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Quickly make SQL Statements easier to understand by inserting spaces and line breaks where it makes sense. Untangle logic, inspect something that was constructed in VBA and doesn't work quite right, create documentation, and more.
You can run the VBA code and get the result to put somewhere yourself, or use the add-in for a convenient form.
On the Menu form that opens, simply paste an SQL statement into the textbox on the left for the Original, and then press TAB to run the AfterUpdate event and write the Result into the textbox on the right. The Result will be selected so you can quickly copy it — or activate the command button to "Copy to Clipboard" or "Save to File".
This is a free Add-in with open source VBA code for Access. Although it's designed to be an add-in, you don't have to use it that way! You can open the ACCDA file with Access and use the form to add spacing to SQL statements without installing it as an add-in. You can also call the VBA code from your application.
Interesting and insightful observation by Jack Drawbridge: if the add-in form is active, apparently, you can only switch from SQL to Datasheet or (a proper) Design view if a query has been saved. The saved version doesn't have to be the current SQL. When you make a new query, under these circumstances, it doesn't work.
Further testing reveals that a new query created from SQL does work, as long as my Add-in menu form isn't what's active. Therefore, you need to OPEN an object in your current database, anything it seems, before you choose to make a new query, so the CurrentDb is where a new query goes!
This is not the behavior I expected. All is good if you're just replacing current SQL somewhere. Perhaps this is because the add-in isn't protected? It's just an ACCDB that's been renamed to ACCDA.
When activated, there's a menu form. Paste an SQL statement into the "Original" textbox on the left. Tab or click out of that control so its AfterUpdate event runs and shows the SQL Result with line breaks and spacing in the textbox on the right. Much easier to understand and modify.
Space in the right places can help greatly with faster understanding, and enable you to focus on what's most important.
The number of characters are displayed on the form for the Original and the Result.
Copy the Result to the Windows clipboard. You can also select this and copy it yourself.
Create a text file with the SQL results with spaces and line breaks. There's a prompt to specify an optional Title to be included in the filename. By default, files will be created in a folder on the destop called "strive4peace", which you can change by editing the code. When done, you can choose to open the folder with Result files.
SQL Spacer is now on the Add-ins menu.
watch on YouTube: SQL Spacer VBA and Access Add-in (6:58)
watch on YouTube: How to Make and Install an Access Add-In (11:51)
This code is called by the add-in menu form. It can also be run on its own. SQLSpacer_s4p returns a string with spacing and line breaks given an SQL statement.
'*************** Code Start ***************************************************** ' module name: bas_SQLSpacer_s4p '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose : return SQL Statement with added line breaks and spaces ' so it's easier to comprehend ' this module also includes a function to add quotes and line continuations for VBA ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' web site : https://msaccessgurus.com ' This code: https://msaccessgurus.com/tool/Addin_Addin_SQLSpacer.htm ' LICENSE : ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' LaunchMenu '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function LaunchMenu() '230727 strive4peace DoCmd.OpenForm "f_Menu_SQLSpacer_s4p" End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' SQLSpacer_s4p '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SQLSpacer_s4p( _ Optional ByVal pSQL As String = "" _ ) As String ' ' SQLSpacer_s4p ' strive4peace (crystal) ' 150726 ... 150811, 230727-28 ' return SQL statement with added line breaks and spacing ' so it's easier to comprehend 'PARAMETER ' pSQL = SQL statement to add line breaks and spacing to 'CALLED BY: ' code behind form f_Menu_SQLSpacer_s4p ' SQLSpacer4VBA On Error GoTo Proc_Err SQLSpacer_s4p = "" If Not Len(Trim(pSQL)) > 0 Then Exit Function Dim sSQL As String _ ,sLineBreak As String _ ,i As Integer 'NOTE: there could be more terms in this list Const iMax As Integer = 14 Dim aLookFor(1 To iMax) As String sSQL = Trim(pSQL) sLineBreak = vbCrLf sSQL = Replace(sSQL,sLineBreak, " ") aLookFor(1) = " SELECT " aLookFor(2) = " FROM " aLookFor(3) = " IN " aLookFor(4) = " INTO " aLookFor(5) = " WHERE " aLookFor(6) = " GROUP BY " aLookFor(7) = " HAVING " aLookFor(8) = " ORDER BY " aLookFor(9) = " SET " aLookFor(10) = " ON " aLookFor(11) = " AND " aLookFor(12) = " LEFT " aLookFor(13) = " RIGHT " aLookFor(14) = " INNER " For i = 1 To iMax If i >= 9 Then sSQL = Replace(sSQL,aLookFor(i),sLineBreak & Space(3) & aLookFor(i)) Else sSQL = Replace(sSQL,aLookFor(i),sLineBreak & " " & aLookFor(i)) End If Next i 'replace commas with line break, space, comma sSQL = Replace(sSQL, ", ",sLineBreak & Space(3) & ", ") SQLSpacer_s4p = sSQL 'Also print to Immediate (Debug) window -- Ctrl-G to look Debug.Print sSQL Proc_Exit: On Error Resume Next Exit Function Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description,,_ "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " SQLSpacer_s4p" Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' runSQLSpacer4VBA '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub runSQLSpacer4VBA() 'Customize and then CLICK HERE and Press F5 to Run! 'Ctrl-G to look at Immediate (Debug) window to see Results Dim sSQL As String '------------------------ customize with your SQL statement to test sSQL = "SELECT E.AtomicN, E.Symb, E.Element, E.AtomicMass, IIf([E].[Row_]<8,[E].[Row_],[E].[Row_]-2) AS Period, C.Classification FROM t_ELEMENT AS E LEFT JOIN t_Classification AS C ON E.ClassID = C.ClassID ORDER BY E.AtomicN;" sSQL = SQLSpacer4VBA(sSQL) Debug.Print sSQL End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' SQLSpacer4VBA '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SQLSpacer4VBA(ByVal pSQL As String) As String Dim sSQL As String _ ,iPos As Integer 'create a string you can paste into a VBA procedure to construct an SQL statement ' adds quote marks and replaces CrLf with line continuation for VBA ' Modify to include variable as desired sSQL = SQLSpacer_s4p(pSQL) sSQL = Trim( """" & Replace(sSQL,vbCrLf, " "" _" & vbCrLf & " & """)) iPos = InStrRev(sSQL, ";") If iPos > 0 Then sSQL = Trim(Left(sSQL,iPos)) & """" End If SQLSpacer4VBA = sSQL End Function '*************** Code End *****************************************************
