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Document your Access database tables to Excel using the VBA on this page. Automatically make a list of all the tables, create a data dictionary, and more. Documentation is written to an Excel workbook with hyperlinks for fast jumping.
The first sheet, ListOfTables, gives you the Table name, number of records, number of fields, and also an estimated record width for the standard data types.
The second sheet, DataDictionary, lists Table name, Field number, Field name, Data Type, Size (byte), Description, Format, Caption, Default Value, Expression, Input Mask, Validation Rule, Validation Text, Required, Unicode Compression, and Estimated Width.
The third sheet is Documentation.
Optionally, a sheet can be generated for each table with its data.
Usually we are getting data from Excel to put into Access. In this case, it's used as a reporting tool, to help me make up more data to use for teaching.
VBA > Properties > Get and set ... read, write, show, delete
VBA > custom Function > GetDataType
Option Compare Database Option Explicit ' module: mod_Document_Tables2Excel_s4p '*************** Code Start ***************************************************** ' Purpose : document table structure (optional contents). ' ListOfTables, DataDictionary, Documentation_s4p ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' Code List: www.MsAccessGurus.com/code.htm ' This code: https://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/Code/Document_Tables2Excel.htm ' LICENSE ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Use at your own risk. ' ' ALSO NEEDS: ' VBA > Properties > Get and set ... read, write, show, delete ' http://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/Code/Properties.htm ' ' VBA > custom Function > GetDataType ' http://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/Code/Fx_GetDataType.htm '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' module declarations '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private rs As DAO.Recordset Private db As DAO.Database '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' launch_Document_Tables2Excel '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub launch_Document_Tables2Excel() ' CLICK HERE and RUN! ' PRESS F5 or choose Run menu from menubar Document_Tables2Excel False End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Document_Tables2Excel '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub Document_Tables2Excel(Optional pbGetData As Boolean = False) '210809 ...210820, 220112 strive4peace 'Document all tables in a database to a new Excel workbook in strive4peace folder on desktop ' 'Sheet1 = ListOfTables 'Sheet2 = DataDictionary 'Sheet3 = Documentation 'subsequent sheets are table contents if if pbGetData=true 'columns are best-fit, and text is wrapped is it's long 'data filters are added and columns are frozen 'data has borders ' ' adds yymmdd-hhmm to filename -- so be sure to weed these out! 'CALLs ' FormatSheet ' GetVerifySheetname ' Get_Property ' LoopRecordsToCells On Error GoTo Proc_Err 'Dimension object variables - Late binding Dim oExcel As Object _ ,oWb As Object _ ,oWs As Object 'Early binding for Excel ' Dim oExcel As Excel.Application _ ,oWb As Excel.Workbook _ ,oWs As Excel.Worksheet Dim rsTable As DAO.Recordset _ ,rsData As DAO.Recordset _ ,oTdf As DAO.TableDef _ ,oFld As DAO.Field 'Dimension regular variables Dim sSQL As String _ ,sFilename As String _ ,sFileThere As String _ ,sMsg As String _ ,sPath As String _ ,sPathFile As String _ ,sSheetname As String _ ,sTablename As String _ ,nRow As Long _ ,nRecords As Long _ ,nRecordsTotal As Long _ ,nEstWidth As Long _ ,iFields As Integer _ ,iTables As Integer _ ,iTable As Integer _ ,iField As Integer _ ,iNumSheets As Integer _ ,iMultiplier As Integer _ ,iOverheadSize As Integer _ ,i As Integer _ ,iPart As Integer _ ,booMsg As Boolean _ ,nTimerStart As Single _ ,vValue As Variant Dim anRow1() As Long 'last row for each of the tabledefs on DataDictionary Dim anRow2() As Long 'last row for each of the tabledefs on DataDictionary Dim aTable() As String 'tablename for design hyperlink display text on ListOfTables nTimerStart = Timer() '--- sFilename 'strip extension, replace space with underscore i = InStrRev(CurrentProject.Name, ".") If pbGetData <> True Then sFilename = "TableSummary_" Else sFilename = "Tables_" End If sFilename = sFilename _ & Replace(Left(CurrentProject.Name,i - 1), " ", "_") _ & "__" & Format(Now, "yymmdd-hhnn") '--- sPath sPath = Environ( "USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\strive4peace\" '220112 'create folder if it doesn't yet exist If Dir(sPath,vbDirectory) = "" Then MkDir sPath DoEvents End If sPathFile = sPath & sFilename 'NOTE: doesn't include extension booMsg = False 'give message that workbook was created Set db = CurrentDb 'see how many tables need to be documented iTables = 0 iTable = 0 iPart = 0 'for error handler sSQL = "SELECT o.Name AS TName " _ & ", o.Type AS iType" _ & ", Switch([Type]=1,'Table'" _ & ",[Type]=4,'ODBC Table'" _ & ",[Type]=6,'Linked Table') AS TType" _ & " FROM MSysObjects AS o" _ & " WHERE((o.Type In (1,4,6)) " _ & " AND(Left([Name],1) <>'~') " _ & " AND(Left([Name],4) <>'MSys') " _ & " AND(Right([Name],5) <>'_Data')" _ & " AND(o.Flags >=0))" _ & " ORDER BY o.Name" _ & ";" Set rsTable = db.OpenRecordset(sSQL,dbOpenSnapshot) With rsTable If Not .EOF Then 'movelast not necessary since snapshot iTables = .RecordCount ReDim anRow1(1 To iTables) ReDim anRow2(1 To iTables) ReDim aTable(1 To iTables) Else MsgBox "No Tables",, "Aborting" GoTo Proc_Exit End If End With 'create a new instance of an Excel application Set oExcel = CreateObject( "Excel.Application.16") With oExcel .Visible = True 'let user see what is happening .EnableEvents = False 'don't run any code If pbGetData <> False Then iNumSheets = iTables + 3 'for ListOfTables, DataDictionary, Documentation Else iNumSheets = 3 End If 'save value i = .SheetsInNewWorkbook .SheetsInNewWorkbook = iNumSheets 'Add a new Workbook Set oWb = .Workbooks.Add() 'put old value back .SheetsInNewWorkbook = i End With '-------------------------------------------------------- Tables 'pbGetData Do While Not rsTable.EOF 'table name sTablename = rsTable!TName sSheetname = sTablename 'this shouldn't happen If Left(sSheetname,4) = "MSys" Then GoTo NextTable sSQL = "SELECT t.* FROM [" & sTablename & "] t" 'truncate name to 30 characters for Excel (31 max) If pbGetData <> False And Len(sSheetname) > 30 Then sSheetname = Left(sSheetname,30) End If 'Open Recordset Set rsData = db.OpenRecordset(sSQL) With rsData If Not .EOF Then .MoveLast .MoveFirst 'count records nRecords = .RecordCount nRecordsTotal = nRecordsTotal + nRecords iFields = .Fields.Count Else nRecords = 0 End If End With iTable = iTable + 1 aTable(iTable) = sTablename 'Worksheets Collection is 1-based 'Table Index 2 With oWb.Worksheets(1) .cells(iTable + 1,1).Value = sSheetname .cells(iTable + 1,2).Value = nRecords .cells(iTable + 1,3).Value = iFields End With If pbGetData <> False Then Set oWs = oWb.Worksheets(iTable + 3) With oWs .Activate 'Write Labels from Field Names For i = 1 To iFields .cells(1,i).Value = rsData.Fields(i - 1).Name Next i 'Rename Individual Worksheet sSheetname = GetVerifySheetname(oWb,sSheetname) If sSheetname <> "" Then .Name = sSheetname Else sSheetname = .Name End If 'write to ListOfTables -- this will