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Do you want to make a file from data that has Unicode characters? How do you do it? A text file created by standard means won't properly write the information. Use an ADODB.Stream, and write from fields directly.
If you're running this code from Excel, use cell references for the data
Download zipped BAS file you can import into your Access projects and customize: mod_File_SaveUnicode_s4p__BAS.zip
Download sample database with Merry Christmas in different languages: File_SaveUnicode_Merry_s4p__ACCDB.zip
Remember to UNBLOCK files you download to remove the Mark of the Web. Here are steps to do that: https://msaccessgurus.com/MOTW_Unblock.htm
'*************** Code Start ***************************************************** ' Purpose : Create (or replace) a file with Unicode characters using ADODB.Stream ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' This code: https://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/File_SaveUnicode.htm ' Code List: https://msaccessgurus.com/code.htm ' LICENSE : ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' File_SaveUnicode_s4p '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Public Sub File_SaveUnicode_s4p() ' create a file with Unicode characters directly from fields ' the Translation field might have Unicode characters ' file is created in CurrentProject.Path On Error GoTo Proc_Err Dim sSQL As String _ ,sPathFile As String _ ,sMsg As String Dim db As DAO.Database _ ,rs As DAO.Recordset 'early binding ' Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.1 Library ' Dim MyStream As ADODB.Stream 'late binding Dim MyStream As Object 'ADODB.Stream Set MyStream = CreateObject( "ADODB.Stream") sPathFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\MerryChristmas_DifferentLanguages.txt" 'delete file if it already exists If Dir(sPathFile) <> "" Then Kill sPathFile DoEvents End If sSQL = "SELECT T.PhraseID" _ & ", L.Languag" _ & ", T.Translation" _ & ", L.pReadingOrder" _ & " FROM tLanguages AS L " _ & " INNER JOIN tTranslation AS T ON L.LangID = T.LangID" _ & " WHERE(T.PhraseID = 1)" _ & " ORDER BY L.Languag;" Set db = CurrentDb Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sSQL,dbOpenDynaset) With MyStream .Type = 2 'adTypeText .Charset = "utf-8" .Open .WriteText "-- Merry Christmas in different languages --" .WriteText Chr(13) & Chr(10) 'loop through records Do While Not rs.EOF 'space and then language .WriteText Space(5) & rs!Languag 'could have used a string variable for this 'new line .WriteText Chr(13) & Chr(10) 'translation and then another new line .WriteText rs!Translation 'THIS is why the ADO stream is needed! .WriteText Chr(13) & Chr(10) rs.MoveNext Loop rs.Close 'save and close the file .SaveToFile sPathFile .Close End With 'MyStream sMsg = sPathFile & " is created, " _ & vbCrLf & "Do you want to open it?" If MsgBox(sMsg,vbYesNo, "Open File?") = vbYes Then Call Shell( "Explorer.exe" & " " & sPathFile,vbNormalFocus) End If Proc_Exit: On Error Resume Next 'release object variables If Not rs Is Nothing Then rs.Close Set rs = Nothing End If Set db = Nothing Set MyStream = Nothing Exit Sub Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description,,_ "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " File_SaveUnicode_s4p " Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Sub '*************** Code End *******************************************************Code was generated with colors using the free Color Code add-in for Access
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I started using ADODB streams back in 2009 to write caption files for the videos I post on YouTube so that 'foreign' characters will be what they are actually are, and not a box or a question mark.
When I first faced this issue, I reached out to others. Thanks to Tony Jollans, a Word MVP, who told me how to do it! His example used .Charset = "Unicode" but I changed it to "utf-8" for my caption files, which are in SRT (SubRip) format for YouTube.
Here's the link for this page in case you want to copy it and share it with someone:
or in old browsers:
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~ crystal
the simplest way is best, but usually the hardest to see