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It takes time to figure out what your macros are doing, and there's not an easy readable way to document them other then screenshots. This code converts embedded macros for Access forms and reports, and stand-alone macros, to VBA. Be sure to back up your database first in case you might want to see the embedded macros again.
When you're getting started with Access, using the friendly wizards to write macros helps you get your Access application off the ground, such as for command buttons. Unlike Excel, in Access, the terms "Macro" and "VBA" aren't the same. Access has Macros as well as VBA.
To see what a macro is doing, you can go to the design view of a macro in the Navigation Pane, or go to the builder for an [Embedded Macro] on the property sheet. It would be nice if there was one place you could go to see all the embedded macros for a form or report, but there isn't. It takes time to examine the property sheet for each object to see all that's happening.
As you use Access more, no doubt you'll dive into VBA. Or maybe you already use VBA but got a database to maintain or modify that has a bunch of macros! VBA is easier to see and document than macros.
Download zipped BAS file you can import into your Access projects: mod_ConvertMacrosToVBA_s4p__BAS.zip
Remember to UNBLOCK files you download to remove the Mark of the Web. Here are steps to do that: https://msaccessgurus.com/MOTW_Unblock.htm
SendKeys is used to avoid having to confirm this dialog box:
and this message (except the first one, and maybe a few more):
and because of using SendKeys, the MsgBox at the end doesn't show. Press Ctrl-G to open the Debug Window and see what was done. It's not a perfect solution, but will help you see better what's going on.
When the conversion from macros to VBA is done, compile the VBA. Kim Young told me that Data Macros aren't actually deleted when you 'delete' them -- not sure if this extends to embedded macros or not. After running this code, you might get an error such as this:
Comment the extra procedure so you can examine it later if desired, and compile until all is ok.
'module: mod_ConvertMacrosToVBA_s4p '*************** Code Start *********************************************** ' Purpose : Convert Macros To VBA ' forms, reports, stand-alone macros ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' Code List: www.msaccessgurus.com/code.htm ' This code: https://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/ConvertMacrosToVBA.htm ' LICENSE : ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk. '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ConvertMacrosToVBA_s4p '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub ConvertMacrosToVBA_s4p() ' uses acCmdConvertMacrosToVisualBasic '160725 strive4peace, 170529, 230509 'while this is running, you may need to press ENTER for it to continue ' although macros are converted to VBA, ' you will have to manually fix places where macros are called ' Close all open objects before running 'CLICK HERE ' PRESS F5 to Run! 'set up error handler On Error GoTo Proc_Err Dim db As DAO.Database _ ,Cnt As DAO.Container _ ,Doc As DAO.Document _ ,obj As Object Dim sDocument As String _ ,iNumForms As Integer _ ,iNumReports As Integer _ ,iNumMacros As Integer _ ,sMsg As String 'set an object variable to the current database Set db = CurrentDb sMsg = "Before running this code, backup the database, " _ & "and close all open objects." _ & vbCrLf & "Open the Debug window when done to see a list of " _ & " forms, reports, and stand-alone macros" If MsgBox(sMsg,vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 _ , "Convert Macros?") <> vbYes Then Exit Sub End If ' 'close all open forms ' Call CloseAllForms ' 'close all open reports ' Call CloseAllReports iNumForms = 0 iNumReports = 0 iNumMacros = 0 'convert macros for Forms 'set an object variable to the forms container Set Cnt = db.Containers( "Forms") Debug.Print "-------------- Forms --------------" For Each Doc In Cnt.Documents 'get the name of the form sDocument = Doc.Name 'print name to debug (Immediate) window Debug.Print sDocument 'open in design view DoCmd.OpenForm sDocument,acDesign 'acknowledge msgbox of what to convert so user is not prompted ' Add error handling ' include comments 'False: don't wait to process keystroke -- go to next statement SendKeys "{ENTER}",False 'convert macros to vba DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdConvertMacrosToVisualBasic 'acknowledge "conversion Finished message" SendKeys "{ENTER}",False 'close form and save DoCmd.Close acForm,sDocument,acSaveYes iNumForms = iNumForms + 1 Next Doc 'convert macros for Reports Set Cnt = db.Containers( "Reports") Debug.Print "-------------- Reports --------------" For Each Doc In Cnt.Documents 'get the name of the Report sDocument = Doc.Name 'print name to debug (Immediate) window Debug.Print sDocument 'open in design view DoCmd.OpenReport sDocument,acDesign SendKeys "{ENTER}",False DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdConvertMacrosToVisualBasic SendKeys "{ENTER}",False 'close Report and save DoCmd.Close acReport,sDocument,acSaveYes iNumReports = iNumReports + 1 Next Doc 'convert macros for stand along Macros Debug.Print "-------------- Macros --------------" For Each obj In CurrentProject.AllMacros iNumMacros = iNumMacros + 1 Debug.Print obj.Name DoCmd.SelectObject acMacro,obj.Name,True SendKeys "{ENTER}",False DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdConvertMacrosToVisualBasic SendKeys "{ENTER}",False Next obj sMsg = "*** Converted macros for " & iNumForms & " forms, " _ & iNumReports & " reports, and " _ & iNumMacros & " stand-alone macros " Debug.Print sMsg 'I think this sends an extra ENTER at the end '… so MsgBox doesn't show - could stop that by counting and comparing MsgBox sMsg,, "Done Converting Macros" Proc_Exit: On Error Resume Next 'release object variables Set obj = Nothing Set Doc = Nothing Set Cnt = Nothing Set db = Nothing Exit Sub Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description,,_ "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " ConvertMacrosToVBA_s4p " Resume Proc_Exit ' Ctrl-Break the MsgBox... then Debug ' then set Resume to be the next statement by right-clicking on it ' and choosing Set Next Statement from the shortcut menu ' then press F8 to step through code one line at a time to see what is wrong Resume End Sub '*************** Code End *****************************************************Code was generated with colors using the free Color Code add-in for Access
Help: Document.Container property (DAO)
Help: SendKeys statement
Help: acCmdConvertMacrosToVisualBasic: AcCommand enumeration (Access)
Unraveling macros can take a long time. Much quicker to convert them all to VBA. If you want to document the VBA code in your project, get my free Code Documenter
Data Macros aren't converted because they must be macros to run. If back-end is converted to SQL Server, data macros become table triggers.
You can’t assign keyboard shortcuts with VBA. A macro called AutoKeys must be used. This is something macros can do that VBA cannot.
AutoExec (case doesn't matter) ... if there is a macro with this name, it will AUTOmatically EXECute when the database opens. While the macro instructions can be converted to VBA, they won't run automatically unless the AutoExec macro calls that code or a startup form calls it.
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or in old browsers:
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~ crystal
the simplest way is best, but usually the hardest to see