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Draw Birthday Balloons on an Access report using VBA. Fun colors you can set and words you can specify for different celebrations.
The Balloon VBA code is easy to call -- specify report object, size and location for a balloon, and optionally, color, text, and more. Balloons don't have to have any text, but they can. If text is too long to fit, it's scaled.
Download zipped BAS file you can import into your Access projects: mod_Draw_Balloon_s4p__BAS.zip
Download zipped ACCDB file with a sample report, table, and module: DrawBirthdayBalloons_s4p__ACCDB.zip
Remember to UNBLOCK files you download to remove the Mark of the Web. Here are steps to do that: https://msaccessgurus.com/MOTW_Unblock.htm
watch on YouTube: How To Draw Birthday Balloons in Access (21:27)
Specify the report object, the XY coordinates of the balloon center, and its radius. Optionally specify text, colors, and more.
Aspect is a fraction referencing the height to width ratio for a circle. Default = 1 -- the balloons use 1.2
Option Compare Database Option Explicit '*************** Code Start ***************************************************** ' module name: mod_Draw_Balloon_s4p '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose : VBA to draw a balloon on an Access report ' send report object, center coordinate, and size ' optionally colors, text, and more ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' Code List: www.MsAccessGurus.com/code.htm ' This code: https://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/Draw_BirthdayBalloons.htm ' LICENSE : ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Use at your own risk. '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'used by GetRandomInteger, not balloon Private mbRandomize As Boolean '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Draw_Balloon_s4p '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sub Draw_Balloon_s4p(oReport As Report _ ,xCenter As Double _ ,yCenter As Double _ ,dbRadius As Double _ ,Optional pnColor As Long = vbYellow _ ,Optional pnBorderColor As Long = -1 _ ,Optional psText As String = "" _ ,Optional piFontSize As Integer = 10 _ ,Optional piFontColor As Long = 16777215 _ ) '220617 strive4peace, 230630 'draw a filled balloon (Aspect=1.2) with pnColor ' slightly offset a black shadow ' draw a string 'psText is made smaller than piFontSize if it won't fit ' ' 'PARAMETERS ' oReport is the Report object ' pnColor is the color for the fill. Default is black ' pnBorderColor will be pnColor if not specified ' psText is text to write in the middle ' piFontSize is (starting) font size to use for text ' piFontColor is color for text, default is white On Error GoTo Proc_Err Dim dbAspect As Double _ ,x1 As Double,y1 As Double _ ,x2 As Double,y2 As Double _ ,i As Integer _ ,iFontSize As Integer _ ,iShadowOffset As Integer iShadowOffset = 40 With oReport .ScaleMode = 1 'twips .DrawWidth = 1 'pixel .FillStyle = 0 'Opaque If pnBorderColor < 0 Then pnBorderColor = pnColor End If 'oval shaped balloon dbAspect = 1.2 '.Circle (x,y), Radius, Color, StartAngle, EndAngle, Aspect 'balloon black shadow .FillColor = 0 oReport.Circle (xCenter + iShadowOffset _ ,yCenter + iShadowOffset) _ ,dbRadius _ ,0,,,dbAspect 'balloon .FillColor = pnColor oReport.Circle (xCenter,yCenter) _ ,dbRadius _ ,pnBorderColor,,,dbAspect If psText <> "" Then .ForeColor = piFontColor iFontSize = piFontSize .FontSize = iFontSize Do While .TextWidth(psText) _ > dbRadius * dbAspect iFontSize = iFontSize - 1 .FontSize = iFontSize Loop .CurrentX = xCenter - .TextWidth(psText) / 2 .CurrentY = yCenter - .TextHeight(psText) / 2 .Print psText End If 'draw bottom 'dbAspect x1 = xCenter - dbRadius / 12 x2 = xCenter + dbRadius / 12 y1 = yCenter + dbRadius y2 = yCenter + dbRadius + dbRadius / 16 'shadow oReport.Line (x1,y1)-(x2 + iShadowOffset _ ,y2 + iShadowOffset _ ),0,BF oReport.Line (x1,y1)-(x2,y2),pnColor,BF 'draw string y1 = y2 y2 = y1 + dbRadius * 2 oReport.Line (xCenter,y1)-( _ xCenter,y2) _ ,RGB(200,200,200) End With Proc_Exit: Exit Sub Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description _ ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " Draw_Balloon_s4p" Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Sub '=================================================== ' this is needed for example report ' to position and color balloons ' , not to draw a balloon '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' GetRandomInteger '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Function GetRandomInteger(piMinumum As Integer _ ,piMaximum As Integer _ ,Optional pDummy As Variant _ ) As Integer 's4p 220616, 708, 230715 'test module variable to only do 'at beginning of a loop or first record of SQL If mbRandomize <> True Then Randomize mbRandomize = True End If 'Fix instead of Int in case numbers are negative GetRandomInteger = _ Fix( _ ((piMaximum - piMinumum + 1) _ * Rnd) _ + piMinumum) End Function '*************** Code End *****************************************************
Uses a table with PartyWords and prompts for who the birthday is for (msBIRTHDAY_WHO). Then uses math to position a bunch of balloons on a page with random text chosen from the PartyWords table -- merging in 'Happy Birthday' + msBIRTHDAY_WHO. Color is cycled through an array of colors for a rainbow, starting randomly. Calls Draw_Balloon_s4p to draw a balloon in the specified location with color and text.
Option Compare Database Option Explicit '*************** Code Start ***************************************************** ' module name: mod_Draw_Balloon_s4p '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose : VBA to draw a balloon on an Access report ' send report object, center coordinate, and size ' optionally colors, text, and more ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' Code List: www.MsAccessGurus.com/code.htm ' This code: https://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/Draw_BirthdayBalloons.htm ' LICENSE : ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Use at your own risk. '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'used by GetRandomInteger, not balloon Private mbRandomize As Boolean '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Draw_Balloon_s4p '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sub Draw_Balloon_s4p(oReport As Report _ ,xCenter As Double _ ,yCenter As Double _ ,dbRadius As Double _ ,Optional pnColor As Long = vbYellow _ ,Optional pnBorderColor As Long = -1 _ ,Optional psText As String = "" _ ,Optional piFontSize As Integer = 10 _ ,Optional piFontColor As Long = 16777215 _ ) '220617 strive4peace, 230630 'draw a filled balloon (Aspect=1.2) with pnColor ' slightly offset a black shadow ' draw a string 'psText is made smaller than piFontSize if it won't fit ' ' 'PARAMETERS ' oReport is the Report object ' pnColor is the color for the fill. Default is black ' pnBorderColor will be pnColor if not specified ' psText is text to write in the middle ' piFontSize is (starting) font size to use for text ' piFontColor is color for text, default is white On Error GoTo Proc_Err Dim dbAspect As Double _ ,x1 As Double,y1 As Double _ ,x2 As Double,y2 As Double _ ,i As Integer _ ,iFontSize As Integer _ ,iShadowOffset As Integer iShadowOffset = 40 With oReport .ScaleMode = 1 'twips .DrawWidth = 1 'pixel .FillStyle = 0 'Opaque If pnBorderColor < 0 Then pnBorderColor = pnColor End If 'oval shaped balloon dbAspect = 1.2 '.Circle (x,y), Radius, Color, StartAngle, EndAngle, Aspect 'balloon black shadow .FillColor = 0 oReport.Circle (xCenter + iShadowOffset _ ,yCenter + iShadowOffset) _ ,dbRadius _ ,0,,,dbAspect 'balloon .FillColor = pnColor oReport.Circle (xCenter,yCenter) _ ,dbRadius _ ,pnBorderColor,,,dbAspect If psText <> "" Then .ForeColor = piFontColor iFontSize = piFontSize .FontSize = iFontSize Do While .TextWidth(psText) _ > dbRadius * dbAspect iFontSize = iFontSize - 1 .FontSize = iFontSize Loop .CurrentX = xCenter - .TextWidth(psText) / 2 .CurrentY = yCenter - .TextHeight(psText) / 