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At the beginning of a file,  indicates that the file is encoded using UTF-8, one way of encoding Unicode. I couldn't find a connect string parameter (like perhaps CharSet) to handle UTF-8.
As a result, I wrote VBA code to strip the first 3 characters of the file so the first fieldname or line of data doesn't begin with these odd characters.
Some systems use ISO-8859-1 (which is gradually being changed to UTF-8) to encode files. When Access reads them, that beginning marker causes issues either in the first fieldname or first line of data, depending if there are headers (HDR) or not.
Download zipped BAS file you can import into your VBA projects for Access, Excel, and other apps when you need it. mod_File_RemoveUTF8bom_s4p.zip
If you have trouble with a download, you may need to unblock the ZIP file, aka remove Mark of the Web, before extracting the file. Here are steps to do that: https://msaccessgurus.com/MOTW_Unblock.htm
' module name: mod_File_RemoveUTF8bom_s4p '*************** Code Start *************************************************** ' Purpose : strip  from beinning of file contents ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' Code List: www.msaccessgurus.com/code.htm ' This code: https://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/File_RemoveUTF8bom.htm ' LICENSE : ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' TextFileStripBOM_s4p '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Public Function TextFileStripBOM_s4p( _ psPathFile As String _ ) As Boolean '230127 strive4peace ' strip UTF-8 BOM (byte order mark)  ' from beginning of file 'Return ' False if no change made to file ' True if file was changed TextFileStripBOM_s4p = False Dim iFile As Integer _ ,sFileContents As String _ ,s3 As String 'get a numeric file handle to refer to the file iFile = FreeFile 'open the file for reading Open psPathFile For Input As iFile 'get first 3 characters of file s3 = Input(3,iFile) 'see if there is a marker for UTF-8 If s3 <> "" Then 'no changes to file GoTo Proc_Exit End If 'get rest of file sFileContents = Input(LOF(iFile) - 3,iFile) Close iFile 'over-write file without BOM characters Open psPathFile For Output As iFile Print #iFile,sFileContents 'indicate that a change to the file was made TextFileStripBOM_s4p = True Proc_Exit: On Error Resume Next Close iFile Exit Function Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description _ ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " TextFileStripBOM_s4p" Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Function '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' testTextFileStripBOM_s4p '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Sub testTextFileStripBOM_s4p() '230127 s4p test TextFileStripBOM_s4p 'CALLs ' TextFileStripBOM_s4p Dim sPath As String _ ,sFile As String _ ,sPathFile As String sPath = "C:\myPath" sFile = "Filename.csv" sPathFile = sPath _ & IIf(Right(sPath,1) <> "\", "\", "") _ & sFile ' Call TextFileStripBOM_s4p(sPathFileIn, sPathFileOut) MsgBox TextFileStripBOM_s4p(sPathFile),, "Done" End Sub '*************** Code End *****************************************************' Code was generated with colors using the free Color Code add-in for Access.
LOF function Length of File in bytes
ISO/IEC 8859-1 gradually being changed to UTF-8
Characters, Symbols and the Unicode Miracle - Computerphile (9:36)
I'm writing a program to loop through a folder and get data from CSV files And then, I ran into this! Three weird characters at the beginning that had to go!
If there's a way for Access to interpret the file as UTF-8, I couldn't find it. Anyhow, none of the contents requires Unicode, so the best option seemed to be to simply remove the beginning marker characters. Actually, it is just one Unicode character, U+FEFF. FEFF is decimal 65279.
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~ crystal
the simplest way is best, but usually the hardest to see