be turned into a hyperlink oWb.Worksheets(1).cells(iTable + 1,1).Value = sSheetname If nRecords > 0 Then iPart = 1 'write values to cells Call LoopRecordsToCells(rsData,oWs) End If iPart = 0 Sheet_EndWriteData: Call FormatSheet(oWs,iFields) 'set margins, orientation, header With .PageSetup .PrintTitleRows = "1:1" .PrintTitleColumns = "A:A" .RightHeader = "&""Times New Roman,Italic""&10&A - " & Now() & " - &P/&N" .LeftMargin = oExcel.InchesToPoints(0.5) .RightMargin = oExcel.InchesToPoints(0.5) .TopMargin = oExcel.InchesToPoints(0.5) .BottomMargin = oExcel.InchesToPoints(0.5) .HeaderMargin = oExcel.InchesToPoints(0.3) .FooterMargin = oExcel.InchesToPoints(0.3) .CenterHorizontally = True .Orientation = 2 'xlLandscape End With End With 'Worksheet End If 'pbGetData NextTable: rsData.Close rsTable.MoveNext Loop 'done with all the tables '-------------------------------------------------------- Documentation iPart = 0 Set oWs = oWb.Worksheets(3) nRow = 1 With oWs .Activate .Name = "Documentation_s4p" iFields = 4 'column headings Let .range( "a1").Resize(,4).Value = _ Array( "Sheet", "ColumnName", "Note", "Col#") '~~~ ListOfTables 'select to add hyperlink .range( "A2").select '(Anchor, Address, SubAddress, ScreenTip, TextToDisplay) With oExcel.Selection.Hyperlinks.Add( _ oExcel.Selection _ , "" _ , "ListOfTables!A1" _ , "go to list of tables" _ , "ListOfTables") End With If pbGetData <> False Then Let .range( "B2").Resize(,2).Value = Array( "A. goto SheetName" _ , "click to jump to sheet with Table data") Else Let .range( "B2").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "A. Table" _ , "Table Name", "1") End If Let .range( "b3").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "B. #Recs", "number of records", "2") Let .range( "b4").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "C. #Flds", "number of fields", "3") Let .range( "b5").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "D. EstWidth", "estimated record width, standard types only", "4") Let .range( "b6").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "E. goto DataDictionary", "click to jump to table definition", "5") .range( "A7").select With oExcel.Selection.Hyperlinks.Add( _ oExcel.Selection _ , "" _ , "DataDictionary!A1" _ , "go to DataDictionary" _ , "DataDictionary") End With '~~~ DataDictionary Let .range( "b7").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "A. Table", "Table name", "1") Let .range( "b8").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "B. F#", "Field number", "2") Let .range( "b9").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "C. Field", "Field name", "3") Let .range( "b10").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "D. DataType", "Data Type", "4") Let .range( "b11").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "E. Size", "Size (byte)", "5") Let .range( "b12").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "G. MaxSize", "Max Size", "6") Let .range( "b13").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "F. Description", "Description", "7") Let .range( "b14").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "H. Format", "Format", "8") Let .range( "b15").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "I. Caption", "Caption", "9") Let .range( "b16").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "J. DefaultValue", "Default Value", "10") Let .range( "b17").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "K. Expression", "Expression", "11") Let .range( "b18").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "L. InputMask", "Input Mask", "12") Let .range( "b19").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "M. ValRule", "Validation Rule", "13") Let .range( "b20").