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Did you lose something in one of your many databases? Where is it? Loop through all your Access databases in or under a path and copy what's in the system object table (MSysObjects) for each to the documentation database; and get file information like size.
List name, date modified, type, flags, etc, for all Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports, Macros, and Modules. Optionally, count records and more.
Do you want to see a presentation of this tool? (and one more?) come to Maria's Access Lunchtime user group meeting on 31 October at noon central time. All are welcome and it's free. Access Lunchtime – Two free tools: List Objects from your Access databases, and VBA Code Documenter
Maybe you're creating documentation. Whatever is your reason, if you have one database or lots of databases, I hope you find this useful.
This database has CascadeDelete on. To delete previous results, delete records in tPath then Compact/Repair. Back it up before CR if you have results you want to keep.
This database may be used freely, but you may not sell it in whole or in part. You may include it in applications you develop for others provided you keep attribution, mark your modifications, and share this source link.
Remember to UNBLOCK files you download to remove the Mark of the Web. Here are steps to do that: https://msaccessgurus.com/MOTW_Unblock.htm
watch on YouTube: AL: 2 free tools: 1)List Access Objects 2)VBA Code Documenter, step-thru OpenBypass (1:03:31)
The menu form gives you a way to specify or browse to a path that has one or more databases you want to list objects for. Change checkboxes for Recursive and Count Records if desired, and then click OK.
The code loops through every Access database in the path, and its subfolders too, if you want. As the program runs, you'll see where it is in the progress box.
Once the program is finished, you can get results as reports, queries, or write your own queries. Each time it runs, a new BatchID is assigned. You can also choose a previous Batch to run reports and queries on. You might find the queries more useful.
Specify criteria to open queries and reports for Files and Objects. If you specify a Pattern, it will apply to filename for Files report/query or object name for Objects report/query. If no ? or * wildcard is included in the pattern, * will be added to the beginning and the end of the pattern.
Option Compare Database Option Explicit ' cbf: f_MENU_ListObjects_LoopFiles_s4p '*************** Code Start *************************************************** ' Purpose : code behind menu form to ' Loop through files ' and store Access Object summary ' for each database in the path ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' Site : https://msaccessgurus.com ' This tool: https://msaccessgurus.com/tool/ListObjects_LoopFiles.htm ' LICENSE : ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' #Const IsEarly '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Const IsEarly = gIsEarly '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Public UpdateProgress '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub UpdateProgress(psMessage As String) '230314 s4p 230828 Dim sMsg As String With Me .Label_Progress.Caption = psMessage .Repaint End With 'me DoEvents If Len(Trim(psMessage)) = 0 Then 'clear message on status bar SysCmd acSysCmdClearStatus Else sMsg = Replace(psMessage,vbCrLf, " ") SysCmd acSysCmdSetStatus,sMsg End If End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Form_Load '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Form_Load() '230314 s4p Call UpdateProgress( " ") End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Form_Close '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Form_Close() '230204 s4p Call Release_Fso_Db End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' BatchID_AfterUpdate '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub BatchID_AfterUpdate() '230831 With Me.FileID .Value = Null .Requery End With