Option Compare Database Option Explicit '*************** Code Start ***************************************************** ' code behind form: f_Menu_SQLSpacer_s4p '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose : add line breaks and spaces to SQL statement so it's easier to comprehend ' textbox with Original SQL and Result SQL ' bound to a table with 2 long text fields ' keep overwriting same record ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' web site : https://msaccessgurus.com ' This code: https://msaccessgurus.com/tool/Addin_Addin_SQLSpacer.htm ' LICENSE : ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk. 'TABLE: ' s4p_Mem: one record with long text fields ' is used over and over so strings can be longer '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Form_Load '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Form_Load() '200410 strive4peace 'clear old data Me.memOrig = Null Me.memResult = Null End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' memOrig_AfterUpdate '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub memOrig_AfterUpdate() '230727, 28 ' write results to the form 'call SQLSpacer_s4p With Me If IsNull(.memOrig.Value) Then Exit Sub .memResult.Value = SQLSpacer_s4p(.memOrig.Value & "") End With Proc_Exit: On Error Resume Next Exit Sub Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description _ ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " memOrig_AfterUpdate : " & Me.Name Resume Proc_Exit 'if you BREAK MsgBox, you can set this to be next statement: Resume End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' cmd_Copy2Clipboard_Click '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub cmd_Copy2Clipboard_Click() '200411 strive4peace, 230727 'copy result code to the Windows clipboard Dim sCode As String With Me.memResult If Nz(.Value, "") = "" Then Exit Sub sCode = .Value End With 'MSForms.DataObject With CreateObject( "new:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}") .SetText sCode .PutInClipboard End With MsgBox "Press Ctrl-V to paste the Result where you want it",, "Done" End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' cmd_SaveFile_Click '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub cmd_SaveFile_Click() '200429 strive4peace, 230728 ' save SQL results to a text file. Will start with "SQL_" and end with Now as "yymmdd_hhnn_ss" ' Prompt for optional Title to include in file name ' Path is currently a folder called \strive4peace\ on the Desktop, which can be changed 'CALLS ' SaveStringAsFile Dim sPathFile As String _ ,sPath As String _ ,sTitle As String _ ,sResult As String sResult = "" With Me.memResult If Nz(.Value, "") = "" Then Exit Sub sResult = .Value End With sTitle = InputBox( "Enter optional title to include in file name:" _ , "Title", "") '--- sPath sPath = Environ( "USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\strive4peace\" 'create folder if it doesn't yet exist If Dir(sPath,vbDirectory) = "" Then MkDir sPath DoEvents End If 'add filename to path sPathFile = sPath & "SQL_" _ & IIf(sTitle <> "",sTitle & "_", "") _ & Format(Now(), "yymmdd_hhnn_ss") & ".txt" ' Call SaveStringAsFile ' With Me.memResult If sResult <> "" Then Call SaveStringAsFile(sPathFile,sResult) Else MsgBox "Nothing to save", "Nothing to do" Exit Sub End If ' End With If MsgBox(sPathFile & " was created. Open Path to file?" _ ,vbYesNo, "Open Path?") = vbNo Then Exit Sub Application.FollowHyperlink sPath End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' SaveStringAsFile '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' this could be a Public procedure Private Sub SaveStringAsFile(psPathFile As String,psFileContents As String) '160730 strive4peace Dim iFile As Integer iFile = FreeFile Open psPathFile For Output As iFile Print #iFile,psFileContents Close iFile End Sub ' '*************** Code End *******************************************************
The download contains an ACCDA that is really an Access ACCDB with additional setup so it can be installed as an add-in. However, you can simply open it with Access and use it!
This add-in is a regular ACCDB file that has been renamed to have an ACCDA extension. It may be used freely, but you may not sell it in whole or in part. You may include it in applications you develop for others provided you keep attribution, mark your modifications, and share this source link.
Remember to UNBLOCK files you download to remove the Mark of the Web. Here are steps to do that: https://msaccessgurus.com/MOTW_Unblock.htm
The code to add spacing and line breaks to SQL works best with well-named fields. More terms could be added to Find + Replace for the SQL string — and more find and fix code too — most of what you probably need is consdered. The result could possibly be an SQL statement that can't render, although I've yet to find one. If you have a comma inside a quoted value, you'll probably need to fix the Result.
The VBA code is all open, so if you modify something to make it work better for you, please let me know to share with others.
If you have lots of SQL statements to document, here's a free tool to document SQL statements to Word with spacing for queries, forms, or reports: Document SQL, RecordSource, RowSource for Queries, Forms, and Reports
... but maybe, you're focused on just one SQL statement. That's when this code is handy ~ hope you like it as much as I do.
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