VBA function declaration to make or change a query Ms Access Gurus

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Make a new query or change the SQL of a query using VBA

Send a Query name and SQL to make a new query or change the SQL for an existing query.

Change SQL or make a new Query with the SQL

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Download zipped BAS file you can import into your VBA projects for Access. mod_Query_Make_s4p.zip

If you have trouble with a download, you may need to unblock the ZIP file, aka remove Mark of the Web, before extracting the file. Here are steps to do that: https://msaccessgurus.com/MOTW_Unblock.htm

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Standard module

' module name: mod_Query_Make_s4p
'*************** Code Start ***************************************************
' Purpose  : make a query or change the SQL of a query
' Author   : crystal (strive4peace)
' Code List: www.msaccessgurus.com/code.htm
' This code: https://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/Query_Make.htm
'   You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it.
'   Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk.
'                              Query_Make_s4p
Sub Query_Make_s4p( _ 
   ByVal qName As String _ 
   ,ByVal pSql As String _ 
'crystal (strive4peace) 220127
' if query already exists, update the SQL
' if not, create the query

   On Error GoTo Proc_Err 
   Dim db As DAO.Database 
   Set db = CurrentDb 
   With db 
      'Query: Type = 5  
      If Nz(DLookup( "[Name]", "MSysObjects", _ 
          "[Name]='" & qName _ 
          &  "' And [Type]=5"), "") =  "" Then 
          .CreateQueryDef qName,pSql 
         'if query is open, close it
         On Error Resume Next 
         DoCmd.Close acQuery,qName,acSaveNo 
         On Error GoTo Proc_Err 
         .QueryDefs(qName).SQL = pSql 
      End If 
      'refresh database window
   End With 
   On Error GoTo 0 
   Set db = Nothing 
   Exit Sub  
   MsgBox Err.Description,, _ 
     "ERROR " & Err.Number &  "  Query_Make"
   Resume Proc_Exit 

   'if you want to single-step code to find error, CTRL-Break at MsgBox
   'then set this to be the next statement
End Sub 
'*************** Code End *****************************************************
' Code was generated with colors using the free Color Code add-in for Access.

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QueryDef.SQL property (DAO)

Database.QueryDefs property (DAO)

CreateQueryDef method (DAO)

QueryDefs.Refresh method (DAO)

Application.RefreshDatabaseWindow method (Access)

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Saved queries can be used as record sources and row sources, as well as opening and viewing or changing data.

I use this procedure a lot! You can also use it for modifying the SQL for a pass-thru query. The next post will be VBA to create an SQL statement that links to a CSV text file.

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~ crystal

the simplest way is best, but usually the hardest to see

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