End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' cmd_Clear_Click '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub cmd_Clear_Click() '230831 With Me .BatchID = Null .FileID = Null .FileID.Requery .objTypN_ = Null .txtPattern = Null .chk_MSys = False End With End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' BatchID_MouseUp '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub BatchID_MouseUp(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single) '230828 s4p Me.ActiveControl.Dropdown End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' objTypN_MouseUp '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub objTypN_MouseUp(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single) Me.ActiveControl.Dropdown End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' FileID_MouseUp '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub FileID_MouseUp(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single) Me.ActiveControl.Dropdown End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' objTypN_MouseUp '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub objTypN__MouseUp(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single) Me.ActiveControl.Dropdown End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' cmd_ReportObjects_Click '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub cmd_ReportObjects_Click() '230828 s4p 'CALLs ' GetWhere Dim sReportname As String _ ,vWhere As Variant sReportname = "r_Object_List" 'get objects, don't use Table Alias vWhere = GetWhere(True,False) DoCmd.OpenReport sReportname,acViewPreview _ ,,vWhere End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' cmd_ReportFileSummary_Click '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub cmd_ReportFileSummary_Click() ' 'CALLs ' GetWhere Dim sReportname As String _ ,vWhere As Variant sReportname = "r_File_List" 'don't get objects, don't use Table Alias vWhere = GetWhere(False,False) DoCmd.OpenReport sReportname,acViewPreview _ ,,vWhere End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' cmd_QueryObjects_Click '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub cmd_QueryObjects_Click() '230831 s4p 'CALLs ' GetWhere Dim sSql As String _ ,sWhere As String _ ,sQueryTemplate As String _ ,sQuery As String Dim oQdf As QueryDef sQueryTemplate = "qTemplate_Object_List" sQuery = "q_Objects" If goDb Is Nothing Then Set goDb = CurrentDb End If sSql = goDb.QueryDefs(sQueryTemplate).SQL 'get crieria with table aliases ' get objects, use Table Alias sWhere = GetWhere(True,True) If sWhere <> "" Then sSql = Replace(sSql, "ORDER BY " _ , " WHERE (" & sWhere & ") ORDER BY ") End If 'make query to view 'close if open If SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState,acQuery,sQuery) _ = acObjStateOpen Then DoCmd.Close acQuery,sQuery,acSaveNo End If Call Query_Make_s4p(sQuery,sSql) 'open query DoCmd.OpenQuery sQuery End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' cmd_QueryFileSummary_Click '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub cmd_QueryFileSummary_Click() 's4p 'CALLs ' GetWhere Dim sSql As String _ ,sWhere As String _ ,sQueryTemplate As String _ ,sQuery As String Dim oQdf As QueryDef sQueryTemplate = "qTemplate_File_List" sQuery = "q_Files" If goDb Is Nothing Then Set goDb = CurrentDb End If sSql = goDb.QueryDefs(sQueryTemplate).SQL 'get crieria with table aliases ' don't get objects, use Table Alias sWhere = GetWhere(False,True) If sWhere <> "" Then sSql = Replace(sSql, "ORDER BY " _ , " WHERE (" & sWhere & ") ORDER BY ") End If 'make query to view 'close if open If SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState,acQuery,sQuery) _ = acObjStateOpen Then DoCmd.Close acQuery,sQuery,acSaveNo End If Call Query_Make_s4p(sQuery,sSql) 'open query DoCmd.OpenQuery sQuery End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' GetWhere '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetWhere(pbGetObjects As Boolean _ ,Optional pbForQuery As Boolean = False _ ) As String '230831 s4p, 231012 Dim vWhere As Variant _ ,sAlias As String _ ,sPattern As String _ ,sExpression As String vWhere = Null sAlias = "" '------------- File /Batch If pbForQuery Then sAlias = "F." 