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Get a list of all the fonts you have installed and what each one looks like so you can pick the fonts you want to use!
This Access database has a form that makes it easy to create a Word document that enumerates Font names and shows an example of each with characters it has.
Limit the report by specifying a pattern for font name to focus on to find exactly what you're looking for.
Learn VBA
As the process runs, a progress message is written to the screen so you can see what the code is doing. There are also buttons you can click for each major step so you can quickly go to the VBA code and learn how it works.
This zipped ACCDB file has open source code to look at and learn from: aWord_FontList_s4p__ACCDB.zip
Remember to UNBLOCK files you download to remove the Mark of the Web. Here are steps to do that: https://msaccessgurus.com/MOTW_Unblock.htm
There are 2 types of reports you can generate. One is a short list of characters in each font, and the other is a long list. Optionally, you may add a pattern to filter the list for specific fonts only.
Short List
Long List
Here are the 2 reports generated for my computer.
The report is sorted by font name. Vertical fonts are prefaced with @ but you can specify a pattern to eliminate them
Short List without vertical fonts, 1168 fonts, 47 pages
Long List without vertical fonts, 1168 fonts, 125 pages
what was that font name? Maybe you only remember a part of it -- find it quickly! Or maybe your're looking for a specific type of font ... here are some examples of patterns I generated for myself
Arial, 10 |
barcode, 7 |
Black, 59 |
Cond (condensed), 100 |
dings, 4 |
expand (expanded), 27 |
Extend (extended), 3 |
free, 1 |
Gothic, 44 |
Hand, 13 |
Italic, 3 |
lay, 26 | Light ALL, 199 | Light, 191 |
Mono, 18 |
Narrow, 2 |
New, 9 |
Poster, 1 |
Roman, 2 |
sans, 256 |
School, 1 |
script, 20 |
serif, 45 |
small, 4 |
style, 3 |
Symbol, 3 |
Thin, 42 |
Unicode, 2
Fonts designated for Unicode have additional characters and good choices if you use ChrW |
Keep in mind that these are fonts installed on my system -- yours may be different
Specify short or long list. Click button to create Word document.
Check 'Watch Progress' to see the Word document as its being created. This takes more time for the code to run but is interesting to watch.
Check 'Match Pattern' to evaluate each font name with a pattern, to see if it should be included. And then specify the pattern you desire. Default is to skip font names beginning with @
You can also click buttons to go to the VBA code for each major step.
Calls code in module:
Option Compare Database Option Explicit ' 230316 cmd_Word_FontList ' cbf: f_MENU_FONT_List '*************** Code Start *************************************************** ' Purpose : code behind form to List Windows Fonts installed using Word ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' Code List: https://MsAccessGurus.com/code.htm ' This Code: https://msaccessgurus.com/tool/aWord_FontList.htm ' LICENSE : ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Public UpdateProgress '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub UpdateProgress(psMessage As String) '230314 s4p Me.Label_Progress.Caption = psMessage End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Form_Load '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Form_Load() '230314 s4p Call UpdateProgress( " ") End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' chk_MatchPattern_AfterUpdate '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub chk_MatchPattern_AfterUpdate() '230316 With Me If .chk_MatchPattern <> False Then .txtPattern.SetFocus End If End With End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' cmd_Word_FontList_Click '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub cmd_Word_FontList_Click() '230314 strive4peace, 230316 'Calls ' Word_Make_Font_List_s4p Dim iShortLong As Integer Dim sPattern As String Dim bWatchProgress As Boolean With Me If .chk_MatchPattern <> False Then sPattern = .txtPattern Else sPattern = "" End If iShortLong = Nz(.fra_ShortLong,1) bWatchProgress = Nz(.chk_WatchProgress,0) End With Call Word_Make_Font_List_s4p( _ iShortLong,sPattern,bWatchProgress _ ) End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Open VBA Code '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mod_Word_Application_Document_s4p Private Sub cmd_VBA_WordApp_Create_Click() '230314 strive4peace DoCmd.OpenModule "mod_Word_Application_Document_s4p", "WordApp_Create" End Sub Private Sub cmd_VBA_WordDoc_GetNew_Click() '230314 strive4peace DoCmd.OpenModule "mod_Word_Application_Document_s4p", "WordDoc_GetNew" End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mod_Word_Margins_s4p Private Sub cmd_VBA_Word_Margins_Narrow_Click() '230314 strive4peace DoCmd.OpenModule "mod_Word_Margins_s4p", "Word_Margins_Narrow" End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mod_Word_Table_s4p Private Sub cmd_VBA_WordTable_Make_Click() '230314 strive4peace DoCmd.OpenModule "mod_Word_Table_s4p", "WordTable_Make" End Sub Private Sub cmd_VBA_WordTable_Borders_Click() '230314 strive4peace DoCmd.OpenModule "mod_Word_Table_s4p", "WordTable_Borders" End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mod_Word_Make_FONT_LIST_s4p Private Sub cmd_VBA_WriteData_Click() '230314 strive4peace DoCmd.OpenModule "mod_Word_Make_FONT_LIST_s4p", "Word_Make_Font_List_s4p" End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mod_Word_Header_s4p Private Sub cmd_VBA_WordDoc_Header_Click() '230314 strive4peace DoCmd.OpenModule "mod_Word_Header_s4p", "WordDoc_Header" End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mod_Word_Application_Document_s4p Private Sub cmd_VBA_WordDoc_SaveClose_Click() '230314 strive4peace DoCmd.OpenModule "mod_Word_Application_Document_s4p", "WordDoc_SaveClose" End Sub Private Sub cmd_VBA_WordApp_Release_Click() '230314 strive4peace DoCmd.OpenModule "mod_Word_Application_Document_s4p", "WordApp_Release" End Sub '*************** Code End *****************************************************
Calls code in modules:
Option Compare Database Option Explicit '2303126 psPattern, sDocHeader '*************** Code Start ***************************************************** ' module name: mod_Word_Make_Fonts_List_s4p '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose : VBA to create a list of Fonts installed in Windows using Word ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' Code List: https://MsAccessGurus.com/code.htm ' This Code: https://msaccessgurus.com/tool/aWord_FontList.htm ' LICENSE : ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Use at your own risk. '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'early binding needs reference to: ' Microsoft Word #.# Object Library ' Public variables defined and set in ' mod_Word_Application_Document_s4p ' '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' writePROGRESS '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub writePROGRESS(psMessage As String) '--- customize '230315 strive4peace. Send " " to clear message Call Form_f_MENU_FONT_List.UpdateProgress(psMessage) If psMessage = " " Then 'clear message ob status bar SysCmd acSysCmdClearStatus Else Dim sMessageStatus As String sMessageStatus = Replace(psMessage,vbCrLf, " ") SysCmd acSysCmdSetStatus,sMessageStatus End If End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Word_Make_Font_List_s4p '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub Word_Make_Font_List_s4p( _ Optional piShortLong As Integer = 1 _ ,Optional psPattern As String = "" _ ,Optional pbWatchProgress As Boolean = True _ ) '220420 strive4peace, 220530, 230314, 5 230316 'make a Word document showing examples of all the installed fonts 'CALLS ' writePROGRESS - write progress message to menu form ' WordApp_Create - set goWord ' WordDoc_GetNew - return Document ' WordTable_Make ' -- then write data ' Word_Margins_Narrow ' WordTable_Borders ' WordDoc_Header ' WordDoc_SaveClose ' WordApp_Release ' 'USES ' WizHook.SortStringArray On Error GoTo Proc_Err 'early binding ' Dim oDoc As Word.Document ' Dim oRange As Word.Range ' Dim oTable As Word.Table 'late binding Dim oDoc As Object Dim oRange As Object Dim oTable As Object Dim sText As String _ ,sPath As String _ ,sFilename As String _ ,sDocHeader As String _ ,sFontName As String _ ,sMsg As String _ ,sgTimer As Single Dim i As Integer _ ,iRow As Integer _ ,iRows As Integer _ ,iCountPattern As Integer Dim asFont() As String Dim aHeadArray(1 To 2) As String sgTimer = Timer sDocHeader = IIf(piShortLong = 1, "Short ", "Long ") _ & "Font List" _ & IIf(psPattern <> "" _ , " for pattern " & psPattern _ , "") sFilename = "FontList_" _ & IIf(psPattern <> "", "Pattern_", "") _ & IIf(piShortLong = 1, "Short", "Long") _ & "_s4p_" iCountPattern = 0 '--------------------------------------- Setup Word Call writePROGRESS( "set up Word") 'create goWord application object Call WordApp_Create 'make and return new Word document Set oDoc = WordDoc_GetNew 'set narrow page margins Call Word_Margins_Narrow(oDoc) '--------------------------------------- Write Data Call writePROGRESS( "write text and hyperlink") 'write stuff at beginning to describe document sText = "Download Access database with VBA" _ & " and a menu form to create this document: " With oDoc .Range.InsertAfter sText .Range.Collapse 0 Set oRange = oDoc.Range oRange.Collapse 0 .Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=oRange _ ,Address:= "https://msaccessgurus.com/tool/aWord_FontList.htm" _ ,TextToDisplay:= "https://msaccessgurus.com/tool/aWord_FontList.htm" End With With oDoc.Range .Collapse 0 .InsertParagraphAfter End With Call writePROGRESS( "assign example string") 'make string for example If piShortLong = 1 Then sText = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" & " " _ & "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" Else sText = Chr(32) 'space in standard fonts For i = 33 To 254 sText = sText & Chr(i) 'add space every 10 characters If i Mod 10 = 0 Then sText = sText & " " End If Next i End If 'set range to end of document Set oRange = oDoc.Content oRange.Collapse (0) '0=wdCollapseEnd 'count rows iRows = goWord.fontnames.Count Call writePROGRESS( "get and sort font names") 'make array with all the font names ReDim asFont(1 To iRows) iCountPattern = 0 For i = 1 To iRows sFontName = goWord.fontnames(i) If psPattern <> "" Then If Not sFontName Like psPattern Then GoTo proc_NextFont End If End If iCountPattern = iCountPattern + 1 asFont(iCountPattern) = sFontName proc_NextFont: Next i 'redimension array if there was a pattern If iCountPattern < 1 Then MsgBox "No font names match the pattern: " & psPattern _ ,, "Aborting document creation" oDoc.Close SaveChanges:=False GoTo Proc_Exit End If If iCountPattern <> iRows Then ReDim Preserve asFont(1 To iCountPattern) End If 'sort array of font names WizHook.SortStringArray asFont 'pause Call writePROGRESS( "table" _ & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "with specified number of rows and columns") 'make Word table at end of document with ' 1 row for each font + row for heading ' 2 columns ' skip Caption aHeadArray(1) = "Font Name" aHeadArray(2) = "Example" Set oTable = WordTable_Make(oDoc,oRange,iCountPattern + 1,2 _ , "",aHeadArray) Call writePROGRESS( "table" _ & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "set column widths") With oTable '1. FontName, 2. Example '----------------------- Column widths .Columns(1).PreferredWidth = CInt(1.8 * 72) .Columns(2).PreferredWidth = CInt(5.7 * 72) End With Call writePROGRESS( "table" _ & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "borders") Call WordTable_Borders(oTable) iRow = 1 'allow for heading row With oTable For i = LBound(asFont) To UBound(asFont) sFontName = asFont(i) Call writePROGRESS( "write data" _ & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & sFontName) iRow = iRow + 1 .Cell(iRow,1).Range.Text = sFontName With .Cell(iRow,2).Range If pbWatchProgress <> False Then .Select ' watch the progress End If .Text = sText .Font.Name = sFontName End With Next i End With 'oTable '--------------------------------------- Page Header Call writePROGRESS( "page header") Call WordDoc_Header(oDoc,sDocHeader) 'list how many fonts are listed at end of document Call writePROGRESS( "count fonts ") With oDoc.Content .InsertParagraphAfter .InsertParagraphAfter sMsg = Format(iRows, "#,###") & " fonts installed" If iCountPattern <> iRows Then sMsg = sMsg & ", " _ & Format(iCountPattern, "#,###") & " listed" End If .InsertAfter sMsg End With 'oDoc.Content 'goto the first page for a good leave '1=wdGoToPage '-1=wdGoToLast '1=wdGoToFirst oDoc.Goto 1,1 '--------------------------------------- Save and Close Document Document_Save: Call writePROGRESS( "Save and Close Document") 'get updated sFilename back Call WordDoc_SaveClose(oDoc _ ,sFilename _ , "strive4peace",,sPath) sgTimer = Timer - sgTimer If sgTimer > 60 Then sMsg = sMsg & vbCrLf _ & sgTimer \ 60 & " minutes, " _ & Format(sgTimer - (sgTimer \ 60) * 60, "#.#") & " seconds" Else sMsg = sMsg & vbCrLf _ & Format(sgTimer, "#.#") & " seconds" End If If pbWatchProgress <> False Then sMsg = sMsg & ", watching progress" End If sMsg = sPath _ & vbCrLf & sFilename _ & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & sMsg '--------------------------------------- Open Word Call writePROGRESS(sMsg) sMsg = sMsg _ & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Open the path?" If MsgBox(sMsg,vbYesNo, "Done") = vbYes Then Call Shell( "Explorer.exe" & " " & sPath,vbNormalFocus) End If Call writePROGRESS( " ") 'clear message Proc_Exit: Set oRange = Nothing Set oTable = Nothing Set oDoc = Nothing Call WordApp_Release Exit Sub Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description _ ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " Word_Make_Font_List_s4p" Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Sub '*************** Code End *******************************************************