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "N. ValText", "Validation Text", "14") Let .range( "b21").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "O. Req", "Required?", "15") Let .range( "b22").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "P. UC", "Unicode Compression?", "16") Let .range( "b23").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "Q. EstW", "Estimated Width", "17") Let .range( "b24").Resize(,3).Value = Array( "R. SumEstW" _ , "Sum of estimated width for standard fields in table.", "18") If pbGetData <> False Then 'Tables .range( "a25").Resize(,2).Value = Array( "Tables" _ , "tables with data on different sheets") .range( "C25").select With oExcel.Selection.Hyperlinks.Add( _ oExcel.Selection _ , "" _ , "ListOfTables!A1" _ , "go to ListOfTables" _ , "ListOfTables has hyperlinks") End With End If '0=don't wrap columns Call FormatSheet(oWs,iFields,0) 'attribution and link .cells(27,1).Value = "This documentation made with Document Tables to Excel, from MsAccessGurus.com" .range( "a28").select With oExcel.Selection.Hyperlinks.Add( _ oExcel.Selection _ , "http://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/Code/Document_Tables2Excel.htm" _ , "" _ , "Get VBA to make this documentation" _ , "http://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/Code/Document_Tables2Excel.htm") End With End With '-------------------------------------------------------- DataDictionary 'TableDefs ' sheet2 is tabledefs - fields + properties Set oWs = oWb.Worksheets(2) With oWs .Activate .Name = "DataDictionary" iFields = 18 .cells(1,1).Value = "Table" .cells(1,2).Value = "F#" .cells(1,3).Value = "Field" .cells(1,4).Value = "DataType" .cells(1,5).Value = "Size" .cells(1,6).Value = "MaxSize" .cells(1,7).Value = "Description" .cells(1,8).Value = "Format" .cells(1,9).Value = "Caption" .cells(1,10).Value = "DefaultValue" .cells(1,11).Value = "Expression" .cells(1,12).Value = "InputMask" .cells(1,13).Value = "ValRule" .cells(1,14).Value = "ValText" .cells(1,15).Value = "Req" .cells(1,16).Value = "UC" .cells(1,17).Value = "EstW" .cells(1,18).Value = "SumEst" rsTable.MoveFirst nRow = 2 'labels in 1 anRow1(1) = nRow ' first row iTable = 0 iField = 0 Do While Not rsTable.EOF sTablename = rsTable!TName Set oTdf = db.TableDefs(sTablename) nEstWidth = 0 iTable = iTable + 1 'loop fields For Each oFld In oTdf.Fields iField = oFld.OrdinalPosition iMultiplier = 1 iOverheadSize = 0 .cells(nRow,1).Value = sTablename .cells(nRow,2).Value = iField 'F# .cells(nRow,3).Value = oFld.Name .cells(nRow,4).Value = GetDataType(oFld.Type) .cells(nRow,5).Value = oFld.Size 'Description vValue = Null vValue = Get_Property( "Description",oFld, "") If vValue <> "" Then .cells(nRow,7).Value = vValue End If 'Format vValue = Null vValue = Get_Property( "Format",oFld, "") If vValue <> "" Then .cells(nRow,8).Value = vValue End If 'Caption vValue = Null vValue = Get_Property( "Caption",oFld, "") If vValue <> "" Then .cells(nRow,9).Value = vValue End If 'DefaultValue vValue = Null vValue = Get_Property( "DefaultValue",oFld, "") If vValue <> "" Then .cells(nRow,10).Value = "'" & vValue End If 'Expression vValue = Null vValue = Get_Property( "Expression",oFld, "") If vValue <> "" Then .cells(nRow,11).Value = "'" & vValue End If 'InputMask vValue = Null vValue = Get_Property( "InputMask",oFld, "") If vValue <> "" Then .cells(nRow,12).Value = vValue End If 'ValidationRule vValue = Null vValue = Get_Property( "ValidationRule",oFld, "") If vValue <> "" Then .cells(nRow,13).Value = "'" & vValue End If 'ValidationText vValue = Null vValue = Get_Property( "ValidationText",oFld, "") If vValue <> "" Then .cells(nRow,14).Value = "'" & vValue End If 'Required vValue = Null vValue = Get_Property( "Required",oFld,False) If CBool(Nz(vValue,False)) = True Then .cells(nRow,15).Value = "R" End If If oFld.Type = 10 Or oFld.Type = 12 Then 'MaxSize sSQL = "SELECT Max(Len([" & oFld.Name & "])) as MaxLenFld " _ & " FROM [" & sTablename & "];" Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sSQL) If Not rs.EOF Then .cells(nRow,6).Value = rs!MaxLenFld End If rs.Close 'UnicodeCompression vValue = Null vValue = Get_Property( "UnicodeCompression",oFld,False) If CBool(Nz(vValue,False)) <> True Then 'no unicode compression .cells(nRow,16).Value = "No" iMultiplier = 2 Else .cells(nRow,16).Value = "+" End If 'If oFld.Type = 10 Then iOverheadSize = 10 'just a guess! it's something ... Int, Byte, etc may count word space instead End If .cells(nRow,17).Value = (oFld.Size * iMultiplier) + iOverheadSize 'provisioning for overhead nEstWidth = nEstWidth + (oFld.Size * iMultiplier) + iOverheadSize nRow = nRow + 1 Next oFld 'done with table 'record last row for table If iTable <= iTables Then anRow2(iTable) = nRow - 1 End If 'first row for next table If iTable < iTables Then anRow1(iTable + 1) = nRow End If 'could also put hyperlink to DD 'write width to summary sheet oWb.Worksheets(1).cells(iTable + 1,4).Value = nEstWidth 'write formula to add it up on this sheet With .cells(anRow1(iTable),18) 'R .Formula = "=SUM(Q" & anRow1(iTable) _ & ":Q" & anRow2(iTable) & ")" End With rsTable.MoveNext Loop 'last row for last table anRow2(UBound(aTable)) = nRow '#cols=iFields 'MaxWidth=40 'True=Add Borders 'D2=ActiveCell -- use for FreezePanes Call FormatSheet(oWs,iFields,40,True, "D2") For i = LBound(anRow1) To UBound(anRow1) 'bold tablename in first row oWs.cells(anRow1(i),1).Font.Bold = True Next i End With 'change formulas to values With oWs.range( "R2:R" & anRow2(iTable)) .copy .PasteSpecial -4163 'xlPasteValues oExcel.CutCopyMode = False End With oWs.range( "A1").select '-------------------------------------------------------- ListOfTables Set oWs = oWb.Worksheets(1) '1st sheet is list of tables With oWs .Activate .Name = "ListOfTables" If pbGetData <> False Then 'true .cells(1,1).Value = "Sheet_Table" Else .cells(1,1).Value = "Table" End If .cells(1,2).Value = "#Recs" .cells(1,3).Value = "#Flds" .cells(1,4).Value = "EstWidth" .cells(1,5).Value = "goto DataDictionary" iFields = 5 'hyperlinks For i = 1 To iTables If pbGetData <> False Then 'has Table data sheets .range( "A" & (i + 1)).select sSheetname = oExcel.ActiveCell.Value '(Anchor, Address, SubAddress, ScreenTip, TextToDisplay) .Hyperlinks.Add _ oExcel.Selection _ , "" _ ,sSheetname & "!A1" _ , "Goto " & sSheetname _ ,sSheetname End If .range( "E" & (i + 1)).select '(Anchor, Address, SubAddress, ScreenTip, TextToDisplay) .Hyperlinks.Add _ oExcel.Selection _ , "" _ , "DataDictionary!A" & anRow1(i) _ , "Definition " & sSheetname _ ,aTable(i) 'table name NOT Truncated Next i Call FormatSheet(oWs,iFields,0,,,nRow) 'Add note to end of ListOfTables With .cells(nRow + 2,1) .Value = "After going to a link and only scrolling, " _ & " press Ctrl-G, ENTER " _ & " to Go back to previous ActiveCell." .WrapText = True .Font.Italic = True End With 'final leave .range( "A1").select End With CheckFile: 'delete file if it already exists sFileThere = Dir(sPathFile & ".xls*") If sFileThere <> "" Then On Error Resume Next DoEvents sFileThere = sPath & sFileThere Kill sFileThere DoEvents iPart = 9 On Error GoTo Proc_Err If Dir(sFileThere) <> "" Then 'file is still there sMsg = "can't save file: " _ & sFilename _ & vbCrLf & "in path: " & sPath _ & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "If the file is OPEN," _ & " then CLOSE it and click Yes to replace." _ & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Yes = close file manually & replace it." _ & vbCrLf & "No = don't save" If MsgBox(sMsg,vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 _ , "Close file manually and replace it?") _ = vbNo Then GoTo Proc_Exit Else 'close file manually DoEvents GoTo CheckFile End If End If End If iPart = 9 '(FileName, FileFormat, Password, WriteResPassword _ ,ReadOnlyRecommended,CreateBackup,AccessMode,ConflictResolution _ ,AddToMru,TextCodepage,TextVisualLayout,Local) 'XlSaveConflictResolution : xlLocalSessionChanges=2 'XlFileFormat : xlWorkbookDefault=51 oWb.SaveAs sPathFile DoEvents iPart = 0 'close workbook, save With oWb .Close True,sPathFile End With booMsg = True Proc_Exit: On Error Resume Next If Not booMsg Then oWb.Close False Set oWb = Nothing End If Proc_Exit2: On Error Resume Next If Not rs Is Nothing Then rs.Close Set rs = Nothing End If If Not rsData Is Nothing Then rsData.Close Set rsData = Nothing End If If Not rsTable Is Nothing Then rsTable.Close Set rsTable = Nothing End If Set db = Nothing If TypeName(oExcel) <> "Nothing" Then oExcel.Quit Set oExcel = Nothing End If If booMsg Then '210514 sMsg = "open folder?" _ & vbCrLf & "Cancel = (Esc) Don't open anything" _ & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "File is created whether you look or not." _ & vbCrLf & "Remember to delete files you no longer want to look at." sMsg = sPathFile _ & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & " has been created" _ & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & nRecordsTotal & " Records" _ & " in " & iTables & " tables" _ & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Time to execute: " _ & Format(Timer - nTimerStart, "#,###.##") & " seconds" _ & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & sMsg If MsgBox(sMsg,vbYesNo, "Done") = vbYes Then ' open folder Call Shell( "Explorer.exe" & " " & sPath,vbNormalFocus) End If End If Exit Sub Proc_Err: If iPart = 9 Then 'filename not valid sMsg = "Filename: " & sPathFile _ & vbCrLf & "isn't valid" Debug.Print sMsg MsgBox sMsg,, "Exiting" iPart = 0 Resume Proc_Exit2 End If MsgBox Err.Description _ ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " Document_Tables2Excel" 'Stop 'use if code won't break Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' FormatSheet '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' helper for Document_Tables2Excel Private Sub FormatSheet(pWs As Object _ ,Optional piNumColumns As Integer = -99 _ ,Optional piMaxWidth As Integer = 60 _ ,Optional pBorder As Boolean = True _ ,Optional psActiveCell As String = "B2" _ ,Optional pRETURNLastRow As Long _ ) '210811 strive4peace ... 210823 'piMaxWidth=0 if you don't want to wrap ' send variable for pRETURNLastRow if you want to get the last row back Dim nCol As Long _ ,bWrap As Boolean _ ,i As Integer bWrap = False With pWs pRETURNLastRow = .cells(.rows.Count,1).End(-4162).Row 'xlUp=-4162 If piNumColumns < 0 Then 'calculate number of columns if not passed piNumColumns = .cells(1,.Columns.Count).End(-4159).Column 'xlToLeft=-4159 End If With .cells.Font .Name = "Calibri" .Size = 12 End With With .range(.cells(1,1),.cells(1,piNumColumns)) .Font.Size = 10 With .Interior .Color = RGB(225,225,225) End With End With .range(psActiveCell).select 'AutoFilter .Application.Selection.AutoFilter 'best-fit columns .cells.EntireColumn.AutoFit If piMaxWidth > 0 Then For nCol = 1 To piNumColumns 'if any column widths > piMaxWidth, Wrap Text If .Columns(nCol).ColumnWidth > 60 Then .Columns(nCol).ColumnWidth = 60 .Columns(nCol).WrapText = True bWrap = True End If Next nCol End If If bWrap <> False Then .cells.EntireRow.AutoFit End If If pRETURNLastRow > 0 And piNumColumns > 0 Then 'xlDiagonalDown 5 'xlDiagonalUp 6 'xlEdgeLeft 7 'xlEdgeTop 8 'xlEdgeBottom 9 'xlEdgeRight 10 'xlInsideVertical 11 'xlInsideHorizontal 12 With .range(.cells(1,1),.cells(pRETURNLastRow,piNumColumns)) For i = 7 To 12 With .Borders(i) .LineStyle = 1 'xlContinuous .Color = RGB(150,150,150) .Weight = 1 'xlHairline End With Next i ' .VerticalAlignment = -4108 'xlCenter .VerticalAlignment = -4160 'xlVAlignTop End With End If 'FreezePanes .Application.