'tFile End If With Me.FileID If Not IsNull(.Value) Then vWhere = (vWhere + " AND ") _ & sAlias & "FileID= " & .Value Else 'filter by batch? If Not IsNull(Me.BatchID.Value) Then vWhere = (vWhere + " AND ") _ & sAlias & "BatchID= " & Me.BatchID.Value End If End If End With 'FileID / BatchID '------------- Pattern sPattern = "" With Me.txtPattern If Not IsNull(.Value) Then sPattern = .Value 'if pattern doesn't specify wildcards * or ? ' then add * before and after If Not sPattern Like "*[?*]*" Then sPattern = "*" & sPattern & "*" End If End If End With 'txtPattern sAlias = "" If Not pbGetObjects Then 'pattern for Filenames '------------- tFile If sPattern <> "" Then vWhere = (vWhere + " AND ") _ & "F.FileName Like '" & sPattern & "'" End If Else 'pattern for Objects '------------- SysObjects If sPattern <> "" Then vWhere = (vWhere + " AND ") _ & "oName Like '" & sPattern & "'" End If '------------- ao_ObjType If pbForQuery Then sAlias = "OTy." 'ao_ObjType End If With Me.objTypN_ If Not IsNull(.Value) Then vWhere = (vWhere + " AND ") _ & sAlias & "objTypN_= " & .Value End If End With 'objTypN_ '------------- exclude system objects? If Me.chk_MSys = False Then ' calculated field oName4 If pbForQuery Then 'query sExpression = " Left(O.oName,4) " Else 'report sExpression = "oName4 " End If vWhere = (vWhere + " AND ") _ & sExpression & " <> 'MSys'" ' calculated field oName1 If pbForQuery Then 'query sExpression = " Left(O.oName,1) " Else 'report sExpression = "oName1 " End If vWhere = (vWhere + " AND ") _ & sExpression & " Not In ('~','{','_')" ' Flags vWhere = (vWhere + " AND ") _ & " oFlags>=0" End If 'chk_MSys End If Debug.Print vWhere GetWhere = Nz(vWhere, "") End Function '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' cmd_Browse_Click '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub cmd_Browse_Click() '230121 strive4peace ' CALLs ' mod_Office_GetFolder_GetFile_s4p ' GetFolder 'folder path, number of files Dim sFolder As String 'Title of dialog box Dim sTitle As String sTitle = "Select the Folder to loop and document databases" ' Call GetFolder sFolder = GetFolder(sTitle) If sFolder = "" Then Exit Sub With Me 'folder path .txtFolder = sFolder End With End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' cmd_GetObjectList_Loop_Click '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub cmd_GetObjectList_Loop_Click() '230401 s4p ... 230405, 231012 ' CALLS ' Start_Time ' SetBatchIDNew ' DocumentAccessObjects_Recursive_s4p -- all files in path ' Release_Fso_Db ' ReportElapsedTime On Error GoTo Proc_Err Dim sSql As String Dim rs As DAO.Recordset _ ,rsTable As DAO.Recordset _ ,oField As DAO.Field Dim nCountFile As Integer _ ,nCountObjects As Long _ ,nFileID As Long _ ,nCount As Long _ ,nCountTotal As Long _ ,nCountRecord As Long _ ,iCountField As Integer _ ,dtmStart As Date _ ,sMessage As String _ ,sPath As String _ ,sPathFile As String _ ,sTable As String _ ,sField As String _ ,bRecursive As Boolean _ ,bHasComplex As Boolean _ ,bCountRecords As Boolean dtmStart = Now() With Me If IsNull(.txtFolder) Then MsgBox "You must specify a start folder",, "Missing folder" Exit Sub End If Call Start_Time .txtStart = dtmStart sPath = .txtFolder bRecursive = .chk_Recursive bCountRecords = .chk_CountRecords gnBatchID = 0 'not set Call SetBatchIDNew 'assign gnBatchID Me.BatchID.Value = gnBatchID End With Set goDb = Nothing 'Call DocumentAccessObjects_Recursive_s4p Call DocumentAccessObjects_Recursive_s4p(sPath,bRecursive) 'get number of objects created nCountObjects = 0 '--------------------------------------- count objects Call UpdateProgress( "count objects") sSql = "SELECT count(SysObjID) as CountObjects " _ & " FROM SysObjects AS A" _ & " WHERE(A.dtmAdd >=#" & dtmStart & "# )" _ & ";" Set rs = goDb.OpenRecordset(sSql,dbOpenSnapshot) With rs nCountObjects = !CountObjects .Close End With 'get number of files sSql = "SELECT count(FileID) as CountFile " _ & " FROM tFile