Sets global object variable:
Sets global constant:
Option Compare Database Option Explicit '230316 pbWatchProgress '*************** Code Start ***************************************************** ' module name: mod_Word_Application_Document_s4p '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose : VBA to set, save, and release Word application and Word Document ' and code to get desktop path and make a path ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' Code List: https://MsAccessGurus.com/code.htm ' This Code: https://msaccessgurus.com/tool/aWord_FontList.htm ' ' Sub WordApp_Create ' set public goWord variable for Word.Application as object for late-binding ' Sub WordApp_Release ' release goWord Word.Application ' Function WordDoc_GetNew ' make a new Word.Document and return the object for late-binding ' Function WordDoc_SaveClose ' save Word document as file on desktop or in folder ' Return Path\Filename.Ext ' Return Path in psReturnPath ' Function GetDesktopPath ' Return Path ' Function MakeAPath ' send path, return True if there or created ' ' LICENSE : ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Use at your own risk. '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Public variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Const gbEarly As Boolean = False #Const IsEarly = gbEarly Private mbWordQuit As Boolean 'early binding needs reference to: ' Microsoft Word #.# Object Library #If IsEarly = True Then 'early binding Public goWord As Word.Application ' Public goDoc As Word.Document ' Public goField As Word.Field ' Public goRange As Word.Range #Else 'late binding Public goWord As Object ' Public goDoc As Object ' Public goField As Object ' Public goRange As Object #End If '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' WordApp_Create '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub WordApp_Create() '220420 strive4peace, 230314 'set public goWord variable for Word.Application mbWordQuit = False 'default value 'if Word is already open, use that instance On Error Resume Next Set goWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application") On Error GoTo Proc_Err If goWord Is Nothing Then 'Word wasn't open - create global Word application object Set goWord = CreateObject( "Word.Application") mbWordQuit = True End If Proc_Exit: On Error Resume Next Exit Sub Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description _ ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " WordApp_Create" Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' WordApp_Release '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub WordApp_Release() '220420 strive4peace, 221108, 230315 'release goWord Word.Application On Error GoTo Proc_Err ' Set goField = Nothing 'if Word application was started, then Quit If mbWordQuit = True Then ' If Not goDoc Is Nothing Then ' 'close document and don't save changes ' goDoc.Close False ' End If goWord.Quit End If ' Set goDoc = Nothing 'release Word application object Set goWord = Nothing Proc_Exit: On Error Resume Next Exit Sub Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description _ ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " WordApp_Release" Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' WordDoc_GetNew '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function WordDoc_GetNew( _ Optional pbWatchProgress As Boolean = True _ ) As Object 'Word.Document '220420 strive4peace, 221314 'make a new Word.Document and return the object 'set goWord -- create or use Word.Application 'set Visible to True and Activate the window 'RETURN ' Word.Document (object for late binding) 'CALLS ' WordApp_Create 'Initialize Word If goWord Is Nothing Then Call WordApp_Create End If With goWord If pbWatchProgress <> False Then ' make Word visible .Visible = True End If 'make a new Word document and return the object Set WordDoc_GetNew = .Documents.Add End With Proc_Exit: On Error Resume Next Exit Function Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description _ ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " WordDoc_GetNew" Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' WordDoc_SaveClose '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Word.Document Public Function WordDoc_SaveClose( _ oDoc As Object _ ,ByRef psFilename As String _ ,Optional psFolderOrPath As String = "" _ ,Optional psFormatDateTime As String = "yymmdd_hhnn" _ ,Optional psReturnPath As String _ ) As String '220420 strive4peace, ... 