Christmas Tree drawn by Access using VBA Ms Access Gurus

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Draw a Christmas Tree in Access

Draw a Christmas Tree with a star on top! Just got the tree up today (smile).

Send the report object, top center coordinate and height for the Christmas Tree. Optionally, you can choose colors.

The code that does the drawing is all in one module that you can easily import into your projects. The Christmas Tree uses Circle and Line methods. The star uses Print.

Show a Christmas Tree on an Access report

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Download zipped BAS file you can import into your Access projects: bas_Draw_Christmas

Download zipped ACCDB file with sample data, a module, and 2 sample reports: Draw_Christmas

If you have trouble with a download, you may need to unblock the ZIP file, aka remove Mark of the Web, before extracting the file. Here are steps to do that:

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Try it yourself

There is a sample report to draw a tree on the page

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watch on YouTube: Draw Christmas Tree on Access Report (7:36)

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Standard module

'*************** Code Start ***************************************************
' Purpose  : draw a Christmas Tree on an Access report
'             specify center top coordinate and height
'             optionally set colors
'           USES Circle, Line, and Print
' Author   : crystal (strive4peace)
' Code List:
' This code:
'   You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it.
'   Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk.
' bas_Draw_ChristmasTree_s4p
'           Global variables
'comment if defined elsewhere
Public Const PI As Double = 3.14159 

Public Const gColorGreenTree As Long = 6584420  'RGB(100, 120, 100)
Public Const gColorBrown As Long = 25750  'RGB(150, 100, 0
Public Const gColorOrange As Long = 38650  'RGB(250, 150, 0)
'           Draw_ChristmasTree_s4p
' send report object, top center coordinate and height
Public Sub Draw_ChristmasTree_s4p(poReport As Report _ 
      ,pXCenter As Single _ 
      ,pYTop As Single _ 
      ,pYHeight As Single _ 
   ,Optional pnColorTree As Variant = gColorGreenTree _ 
   ,Optional pnColorStar As Variant = vbYellow _ 
   ,Optional pnColorStarOutline As Variant = gColorOrange _ 
'221225 s4p
'Draw a ChristmasTree
'   measurements in twips

   On Error GoTo Proc_Err 
   '  poReport is the Report object
   '  pXCenter is x-coordinate of Christmas Tree center
   '  pYTop is y-coordinate of Christmas Tree top
   '  pYHeight is ChristmasTree height
   '(Optional) -- long integer color value
   '     defined as Variant to allow null
   '  pnColorTree
   If IsNull(pnColorTree) Then pnColorTree = gColorGreenTree 
   If IsNull(pnColorStar) Then pnColorStar = vbYellow 
   If IsNull(pnColorStarOutline) Then pnColorStarOutline = gColorOrange 

   Dim X As Single,Y As Single _ 
      ,x1 As Single,y1 As Single _ 
      ,x2 As Single,y2 As Single _ 
      ,sText As String 
   Dim sgRadiusTree As Single _ 
      ,sgAngleTree1 As Single _ 
      ,sgAngleTree2 As Single 

   '----------------------------- customize as desired
   sgRadiusTree = pYHeight * 0.75 
   sgAngleTree1 = PI * 1.35 
   sgAngleTree2 = PI * 1.65 

    With poReport 
      .ScaleMode = 1  'twips
      .DrawWidth = 1  'pixel

      .FillStyle = 0  'Opaque
      'tree stump
      x1 = pXCenter - (sgRadiusTree * 0.1) 
      x2 = pXCenter + (sgRadiusTree * 0.1) 
      y1 = Y + sgRadiusTree  'tree bottom
      y2 = Y + pYHeight * 0.9 
      .FillColor = gColorBrown 
      poReport.Line (x1,y1)-(x2,y2) _ 
      Y = pYTop + (pYHeight * 0.1)  'tree top
      .FillColor = pnColorTree 
      poReport.Circle (pXCenter,Y),sgRadiusTree _ 

      'star on top
      .FontName =  "Wingdings 2"
      sText =  "ë"
      'outline star
      .FontSize = sgRadiusTree / 75 
      .ForeColor = pnColorStarOutline 
      .CurrentY = Y - .TextHeight(sText) / 2 
      .CurrentX = pXCenter - .TextWidth(sText) / 2 
      .Print sText 

      'star inside
      .FontSize = sgRadiusTree / 120 
      .ForeColor = pnColorStar 
      .CurrentY = Y - .TextHeight(sText) / 2 
      .CurrentX = pXCenter - .TextWidth(sText) / 2 
      .Print sText 
   End With 
   On Error GoTo 0 
   Exit Sub 
   MsgBox Err.Description _ 
       ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ 
        &  "   Draw_ChristmasTree_s4p"

   Resume Proc_Exit 
End Sub 
'*************** Code End *****************************************************

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rpt_Christmas Tree_Page

Code behind report to draw a default Christmas Tree on a page.

'*************** Code Start CBR ***********************************************
' Purpose  : code behind rpt_ChristmasTrees_Page
'            calls Draw_ChristmasTree_s4p
'              draw a Christmas Tree on a page
' Author   : crystal (strive4peace)
' Code List:
' This code:
'   You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it.
'   Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk.
'           Report_Page
Private Sub Report_Page() 
'221216 crystal
'draw a default Christmas Tree on the page
   '  Draw_ChristmasTree_s4p
   Dim X As Single,Y As Single _ 
      ,dx As Single,dy As Single _ 
   With Me 
      .ScaleMode = 1  'twips
      'width and height for drawing
      dx = .ScaleWidth 
      dy = .ScaleHeight - .PageFooterSection.Height 
      'x center
      X = .ScaleLeft + dx / 2 
      'y top
      Y = .ScaleTop 
   End With 
   'Call Draw_ChristmasTree_s4p
   Call Draw_ChristmasTree_s4p(Me,X,Y,dy) 
End Sub 
'*************** Code End *****************************************************
' Code was generated with colors using the free Color Code add-in for Access.

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Drawing Reference on MsAccessGurus

Report Draw Reference for VBA syntax and help for drawing on Access reports.

Circle method

Line method

Print method

TextHeight method

TextWidth method

DrawWidth property

FillColor property

FillStyle property

FontName property

FontSize property

ForeColor property

CurrentX property

CurrentY property

Sine function

Cosine function

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Merry Christmas! Best wishes to you and your loved ones. So this year is a tree with a star on top. Maybe next year, we can decorate it more (smile).

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~ crystal

the simplest way is best, but usually the hardest to see

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