2 .Print psText End If 'draw bottom 'dbAspect x1 = xCenter - dbRadius / 12 x2 = xCenter + dbRadius / 12 y1 = yCenter + dbRadius y2 = yCenter + dbRadius + dbRadius / 16 'shadow oReport.Line (x1,y1)-(x2 + iShadowOffset _ ,y2 + iShadowOffset _ ),0,BF oReport.Line (x1,y1)-(x2,y2),pnColor,BF 'draw string y1 = y2 y2 = y1 + dbRadius * 2 oReport.Line (xCenter,y1)-( _ xCenter,y2) _ ,RGB(200,200,200) End With Proc_Exit: Exit Sub Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description _ ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " Draw_Balloon_s4p" Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Sub '=================================================== ' this is needed for example report ' to position and color balloons ' , not to draw a balloon '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' GetRandomInteger '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Function GetRandomInteger(piMinumum As Integer _ ,piMaximum As Integer _ ,Optional pDummy As Variant _ ) As Integer 's4p 220616, 708, 230715 'test module variable to only do 'at beginning of a loop or first record of SQL If mbRandomize <> True Then Randomize mbRandomize = True End If 'Fix instead of Int in case numbers are negative GetRandomInteger = _ Fix( _ ((piMaximum - piMinumum + 1) _ * Rnd) _ + piMinumum) End Function '*************** Code End ***************************************************** '*************** Code Start ***************************************************** ' code behind: rDraw_BirthdayBALLOONS '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose : VBA to draw many balloons on an Access report ' change position, text, and color ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' Code List: www.MsAccessGurus.com/code.htm ' This code: https://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/Draw_BirthdayBalloons.htm ' LICENSE : ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Use at your own risk. '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Private variables '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'comment if defined elsewhere ' defined by SetColorArray_s4p Private manColor(0 To 6) As Long Private Const InchToTWIP As Integer = 1440 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Private msBIRTHDAY_WHO As String '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Report_Open '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer) '220619 strive4peace, 220630, 0716 ' prompt for birthday name Dim sMsg As String sMsg = "(edit the PartyWords table) " _ & "Who is having a birthday?" msBIRTHDAY_WHO = InputBox( _ sMsg _ , "Who is having a birthday?" _ , "") 'replace space with No-Break space If Len(msBIRTHDAY_WHO) > 0 Then msBIRTHDAY_WHO = Replace(Trim(msBIRTHDAY_WHO) _ , " ",Chr(160)) Else msBIRTHDAY_WHO = "!" End If End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' ReportHeader_Format '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Private Sub ReportHeader_Format(Cancel As Integer,FormatCount As Integer) '230716 'add name to Label_hApPy BiRtHdAy Me.Label_hApPy_BiRtHdAy.Caption _ = "hApPy_BiRtHdAy " _ & msBIRTHDAY_WHO End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Report_Page '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Private Sub Report_Page() '220618 strive4peace ...230630, Happy birthday! 'draw balloons with words on a full page ' 5 'rows' 'uses PartyWords table 'CALLs ' GetRandomInteger to sort party words ' SetColorArray_s4p ' Draw_Balloon_s4p in mod_Draw_Balloon_s4p On Error GoTo Proc_Err Dim sSQL As String Dim db As DAO.Database _ ,rs As DAO.Recordset Dim iBalloon As Integer _ ,iRow As Integer _ ,iBalloonsInRow As Integer _ ,iMiddleBalloon As Integer _ ,iWordNumber As Integer _ ,iStartWord As Integer _ ,iColorNumber As Integer _ ,bInStartWords As Boolean _ ,xGap As Double _ ,xleft As Double Dim xCenter As Double _ ,yCenter As Double _ ,dbRadius As Double _ ,nColor As Long _ ,nFontColor As Long _ ,sWord As String Dim aStartWords() As String 'msBIRTHDAY_WHO set in Report_Open event