230314, 15 'save Word document as file on desktop or in folder 'Return Path\Filename.Ext 'Return Path in psReturnPath 'if psFolderOrPath specified, path is that folder on the desktop ' if path is absolute and use that instead 'if no file extension specified, default will be added 'oDoc is the document object ' CALLs ' GetDesktopPath ' MakeAPath ' EXAMPLE: ' CALL WordDoc_SaveClose(oDoc, "Word_Styles_s4p_", "strive4peace",,sPath) 'PARAMETERS ' oDoc is the Word document object ' psFilename is what to call the file, with or without an extension ' psFolderOrPath is a folder name on the desktop ' psFormatDateTime is the date/time format to add, "" to skip ' psReturnPath is the Path 'RETURN ' Path\Filename.Ext 'CALLS ' GetDesktopPath ' MakeAPath On Error GoTo Proc_Err Dim sPath As String _ ,sPathFile As String 'if full path specified, use it If InStr(psFolderOrPath, ":") > 0 Then sPath = psFolderOrPath Else 'get desktop path ending with \ sPath = GetDesktopPath(True) If psFolderOrPath <> "" Then 'make or use a folder on the desktop If MakeAPath(sPath & psFolderOrPath & "\") <> False Then sPath = sPath & psFolderOrPath & "\" End If End If End If If Right(sPath,1) <> "\" Then sPath = sPath & "\" End If sPathFile = sPath & psFilename _ & IIf(psFormatDateTime <> "", "_" & Format(Now,psFormatDateTime), "") oDoc.SaveAs sPathFile 'return path in a parameter psReturnPath = sPath 'return full path and filename with extension WordDoc_SaveClose = oDoc.FullName 'update filename and pass back psFilename = oDoc.Name 'close document without saving oDoc.Close SaveChanges:=False Proc_Exit: On Error Resume Next Exit Function Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description _ ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " WordDoc_SaveClose" Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Function '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' GetDesktopPath '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Function GetDesktopPath( _ Optional pbAddTrailBackslash As Boolean = False _ ) As String With CreateObject( "WScript.Shell") GetDesktopPath = .specialfolders( "Desktop") _ & IIf(pbAddTrailBackslash, "\", "") End With End Function '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' MakeAPath '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Public Function MakeAPath( _ psPath As String) As Boolean 'crystal (strive4peace) ...190204 'set up error handler On Error GoTo Proc_Err 'initialize return value to be False for not successful MakeAPath = False 'if directory is already there, return True and exit If Len(Dir(psPath,vbDirectory)) > 0 Then MakeAPath = True GoTo Proc_Exit End If 'dimension variables Dim i As Integer _ ,iPos As Integer _ ,sPath As String 'add backslash to end of path if necessary iPos = 1 If Right(psPath,1) <> "\" Then psPath = psPath & "\" 'get position of first backslash iPos = InStr(iPos,psPath, "\") 'loop through directories of path and make folders Do While iPos > 0 sPath = Left(psPath,iPos) If Len(Dir(sPath,vbDirectory)) = 0 Then MkDir sPath DoEvents End If 'set start search position to be 1 + position of last backslash found iPos = InStr(iPos + 1,psPath, "\") Loop 'if folder exists, then return True and exit If Len(Dir(psPath,vbDirectory)) > 0 Then MakeAPath = True End If 'exit code Proc_Exit: On Error Resume Next Exit Function 'if there is an error, then resume with exit code Proc_Err: Resume Proc_Exit End Function '*************** Code End *******************************************************