AS A" _ & " WHERE(A.dtmAdd >=#" & dtmStart & "# )" _ & ";" Set rs = goDb.OpenRecordset(sSql,dbOpenSnapshot) With rs nCountFile = !CountFile .Close End With nCountTotal = 0 If bCountRecords Then nCount = 0 '--------------------------------------- count records Call UpdateProgress( "count records in tables") 'type=1, flags=0 OR not MSys sSql = "SELECT Nz([PathName],[PathLong]) & '\' & [FileName] AS PathFile" _ & ", O.oName, O.NumRec, O.NumField, O.dtmEdit " _ & " FROM (tPath AS P " _ & " INNER JOIN tFile AS F ON P.PathID = F.PathID) " _ & " INNER JOIN SysObjects AS O ON F.FileID = O.FileID" _ & " WHERE(P.BatchID =" & gnBatchID & ") " _ & " AND(O.oType=1) AND " _ & "( O.oFlags =0 OR left(O.oName,4) <>'MSys')" _ & ";" Set rs = goDb.OpenRecordset(sSql,dbOpenDynaset) With rs .MoveLast nCountTotal = .RecordCount .MoveFirst Do While Not .EOF nCount = nCount + 1 sPathFile = !PathFile sTable = !oName iCountField = 0 nCountRecord = -1 sMessage = "count records in tables" _ & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _ & Format(nCount / nCountTotal, "0.0%") _ & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & sTable & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & sPathFile Call UpdateProgress(sMessage) sSql = "SELECT top 1 t.* from [" & sTable _ & "] as t in '" & sPathFile & "'" _ & ";" On Error Resume Next Set rsTable = goDb.OpenRecordset(sSql,dbOpenSnapshot) If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear On Error GoTo Proc_Err GoTo NextTable End If iCountField = rsTable.Fields.Count On Error GoTo Proc_Err If iCountField > 0 Then 'find name of field for count records For Each oField In rsTable.Fields sField = "" If oField.Type <= 10 And oField.Type <> 9 Then sField = oField.Name Exit For End If Next oField If sField <> "" Then rsTable.Close sSql = "SELECT count([" & sField _ & "]) as zCountRecord " _ & " from [" & sTable _ & "] in '" & sPathFile & "'" _ & ";" Set rsTable = goDb.OpenRecordset( _ sSql,dbOpenSnapshot) nCountRecord = rsTable!zCountRecord End If rsTable.Close .Edit !NumField = iCountField If nCountRecord >= 0 Then !NumRec = nCountRecord End If !dtmEdit = Now .Update End If NextTable: .MoveNext Loop End With 'rs End If 'count records '--------------------------------------- number of files Call UpdateProgress( "number of files") 'update number of files sSql = "UPDATE tPath AS P " _ & " SET P.NumFile = DCount(" _ & " 'FileID','tFile','PathID=' & [PathID])" _ & " WHERE(P.BatchID =" & gnBatchID & " );" Call ExecuteSQL_s4p(sSql,goDb) '--------------------------------------- number of files sMessage = Format(nCountObjects, "#,##0") _ & " objects in " _ & Format(nCountFile, "#,##0") & " files documented " If nCountTotal > 0 Then sMessage = sMessage & vbCrLf _ & "counted records in " _ & Format(nCountTotal, "#,##0") & " tables" End If Call UpdateProgress(sMessage) '--------------------------------------- done Me.BatchID.Requery '231012 Me.FileID.Requery 'clear status bar SysCmd acSysCmdClearStatus 'release objects Call Release_Fso_Db sMessage = "Done documenting Access Objects" _ & vbCrLf & sMessage Debug.Print sMessage Call ReportElapsedTime(sMessage) Proc_Exit: On Error Resume Next Call UpdateProgress( "") 'release object variables If Not rs Is Nothing Then rs.Close Set rs = Nothing End If Exit Sub Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description,,_ "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " cmd_GetObjectList_Loop_Click " Stop Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Sub '*************** Code End *****************************************************
DocumentAccessObjects_Recursive_s4p is recursive