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True End With End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' GetVerifySheetname '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetVerifySheetname(pOWb As Object _ ,psSheetname As String _ ,Optional pReturnTries As Integer _ ) As String '210814 strive4peace 'Return a unique sheet name with 31 characters from a name 30 characters 'if = "" then nothing works -- so don't rename GetVerifySheetname = "" On Error Resume Next 'this will work from 1 to 9 copies Dim sSheetname As String _ ,sTest As String GetVerifySheetname = psSheetname sSheetname = psSheetname 'assume its ok pReturnTries = 0 'name didn't get modified 'if name duplicated, add 1-9 to end 'name is 30 characters 'sheet name limit is 31 characters For pReturnTries = 0 To 8 GetVerifySheetname = sSheetname 'if name is already there, this won't be error sTest = pOWb.Sheets(sSheetname).Name If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'this name is ok! Doesn't exist GoTo Proc_Exit End If 'try next number sSheetname = psSheetname & (pReturnTries + 1) Next pReturnTries 'use letters of alphabet 'if name duplicated, add A-Z to end For pReturnTries = 10 To 36 GetVerifySheetname = sSheetname '1st test is from numbers sTest = pOWb.Sheets(sSheetname).Name If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'name ok GoTo Proc_Exit End If 'try next letter. after Z is [ but it won't get tested sSheetname = psSheetname & Chr(65 - 10 + pReturnTries + 1) Next pReturnTries 'nothing works -- so don't rename GetVerifySheetname = "" Proc_Exit: On Error Resume Next Exit Function End Function Function LoopRecordsToCells(rsData As Object,oWs As Object) As Long Dim nRow As Long _ ,iCol As Integer _ ,iFields As Integer _ ,vValues As Variant nRow = 1 'label row On Error GoTo Proc_Err Dim sFieldname As String With rsData iFields = .Fields.Count Do While Not .EOF nRow = nRow + 1 For iCol = 1 To iFields sFieldname = .Fields(iCol - 1).Name If Not IsNull(.Fields(sFieldname).Value) Then If .Fields(sFieldname).Type = 101 Then 'attachment Set rs = rsData.Fields(sFieldname).Value If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then oWs.cells(nRow,iCol).Value = rs.RecordCount End If rs.Close ElseIf .Fields(sFieldname).Type > 101 Then 'MV Set rs = rsData.Fields(sFieldname).Value vValues = Null Do While Not rs.EOF vValues = (vValues + "; ") & rs!Value.Value rs.MoveNext Loop rs.Close If Not IsNull(vValues) Then oWs.cells(nRow,iCol).Value = vValues End If Else oWs.cells(nRow,iCol).Value = .Fields(sFieldname).Value End If End If Next iCol .MoveNext Loop End With 'rsData LoopRecordsToCells = nRow Proc_Exit: On Error Resume Next Exit Function ' sub Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description _ ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " LoopRecordsToCells" Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Function '*************** Code End *******************************************************
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I wrote this to see what's in a sample database that I'm using for a presentation. After writing for myself, I saw how it could be useful for others too.
here's the link for this page in case you want to copy it:
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~ crystal