'*************** Code Start ***************************************************** ' module name: mod_Word_Margins_s4p '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose : VBA to set margins in a Word document ' uses Document.PageSetup ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' Code List: https://MsAccessGurus.com/code.htm ' This Code: https://msaccessgurus.com/tool/aWord_FontList.htm ' LICENSE : ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Use at your own risk. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' 72 points in an inch '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Word_Margins_Narrow '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Public Sub Word_Margins_Narrow(oDoc As Object) 'make margins 0.5 inches on all sides With oDoc.PageSetup .TopMargin = CInt(0.5 * 72) 'InchesToPoints .BottomMargin = CInt(0.5 * 72) 'InchesToPoints .LeftMargin = CInt(0.6 * 72) 'InchesToPoints .RightMargin = CInt(0.5 * 72) 'InchesToPoints End With End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Word_Margins_1inch '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Public Sub Word_Margins_1inch(oDoc As Object) 'make margins 1 inch on all sides With oDoc.PageSetup .TopMargin = 72 'InchesToPoints .BottomMargin = 72 'InchesToPoints .LeftMargin = 72 'InchesToPoints .RightMargin = 72 'InchesToPoints End With End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Word_Margins '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Public Sub Word_Margins(oDoc As Object _ ,pInchTop As Double _ ,pInchBottom As Double _ ,pInchLeft As Double _ ,pInchRight As Double _ ) 'send what you want for each margin in inches With oDoc.PageSetup .TopMargin = CInt(pInchTop * 72) 'InchesToPoints .BottomMargin = CInt(pInchBottom * 72) 'InchesToPoints .LeftMargin = CInt(pInchLeft * 72) 'InchesToPoints .RightMargin = CInt(pInchRight * 72) 'InchesToPoints End With End Sub '*************** Code End *******************************************************
'*************** Code Start ***************************************************** ' module name: mod_Word_Table_s4p '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose : VBA to create a table and add borders to a table in Word ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' Code List: https://MsAccessGurus.com/code.htm ' This Code: https://msaccessgurus.com/tool/aWord_FontList.htm ' LICENSE : ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Use at your own risk. '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' WordTable_Make '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Public Function WordTable_Make(oDoc As Object _ ,oRange As Object _ ,ByVal pnRows As Long _ ,ByVal pnCols As Long _ ,ByVal psCaption As String _ ,pasHeadArray() As String _ ) As Object 'As Word.Table 'strive4peace 170811, 20202, 220420,230309 'early binding ' Dim oTable As Word.Table 'late binding Dim oTable As Object Dim i As Integer 'insert table With oDoc Set oTable = .Tables.Add( _ Range:=oRange _ ,NumRows:=pnRows _ ,NumColumns:=pnCols _ ) End With If (psCaption <> "") Then 'insert caption oDoc.Application.Selection.InsertCaption _ Label:= "Table" _ ,title:=psCaption _ ,Position:=0 _ ,ExcludeLabel:=0 End If With oTable 'Position - wdCaptionPositionAbove=0 ' .ApplyStyleHeadingRows = True .TopPadding = 0 .BottomPadding = 0 .LeftPadding = 2 'points .RightPadding = 2 .Spacing = 0 'Auto .AllowPageBreaks = True .AllowAutoFit = False 'mark heading row .Rows(1).HeadingFormat = True 'dont allow rows to break .Rows.AllowBreakAcrossPages = False 'no space above text between paragraphs .Range.Paragraphs.SpaceBefore = 0 'Vertical Alignment is Center .Range.Cells.VerticalAlignment = 1 ' 1=wdCellAlignVerticalCenter 'Heading Row For i = LBound(pasHeadArray) To UBound(pasHeadArray) .Cell(1,i).Range.Text = pasHeadArray(i) Next i End With Set WordTable_Make = oTable End Function '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' WordTable_Borders '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Public Sub WordTable_Borders(oTable As Object) 'Word.Table 's4p 170811, 230314 On Error Resume Next Dim i As Integer With oTable For i = -1 To -6 Step -1 'wdBorderTop =-1 'wdBorderLeft = -2 'wdBorderBottom =-3 'wdBorderRight= -4 'wdBorderHorizontal = -5 'wdBorderVertical = -6 -- error? With .Borders(i) .LineStyle = 1 'wdLineStyleSingle=1 .LineWidth = 8 'wdLineWidth100pt=8. wdLineWidth150pt=12 .Color = RGB(200,200,200) 'medium-light gray End With Next i End With 'change borders to black for first row With oTable.Rows(1) For i = -1 To -4 Step -1 With .Borders(i) .Color = 0 'wdColorBlack = 0 End With Next i 'Shading for header row .Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = RGB(232,232,232) End With 'first row 'Not used: ' 'wdLineStyleNone = 0 ' .Borders(-7).LineStyle = 0 'wdBorderDiagonalDown =-7 ' .Borders(-8).LineStyle = 0 'wdBorderDiagonalUp =-8 End Sub '*************** Code End *******************************************************