Option Compare Database Option Explicit ' module: mod_ListObjects_LoopFiles_s4p '*************** Code Start *************************************************** ' Purpose : use the Microsoft Scripting Runtime library ' loop through files in a folder and optionally subfolders ' document names and other important info for Access database objects ' Recursive ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' Site : https://msaccessgurus.com ' This tool: https://msaccessgurus.com/tool/ListObjects_LoopFiles.htm ' LICENSE : ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' module declarations '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Const IsEarly = False 'could be set to global such as Public Const gIsEarly ' in mod_Office_GetFolder_GetFile_s4p #If IsEarly Then 'early binding 'needs Microsoft Scripting Runtime Private moFso As Scripting.FileSystemObject Private moFile As Scripting.File Private moFolder As Scripting.Folder #Else 'late binding Private moFso As Object Private moFile As Object Private moFolder As Object #End If Public goDb As DAO.Database 'could be for module except menu form uses it Public gnBatchID As Long _ ,gnCountFiles As Long Private mRsPath As DAO.Recordset _ ,mRsFile As DAO.Recordset _ ,nRs As DAO.Recordset _ ,moQDF As DAO.QueryDef _ ,moField As DAO.Field '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Set_Fso '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub Set_Fso() Set moFso = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject") End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Release_Fso_Db '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'run when done to cleanup Public Sub Release_Fso_Db() Set moFso = Nothing Set moField = Nothing Set moQDF = Nothing If Not mRsFile Is Nothing Then mRsFile.Close Set mRsFile = Nothing End If If Not mRsPath Is Nothing Then mRsPath.Close Set mRsPath = Nothing End If Set goDb = Nothing End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' DocumentAccessObjects_Recursive_s4p '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub DocumentAccessObjects_Recursive_s4p( _ ByVal psPath As String _ ,Optional ByVal pbRecursive As Boolean = True _ ,Optional ByVal pnPathID As Long = -1 _ ) 'strive4peace 230401, 230829 NextFolder, 230831 ' uses ' goDb, moFso..., mRs... 'PARAMETERs ' psPath is start folder to document databases 'OPTIONAL ' pbRecursive = True to recurse ' pnPathID < 0 to add Path record and get new PathID 'CALLs ' Set_Fso ' GetPathIDNew ' itself if pbRecursive ' GetSystemObjects_s4p On Error GoTo Proc_Err Dim sFilename As String _ ,sPath As String _ ,sPathFile As String _ ,sFolderPath As String _ ,sExtension As String _ ,sMessage As String _ ,sSql As String _ ,nPathID As Long _ ,nPathIDnew As Long _ ,nFileID As Long _ ,iPos As Integer _ ,iPart As Integer If moFso Is Nothing Then Call Set_Fso End If If goDb Is Nothing Then Set goDb = CurrentDb Set mRsPath = goDb.OpenRecordset( _ "tPath",dbOpenDynaset,dbAppendOnly) Set mRsFile = goDb.OpenRecordset( _ "tFile",dbOpenDynaset,dbAppendOnly) Else '230829 If mRsPath Is Nothing Then Set mRsPath = goDb.OpenRecordset( _ "tPath",dbOpenDynaset,dbAppendOnly) End If If mRsFile Is Nothing Then Set mRsFile = goDb.OpenRecordset( _ "tPath",dbOpenDynaset,dbAppendOnly) End If End If 'passed PathID If pnPathID < 0 Then 'path for top folder nPathID = GetPathIDNew(psPath) 'uses mRsPath Else nPathID = pnPathID End If ' ---------------------------- Scripting.FileSystemObject With moFso 'RECURSIVE If pbRecursive <> False Then iPart = 1 For Each moFolder In .GetFolder(psPath).SubFolders iPart = 2 sFolderPath = moFolder.Path 'call GetPathIDNew nPathIDnew = GetPathIDNew(sFolderPath) 'needs mRsPath 230829 'call DocumentAccessObjects_Recursive_s4p, Recursively Call DocumentAccessObjects_Recursive_s4p(sFolderPath _ ,True,nPathIDnew) NextFolder: Next moFolder End If iPart = 3 'loop files in folder of FileSystemObject for Access databases For Each moFile In .GetFolder(psPath).Files sFilename = moFile.Name 'make sure file is an Access database iPos = InStrRev(sFilename, ".") + 1 If Not iPos > 1 Then GoTo Proc_NextFile sExtension = Mid(sFilename,iPos) ' make sure extension is an Access database Select Case sExtension Case "accdb", "accde", "accda", "accdr" _ , "mdb", "mde", "mda", "mdr" 'store Path and File info With mRsFile .AddNew !PathID = nPathID !BatchID = gnBatchID !FileName = sFilename !FExt = sExtension !FSize = moFile.Size !FDateMod = moFile.DateLastModified .Update .Bookmark = .LastModified nFileID = !FileID gnCountFiles = gnCountFiles + 1 '230829 End With sPathFile = psPath _ & IIf(Right(psPath,1) <> "\", "\", "") _ & sFilename 'append data from MSysObjects sMessage = "Append Object information " _ & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & psPath _ & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & sFilename 'call UpdateProgress_form Call UpdateProgress_form(sMessage) sSql = "INSERT INTO SysObjects " _ & "(oConnect, oDatabase, oDateCreate, oDateUpdate " _ & ", oFlags, oForeignName, oid, oName, oParentId" _ & ", oType, oConnectLong, oDatabaseLong, FileID, BatchID )" _ & "SELECT IIf(Len([connect] & '')<=255,[connect],Null)" _ & ", IIf(Len([Database] & '')<=255,[Database],Null)" _ & ", Msys.DateCreate, Msys.DateUpdate, Msys.Flags " _ & ", Msys.ForeignName, Msys.Id, Msys.Name, Msys.ParentId" _ & ", Msys.Type" _ & ", IIf(Len([connect] & '')>255,[connect],Null)" _ & ", IIf(Len([Database] & '')>255,[Database],Null)" _ & ", " & nFileID _ & ", " & gnBatchID _ & " FROM MSysObjects " _ & " AS Msys" _ & " IN '" & sPathFile & "' " _ & ";" 'call ExecuteSQL_s4p Call ExecuteSQL_s4p(sSql,goDb) End Select 'extension is an Access database Proc_NextFile: Next moFile End With 'moFso Proc_Exit: On Error Resume Next Exit Sub Proc_Err: '70 permission denied If iPart = 1 And Err.Number = 70 Then Resume Proc_Exit Else Resume NextFolder End If MsgBox Err.Description & vbCrLf & psPath & vbCrLf & iPart _ ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ & " DocumentAccessObjects_Recursive_s4p" Stop Resume Proc_Exit Resume End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' GetPathIDNew '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Function GetPathIDNew(psPath As String) As Long '230401 strive4peace 'add record to tPath and return the PathID With mRsPath .AddNew !BatchID = gnBatchID If Len(psPath) > 255 Then !PathLong = psPath Else !PathName = psPath End If .Update .Bookmark = .LastModified GetPathIDNew = !PathID End With End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' SetBatchIDNew '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub SetBatchIDNew() '230401 strive4peace 'set gnBatchID to the next BatchID -- ASSUME goDb is set 'default value if no records gnBatchID = 1 gnBatchID = Nz(DMax( "BatchID", "tPath"),0) + 1 Proc_Exit: ' On Error Resume Next ' If Not rs Is Nothing Then ' rs.Close ' Set rs = Nothing ' End If On Error GoTo 0 Exit Sub Proc_Err: Resume Proc_Exit End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' UpdateProgress_form '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub UpdateProgress_form(psMessage As String) '--- customize '230402 strive4peace. Send " " to clear message Call Form_f_MENU_ListObjects_LoopFiles_s4p.UpdateProgress(psMessage) End Sub '*************** Code End *****************************************************
browse to a folder using the Office.FileDialog in the Microsoft Office #.0 Object Library
Option Compare Database Option Explicit ' module name: mod_Office_GetFolder_s4p '*************** Code Start *************************************************** ' Purpose : get a folder path using the Office file dialog box ' browse to a folder, Office.FileDialog ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' Code List: www.msaccessgurus.com/code.htm ' This code: https://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/Office_GetFolder.htm ' added GetFile procedure ' LICENSE : ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Constants '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'bind early or late? Public Const gIsEarly As Boolean = True 'set compiler directive constant #Const IsEarly = gIsEarly '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' GetFolder '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetFolder( _ Optional psTitle As String = "Select Folder" _ ) As String 'return folder path or "" if nothing chosen ' for example, C:\MyPath 'crystal, strive4peace 220121, 230204 ' REFERENCE for early binding ' Microsoft Office #.0 Object Library ' developed with 16.0 'initialize return value GetFolder = "" 'dimension FileDialog object #If IsEarly Then Dim fDialog As Office.FileDialog #Else Dim fDialog As Object #End If ' msoFileDialogOpen = 1 ' msoFileDialogSaveAs = 2 ' msoFileDialogFilePicker = 3 ' msoFileDialogFolderPicker = 4 'Set File Dialog. 4=msoFileDialogFolderPicker Set fDialog = Application.FileDialog(4) 'set Title and GetFolder With fDialog .Title = psTitle If .Show Then GetFolder = .SelectedItems(1) End If End With 'release object Set fDialog = Nothing End Function '*************** Code End *****************************************************
