object types and names in Access database Ms Access Gurus

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SQL for Query to List Object Names in Access database

Create a quick list of object types and names in your database. Show names of tables, queries, forms, reports, macros and modules.

Perhaps you need this information for documentation or to expand on for things to do or test?

Behind the scenes, Access keeps track of this information and more in the Microsoft System Objects table called MSysObjects.

You can also count how many object of each type there are.

Summarize object type and count of each

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Download zipped TXT file that you can copy from to get SQL to make qObjex listing objects types and names, and qObjex_Summary to count how many objects each type has: Query_SQL_ListObjects_s4p__TXT.zip

If you have trouble with the download, you may need to unblock the ZIP file, aka remove Mark of the Web, before extracting the file. Here are steps to do that: https://msaccessgurus.com/MOTW_Unblock.htm

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Here is SQL to list object types and names. The SWITCH function is used to convert the numeric value for object type to a recognizable word, and also to sort the list logically rather than numerically or alphabetically.

Switch([Type]=1,"Table",[Type]=5,"Query",[Type]=-32768,"Form",[Type]=-32764,"Report",[Type]=-32766,"Macro",[Type]=-32761,"Module",[Type]=4,"ODBC Table",[Type]=6,"Linked Table",[Type]=8,"Relationship",[Type]=3,"container") AS ObjectType
, m.Name
, m.Type
, m.Flags

FROM MSysObjects AS m

(((m.Type)<>3) AND ((m.Flags)>=0) AND ((Left([Name],1))<>"~" And (Left([Name],1))<>"{" And (Left([Name],1))<>"_") AND ((Left([Name],4))<>"MSys" And (Left([Name],4))<>"MSys"))

Switch([Type]=1,"10",[Type]=5,"20",[Type]=-32768,"30",[Type]=-32764,"40",[Type]=-32766,"50",[Type]=-32761,"60",[Type]=4,"11",[Type]=6,"12",[Type]=8,"80",[Type]=3,"90",1=1,99) , m.Name;


Here is SQL to count how many objects each type has:

Switch([Type]=1,"Table",[Type]=5,"Query",[Type]=-32768,"Form",[Type]=-32764,"Report",[Type]=-32766,"Macro",[Type]=-32761,"Module",[Type]=4,"ODBC Table",[Type]=6,"Linked Table",[Type]=8,"Relationship",[Type]=3,"container") AS ObjectType
, Count(m.Id) AS Nbr

FROM MSysObjects AS m

(((m.Type)<>3) AND ((m.Flags)>=0) AND ((Left([Name],1))<>"~" And (Left([Name],1))<>"{" And (Left([Name],1))<>"_") AND ((Left([Name],4))<>"MSys" And (Left([Name],4))<>"MSys"))

, Switch([Type]=1,"Table",[Type]=5,"Query",[Type]=-32768,"Form",[Type]=-32764,"Report",[Type]=-32766,"Macro",[Type]=-32761,"Module",[Type]=4,"ODBC Table",[Type]=6,"Linked Table",[Type]=8,"Relationship",[Type]=3,"container")

ORDER BY Switch([Type]=1,"10",[Type]=5,"20",[Type]=-32768,"30",[Type]=-32764,"40",[Type]=-32766,"50",[Type]=-32761,"60",[Type]=4,"11",[Type]=6,"12",[Type]=8,"80",[Type]=3,"90",1=1,99);

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Making a query to show object types and names will give you results such as:

image of example running query to list object types and names


Example query to count how many for each object type:

image of example running query to list howmany objects in each type

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Steps to create a new query from SQL

  1. Create ribbon
  2. from Queries group, choose Query Design
  3. right-click in top pane for sources and, from shortcut menu choose SQL View, or switch to SQL View using the Home or Query Design ribbon
  4. copy the SQL and paste
    be sure not to keep any characters before the word SELECT, or after the terminating semi-colon ;
  5. switch to Datasheet View to look at results
  6. save the query if you want

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Microsoft Help

Help: Switch Function

free Analyzer

If you want a free tool to tell you a lot more about your database, download and read about it here: Analyzer

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I use this quick SQL a lot! Usually I want a list of tables, but sometimes other objects too. You can also link to the MSysObjects table in another database and modify the source to be your linked table ... or specify the IN clause for another database in the SQL Statement.

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~ crystal

the simplest way is best, but usually the hardest to see

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