'*************** Code Start ***************************************************** ' module name: mod_Word_Header_s4p '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose : VBA to create a new Word document and set Header ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' Code List: https://MsAccessGurus.com/code.htm ' This Code: https://msaccessgurus.com/tool/aWord_FontList.htm ' LICENSE : ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Use at your own risk. '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Const InchToPoint = 72 'early binding needs reference to: ' Microsoft Word #.# Object Library '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' WordDoc_Header '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub WordDoc_Header(oDoc As Object _ ,psTitle As String _ ,Optional pbAddHeading12 As Boolean = False) '220530 strive4peace, 230314 Dim sgTabMiddle As Single With oDoc.PageSetup sgTabMiddle = .PageWidth - .LeftMargin - .RightMargin End With Dim oRange As Object '1= wdHeaderFooterPrimary Set oRange = oDoc.Sections(1).Headers(1).Range With oDoc If pbAddHeading12 = True Then 'reference to Heading 1 ' -1=wdFieldEmpty, False= Don't PreserveFormatting 'reference oDoc .Fields.Add oRange,-1 _ , "STYLEREF " & Chr(34) & "Heading 1" & Chr(34),False Set oRange = .Sections(1).Headers(1).Range 'position cursor after field just added oRange.Collapse 0 'wdCollapseEnd ' add comma space oRange.InsertAfter ", " 'collapse to end oRange.Collapse Direction:=0 'wdCollapseEnd 'reference to Heading 2 ' -1=wdFieldEmpty .Fields.Add oRange,-1 _ , "STYLEREF " & Chr(34) & "Heading 2" & Chr(34),False Set oRange = .Sections(1).Headers(1).Range oRange.Collapse Direction:=0 End If 'add TABs and text to align on right oRange.InsertAfter vbTab & psTitle & ", " _ & "strive4peace, page " oRange.Collapse Direction:=0 'reference to Page number .Fields.Add oRange,-1, "Page",False Set oRange = .Sections(1).Headers(1).Range 'collapse to end and oRange.Collapse Direction:=0 'insert / oRange.InsertAfter "/" oRange.Collapse 0 'reference to total pages oRange.Parent.Fields.Add oRange,-1, "NumPages",False Set oRange = .Sections(1).Headers(1).Range oRange.Collapse 0 'update fields .Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.Fields.Update 'border line below paragraph With oRange With .ParagraphFormat '6 point space after paragraph .SpaceAfter = 6 'clear default tab stops .TabStops.ClearAll 'right tab stop at 6.5 inches 'wdAlignTabRight=2 'wdTabLeaderSpaces=0 .TabStops.Add Position:=sgTabMiddle _ ,Alignment:=2 _ ,Leader:=0 End With 'ParagraphFormat With .Borders(-3) 'wdBorderBottom =-3 .LineStyle = 1 'wdLineStyleSingle=1 .LineWidth = 8 'wdLineWidth100pt=8 .Color = RGB(75,75,75) 'dark gray End With 'Borders End With .Range.Collapse 1 'goto beginning of document End With Set oRange = Nothing End Sub '*************** Code End *******************************************************' Code was generated with colors using the free Color Code add-in for Access.
Some of the code used by this application is posted on msAccessGurus with more detailed explanations.
VBA to set margins for a passed Word document.
Document.PageSetup property (Word)
Row.HeadingFormat property (Word)
Range.InsertCaption method (Word)
Range.InsertAfter method (Word)
Range.InsertParagraphAfter method (Word)
Document.Hyperlinks property (Word)
For a long time, making a list of the fonts with an example has been on my todo list. And I finally did it! Word makes it easy. However, instead of writing this to run from Word, I wrote it to run from Access.
This also serves as a good example of the steps to create a Word document from Access and makes it easy for you to learn how to do it yourself.
If you find this useful, please let me know. Donations are always appreciated, thank you
Here's the link for this page in case you want to copy it and share it with someone:
or in old browsers:
Let's connect and team-develop your application together. I teach you how to do it yourself. My goal is to empower you.
While we build something great together, I'll pull in code and features from my vast libraries as needed, cutting out lots of development time. I'll give you lots of links to good resources.
Do you want to step up the power that Access has to create amazing reports?
Call on Word to help.
They work great together.
Email me at training@msAccessGurus
~ crystal
the simplest way is best, but usually the hardest to see