execute SQL statements, write information to the Debug (Immediate) window
Option Compare Database Option Explicit ' module: bas_ExecuteSQL_s4p '*************** Code Start *************************************************** ' Purpose : execute SQL statements and report stats and time ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' Code List: www.msaccessgurus.com/code.htm ' LICENSE : ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' module declarations '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim moDb As DAO.Database Dim mStart_Timer As Double _ ,mDtmStart As Date '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ExecuteSQL_s4p '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ExecuteSQL_s4p( _ sSql As String _ ,Optional pDb As DAO.Database _ ) As Long '200920 strive4peace On Error GoTo Proc_Err Dim sgTimer1 As Single 'start timer sgTimer1 = Timer Debug.Print sSql If pDb Is Nothing Then If moDb Is Nothing Then Set moDb = CurrentDb End If Set pDb = moDb End If With pDb .Execute sSql ExecuteSQL_s4p = .RecordsAffected Debug.Print Space(5) & "----- " _ & .RecordsAffected & " records, " _ & Format(Timer - sgTimer1, "#,##0.##") & " seconds" End With Proc_Exit: On Error Resume Next Exit Function Proc_Err: Resume Proc_Exit End Function '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Start_Time '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'call this at the beginning of your program: '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sub Start_Time(Optional pMsg) On Error Resume Next mStart_Timer = Timer() mDtmStart = Now() DoCmd.Hourglass True Debug.Print "--- START-------------" _ & pMsg & " ----- " & CStr(mDtmStart) End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' EndTime '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' call this in exit code '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sub EndTime() 'call in Exit code when ReportElapsedTime is used to show message On Error Resume Next DoCmd.Hourglass False SysCmd acSysCmdClearStatus Debug.Print "End " & Format(Now(), "h:nn") & " ----" Set moDb = Nothing End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' reportProgress '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'if you want to report progress to the user periodically: '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sub reportProgress( _ Optional pMsg As String = "" _ ,Optional pDebug As Boolean = False) '...230828 If Len(pMsg) > 0 Then SysCmd acSysCmdSetStatus,pMsg & "..." Else SysCmd acSysCmdClearStatus DoCmd.Hourglass False End If If pDebug = True Then Debug.Print Now(); Tab(25); pMsg End If End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ReportElapsedTime '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'tell the user how long everything took 'this is called when execution was good ' use MessageReportElapsed '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Function ReportElapsedTime( _ Optional ByVal pMessage As String = "" _ ,Optional ByVal pTitle As String = "" _ ) As String ' crystal (strive4peace) ... 100321... 220130, 220211, 230402 On Error Resume Next ReportElapsedTime = "" 'turn off hourglass DoCmd.Hourglass False 'clear status bar SysCmd acSysCmdClearStatus 'release module db object if it was set Set moDb = Nothing Dim dbSeconds As Double _ ,iMinutes As Integer _ ,iHr As Integer Dim sMsg As String _ ,nEndTime As Date If pMessage <> "" Then pMessage = pMessage _ & vbCrLf & "-------------" _ & vbCrLf End If If DateValue(Date) = DateValue(mDtmStart) Then dbSeconds = (Timer() - mStart_Timer) Else 'assume just one day has passed 'seconds from yesterday + seconds today dbSeconds = Timer - mStart_Timer + (24 * 60 * 60) End If nEndTime = Now() If dbSeconds > 60 * 60 Then sMsg = Format(dbSeconds / 60 / 60, "#,###.