentDb bRelease = True End If 'load properties into an array With obj iNumberProperties = .Properties.Count ReDim aPropertyName(1 To iNumberProperties) i = 1 For Each oProperty In .Properties If psStartCharacters = "" _ Or Left(.Name,Len(psStartCharacters)) = psStartCharacters _ Then aPropertyName(i) = oProperty.Name i = i + 1 End If Next oProperty i = i - 1 'last value If i <> iNumberProperties Then iNumberProperties = i ReDim aPropertyName(1 To iNumberProperties) End If End With 'sort array WizHook.SortStringArray aPropertyName With obj For i = LBound(aPropertyName) To UBound(aPropertyName) With .Properties(aPropertyName(i)) 'show all or filter for start characters Debug.Print Debug.Print i & ". " & .Type; Tab(10); .Name; Debug.Print " = " & .Value; End With 'oProperty Next i End With Debug.Print Debug.Print "*** " & iNumberProperties & " properties listed",Now() Set oProperty = Nothing Proc_exit: On Error GoTo 0 If bRelease Then Set obj = Nothing End Sub ' '================================================================= '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Launch Examples '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Launch_Set_Property_AppTitle Public Sub Launch_Set_Property_AppTitle() '170721 s4p ' set database application title to path\file of current database ' Dim sAppTitle As String Dim db As DAO.Database Set db = CurrentDb 'set titlebar to path and file of current database sAppTitle = db.Name Call Set_Property( "AppTitle",sAppTitle,dbText,db) Set db = Nothing End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Launch_Get_Property_AppTitle Public Sub Launch_Get_Property_AppTitle() '170721 s4p MsgBox Get_Property( "AppTitle") _ ,, "AppTitle Property For Current Database" End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Launch_Get_Property_variousDatabase Public Sub Launch_Get_Property_variousDatabase() '170721 s4p ' write information to the Immediate (Debug) window ' about various current database properties On Error GoTo Proc_Err Dim db As DAO.Database Set db = CurrentDb Dim sValue As String _ ,sPropertyName As String _ ,sMsg As String _ ,i As Integer Dim avProperty() As Variant 'must be Variant to use Array function 'my note: alternately, could store as string and then Split to Array avProperty = Array( _ "AppTitle" _ , "StartUpForm" _ , "StartUpShowStatusBar" _ , "StartUpShowDBWindow" _ , "ShowDocumentTabs" _ , "AllowSpecialKeys" _ , "Auto Compact" _ , "Picture Property Storage Format" _ , "Themed Form Controls" _ , "AllowFullMenus" _ , "AllowShortcutMenus" _ , "AllowBuiltInToolbars" _ , "Show Values Limit" _ , "Track Name AutoCorrect Info" _ , "Perform Name AutoCorrect" _ , "NavPane Category" _ , "Show Navigation Pane Search Bar" _ , "NavPane Closed" _ , "NavPane Width" _ , "NavPane View By" _ , "NavPane Sort By" _ , "Version" _ ) sMsg = "" For i = LBound(avProperty) To UBound(avProperty) sPropertyName = avProperty(i) 'call Get_Property sMsg = sMsg & vbCrLf _ & Space(3) & sPropertyName _ & " = " _ & Get_Property(sPropertyName,db) Next i Debug.Print "*** Various Properties For " _ & db.Name _ & ", " & Now() _ & sMsg MsgBox sMsg,, "Various Properties For Current Database" Proc_exit: On Error GoTo 0 Set db = Nothing Exit Sub Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description,, _ "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " Launch_Get_Property_variousDatabase" Resume Proc_exit Resume End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' set properties in another database '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Set_AllowSpecialKeys to True in other database Sub Set_AllowSpecialKeys() Dim db As DAO.Database ' -------------------- customize path\file for your database Set db = OpenDatabase( "C:\Data\MyDatabase.accdb") 'False=don't skip message Call Set_Property( "AllowSpecialKeys",True,dbBoolean _ ,db,False) db.Close Set db = Nothing End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Specific Examples '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' set, get, or delete a property called contact_CID '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ get the value of "contact_CID" Function Get_CurrentCID(Optional pvDefaultValue As Long = 0) As Long Get_CurrentCID = Get_Property( "contact_CID",,pvDefaultValue) End Function '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ set the value of "contact_CID" Sub Set_CurrentCID(Optional pnCID As Long) Call Set_Property( "contact_CID",pnCID,dbLong) End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ delete the "contact_CID" database property Sub Delete_CurrentCID(Optional pnCID As Long) Call Delete_Property( "contact_CID") End Sub '*************** Code End *******************************************************
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This module has several procedures that are helpful when using properties to store information
Set_Property | set or change a database (or object) property to specified value |
Get_Property | get the value of a database (or object) property |
Delete_Property | delete a property |
IsPropertyDefined | return True if a property (for database or other specified object) is defined |
Show_Properties | output each property type, name, and value to the Immediate (Debug) window. Optionally, specify starting characters for property name to list so you can filter properties for just those you're interested in. |
Launch Examples | |
Launch_Set_Property_AppTitle | set database application title to path\file of current database |
Launch_Get_Property_AppTitle | get the current database application title |
Launch_Get_Property_variousDatabase | write information to the Immediate (Debug) window about various current database properties |
Set_AllowSpecialKeys | Set_AllowSpecialKeys to True in other database |
Specific Examples | |
Get_CurrentCID | get the value of a database a property called contact_CID |
Set_CurrentCID | set a database a property called contact_CID |
Delete_CurrentCID | delete a database a property called contact_CID |
to download the zipped BAS file containing the code above to manage properties.
(4 kb, unzips to a module BAS file)
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Help: Properties object
Help: Properties.Append method
Help: Application.CurrentDb object
Help: Debug object
Help: Debug.Print method
Help: DBEngine.OpenDatabase method
Help: Array function
I use a version of this module in almost every project I create. Hope it's useful for you too ~
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