aStartWords = Split( "Happy Birthday " & msBIRTHDAY_WHO _ , " ") 'balloon size dbRadius = InchToTWIP '1 inch 'color array to choose from Call SetColorArray_s4p 'start on a random color iColorNumber = GetRandomInteger( _ LBound(manColor) _ ,UBound(manColor)) iStartWord = LBound(aStartWords) bInStartWords = True iWordNumber = 0 iRow = 1 iMiddleBalloon = 3 sSQL = "SELECT W.PartyWord " _ & " FROM PartyWords AS W " _ & " WHERE IsActive <> 0 " _ & " ORDER BY GetRandomInteger(1,200,[WordID]);" Set db = CurrentDb Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sSQL,dbOpenSnapshot) With Me iBalloonsInRow = 5 xGap = (.ScaleWidth - (iBalloonsInRow * 2 * dbRadius)) _ / (iBalloonsInRow - 1) For iRow = 1 To 5 'if odd, more balloons 'first center If iRow Mod 2 <> 0 Then iBalloonsInRow = 5 iMiddleBalloon = 3 xCenter = .ScaleLeft + dbRadius Else iBalloonsInRow = 4 iMiddleBalloon = 2 xCenter = .ScaleLeft + (dbRadius * 2) _ + xGap / 2 End If If iRow Mod 2 = 0 Then yCenter = .ScaleTop + (dbRadius * 3) _ + (iRow - 1) * dbRadius * 1.8 Else yCenter = .ScaleTop + (dbRadius * 3) _ + (iRow - 1) * dbRadius * 2 End If For iBalloon = 1 To iBalloonsInRow 'GET WORD 'start words are Happy Birthday msBIRTHDAY_WHO 'then every 20 words interject start words iWordNumber = iWordNumber + 1 If bInStartWords Then sWord = aStartWords(iStartWord) iStartWord = iStartWord + 1 If iStartWord > UBound(aStartWords) Then bInStartWords = False End If Else If rs.EOF Then rs.MoveFirst End If sWord = rs!PartyWord rs.MoveNext If iWordNumber Mod 19 = 0 Then 'next time use special words bInStartWords = True iStartWord = LBound(aStartWords) End If End If If iColorNumber > UBound(manColor) Then iColorNumber = LBound(manColor) End If nColor = manColor(iColorNumber) 'colors 0-6 'after 3, uses dark font If iColorNumber = 3 Then 'green nFontColor = RGB(0,0,0) 'black ElseIf iColorNumber > 3 Then nFontColor = RGB(255,255,0) Else nFontColor = RGB(70,120,200) End If '---------------- draw balloon Me.FillColor = nColor Call Draw_Balloon_s4p(Me _ ,xCenter,yCenter,dbRadius _ ,nColor,_ ,sWord,48,nFontColor) 'next color iColorNumber = iColorNumber + 1 'next coordinate xCenter = xCenter + (dbRadius * 2) _ + xGap If iBalloon = iMiddleBalloon _ And iBalloonsInRow Mod 2 = 0 Then 'up just a little yCenter = yCenter - (dbRadius / 3) ElseIf iBalloon < iMiddleBalloon Then yCenter = yCenter - dbRadius Else yCenter = yCenter + dbRadius End If Next iBalloon Next iRow End With 'me Proc_Exit: On Error Resume Next 'release object variables If Not rs Is Nothing Then rs.Close Set rs = Nothing End If Set db = Nothing Exit Sub Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description,,_ "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " Report_Page " & Me.Name Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Sub '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' SetColorArray_s4p '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Private Sub SetColorArray_s4p() '230716 currently sets colors of the rainbow ' modifies ganColorRainbow in other places manColor(0) = 510 'red 254, 1, 0 manColor(1) = 4695039 'orange 255, 163, 71 manColor(2) = 65279 'yellow 255, 254, 0 manColor(3) = 195843 'green 3, 253, 2 manColor(4) = 16580609 'blue 1, 0, 253 manColor(5) = 15027094 'purple 209, 0, 203 manColor(6) = 13304017 'violet 209, 0, 203 End Sub '*************** Code End *****************************************************Code was generated with colors using the free Color Code add-in for Access
Report Draw Reference for VBA syntax and help for drawing on Access reports.
Circle method
Line method
Print method
CurrentX property
CurrentY property
FillStyle property
FillColor property
Mod operator
Rnd function
I hope you have as much fun with this as I do! You can edit the PartyWords, and make them active or not. Each time you open the sample report, the party words are chosen randomly — except for 'Happy Birthday Name'
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~ crystal
the simplest way is best, but usually the hardest to see