##") & " hours" ElseIf dbSeconds > 60 Then sMsg = Format(dbSeconds / 60, "#,###.##") & " minutes" Else sMsg = Format(dbSeconds, "#,###.##") & " seconds" End If sMsg = pMessage & "Start Time: " _ & Format(mDtmStart, "hh:nn:ss") & vbCrLf _ & " End Time: " & Format(nEndTime, "hh:nn:ss") & " --> " _ & " Elapsed Time: " & sMsg MsgBox sMsg,_ ,IIf(pTitle = "", "Time to execute ",pTitle) ReportElapsedTime = pMessage Debug.Print " " & pMessage End Function '*************** Code End *****************************************************
create or modify the SQL of a query
Option Compare Database Option Explicit ' module name: mod_Query_Make_s4p '*************** Code Start *************************************************** ' Purpose : make a query or change the SQL of a query ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' Code List: www.msaccessgurus.com/code.htm ' This code: https://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/Query_Make.htm ' LICENSE : ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' module declarations '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim moDb As DAO.Database '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Release_QueryMake '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub Release_QueryMake() Set moDb = Nothing End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Query_Make_s4p '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub Query_Make_s4p( _ ByVal qName As String _ ,ByVal pSql As String _ ,Optional pDb As DAO.Database _ ) 'crystal (strive4peace) 220127, 220401 pDb ' if query already exists, update the SQL ' if not, create the query On Error GoTo Proc_Err Dim oQdf As QueryDef If pDb Is Nothing Then If moDb Is Nothing Then Set moDb = CurrentDb End If Set pDb = moDb End If Debug.Print "Make Query: " & qName & vbCrLf & pSql With pDb 'Query: Type = 5 If Nz(DLookup( "[Name]", "MSysObjects" _ , "[Name]='" & qName _ & "' And [Type]=5"), "") = "" Then .CreateQueryDef qName,pSql Else 'if query is open, close it On Error Resume Next DoCmd.Close acQuery,qName,acSaveNo If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'is this needed? DoEvents End If On Error GoTo Proc_Err .QueryDefs(qName).SQL = pSql End If .QueryDefs.Refresh 'refresh database window Application.RefreshDatabaseWindow End With Proc_Exit: On Error GoTo 0 Exit Sub Proc_Err: MsgBox Err.Description,,_ "ERROR " & Err.Number & " Query_Make" Resume Proc_Exit 'if you want to single-step code to find error, CTRL-Break at MsgBox 'then set this to be the next statement Resume End Sub '*************** Code End *****************************************************' Code was generated with colors using the free Color Code add-in for Access
where did I put that? I wrote it but I don't remember where it is ... maybe if I see the name ... and I found it, yay!
If you recently wrote something, chances are you may remember what file it is in ... but what about the times you created some great feature in a database you didn't make a note of?
With a list of object type, name, and date modified, you can probably find what you're looking for and if there's a lot, filter results for a pattern
This is open so you can create your own queries too.
In case you're wondering ... the MSysObjects table is read-only, so the file date/time of the Access file being documented won't get changed.
For a deeper analysis of particular databases, get this free Access Analyzer ACCDB with source code and lots of tables you can query against.
There are other documentation tools on MsAccessGurus that you might like such as documenting and formatting SQL in queries, row sources, and record sources: Document SQL, RecordSource, RowSource for Queries, Forms, and Reports.
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