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Draw on Access reports! Use the VBA Line method to draw lines and boxes. Draw in a detail event to visualize data on each record, and to conditionally draw a border around the section. Draw in Page event for page border and dividing lines.
Download: ReportDraw_LINE_Box_s4p__ACCDB.zip
If you have trouble with the download, you may need to remove Mark of the Web from the ZIP file before extracting. Here are steps to do that: https://msaccessgurus.com/MOTW_Unblock.htm
The download ACCDB database has a report to draw Line and Box examples as shown above. There are also several sample reports to demonstrate various property settings and techniques.
Here is the detail for 4 records on an Access report. The first 4 boxes indicate if steps of a process are done. Colors are graded from yellow to green.
The percentage metric is then shown in a vertical column or horizontal bars. Tick marks are drawn every 10% so the marker is easier to read. The lower horizontal bar varies the FillStyle property.
A border box is drawn around every page, and 2 vertical lines are drawn to separate the drawing types.
Here is the design view of the report. Label controls are used to define where lines will be drawn. They aren't necessary but its easier to visualize where the boxes will be. Change the size and position of each drawing by changing each respective control.
Draw a line or rectangle. A rectangle (box) has B or BF specified.
Report.Line (Step (x1, y1) - Step (x2, y2), Color, BF)
Since colors are used on every record, their Long Integer RGB values are defined in the ReportHeader_Format event. Open and Filled Boxes use these colors on each record in the Detail_Format event.
Option Compare Database Option Explicit ' Draw Lines and Boxes on reports '*************** Code Start ***************************************************** ' code behind report: r_LINE_Box '(1-4) Filled/Open '(5) vertical % (6) horizontal % (7) horizontal % pattern ' Report Draw Reference: ' https://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/ReportDraw_Reference.htm ' VBA and download this database: ' https://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/Draw_Line_Box.htm '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose : draw using the Line method ' page border and lines in Page event ' Examples for data in Detail ' detail border if condition is true ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' Code List: www.msaccessgurus.com/code.htm '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' LICENSE ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Use at your own risk. '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Module variables for Color '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Const mnColorBLUE As Long = 16737280 _ ,mnColorBlack As Long = 0 Private mnColorStep(1 To 4) As Long '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ReportHeader_Format '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub ReportHeader_Format(Cancel As Integer,FormatCount As Integer) 'define colors mnColorStep(1) = RGB(248,252,20) 'yellow-green ' mnColorStep(2) = RGB(226,245,81) 'green-yellow mnColorStep(3) = RGB(146,204,65) 'medium green mnColorStep(4) = RGB(50,150,50) 'dark green End Sub
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Report_Page '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Report_Page() '220802, ...05 Call DrawBorder(Me _ ,4 _ ,RGB(200,200,200) _ ,30) '1440 twips per inch With Me Call DrawVerticalLine(Me _ ,(2.05 * InchToTWIP) _ ,4 _ ,mnColorStep(4) _ ,.LabelHeading_Steps.Top _ ,.PageFooterSection.Height) Call DrawVerticalLine(Me _ ,(2.1 * InchToTWIP) _ ,4 _ ,mnColorBLUE _ ,.LabelHeading_Steps.Top _ ,.PageFooterSection.Height) End With End Sub
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Detail_Format '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Detail_Format( _ Cancel As Integer _ ,FormatCount As Integer _ ) 'draw with LINE ' use (Label) controls for boundaries '220802,... 05 strive4peace2 Dim x1 As Single,y1 As Single _ ,x2 As Single,y2 As Single _ ,x As Single _ ,y As Single _ ,sgPercent As Single Dim sControlname As String _ ,i As Integer With Me '----------- set up drawing space .ScaleMode = 1 'twips, default .DrawWidth = 1 'pixel
1 | ![]() | 2 | ![]() | 3 | ![]() | 4 | ![]() |
' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FilledOpen YesNo Steps '----------- Label_YesNo1,2,3,4 and vYesNo1,2,3,4 For i = 1 To 4 'control for size and position sControlname = "Label_YesNo" & Format(i, "0") With .Controls(sControlname) 'get control coordinates for size of box x1 = .Left y1 = .Top x2 = .Left + .Width y2 = .Top + .Height End With 'control with value sControlname = "vYesNo" & Format(i, "0") 'draw filled box if True, open box if False If .Controls(sControlname) <> 0 Then 'True .FillStyle = 0 'opaque .FillColor = mnColorStep(i) Else 'False .FillStyle = 1 'transparent End If '----- draw a box Me.Line (x1,y1)-(x2,y2),mnColorStep(i),B Next i
'================================================ Percent sgPercent = Nz(.vPercent,0) ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Label_Vertical '----------- Label_Vertical 'vertical column percent With .Label_Vertical x1 = .Left y1 = .Top x2 = .Left + .Width y2 = .Top + .Height y = y1 + (y2 - y1) * (1 - sgPercent) '(.Height * (1 - sgPercent)) End With If sgPercent > 0 Then .FillStyle = 0 'opaque '----- draw filled box Me.Line (x1,y)-(x2,y2),mnColorBLUE,BF End If .FillStyle = 1 'transparent '----- draw open box around everything Me.Line (x1,y1)-(x2,y2),mnColorBLUE,B '----- draw tick marks every 10 x1 = x2 x2 = x1 + 50 'tick width should be calculated .DrawWidth = 1 For i = 0 To 10 y = y1 + i * (y2 - y1) / 10 Me.Line (x1,y)-(x2,y),mnColorBLUE Next i
' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Label_Horizontal '----------- Label_Horizontal 'horizontal bar 'empty color solid first With .Label_Horizontal x1 = .Left x2 = .Left + .Width y1 = .Top y2 = .Top + .Height x = x1 + (x2 - x1) * sgPercent End With .FillStyle = 0 'opaque '----- draw light blue filled box behind everything Me.Line (x1,y1)-(x2,y2),RGB(220,220,255),BF If sgPercent > 0 Then '----- draw filled box for value Me.Line (x1,y1)-(x,y2),mnColorBLUE,BF End If '----- draw tick marks every 10 under bar chart y1 = y2 y2 = y1 + 50 'tick length should be calculated .DrawWidth = 1 For i = 0 To 10 x = x1 + i * (x2 - x1) / 10 If i = 10 Then x = x - 10 'adjust for DrawWidth Me.Line (x,y1)-(x,y2),RGB(200,200,255) Next i
' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Label_HorizontalPattern '----------- Label_HorizontalPattern 'horizontal bar 'pattern With .Label_HorizontalPattern x1 = .Left x2 = .Left + .Width y1 = .Top y2 = .Top + .Height x = x1 + (x2 - x1) * sgPercent End With .FillStyle = .Num Mod 8 '0=opaque to 7 .FillColor = mnColorBLUE If sgPercent > 0 Then '----- draw box for value Me.Line (x1,y1)-(x,y2),mnColorBLUE,B End If '----- draw tick marks every 10 under bar chart y1 = y2 y2 = y1 + 50 'tick length should be calculated .DrawWidth = 1 For i = 0 To 10 x = x1 + i * (x2 - x1) / 10 If i = 10 Then x = x - 10 'adjust for DrawWidth Me.Line (x,y1)-(x,y2),RGB(200,200,255) Next i
'================================================ Border Box ' draw box around detail section if all checkboxes are true ' currently this is vYesNo4 -- last one in the loop If .Controls(sControlname) <> 0 Then 'all True 'box around detail. 4px= Line width, 80 twip margins Call DrawBorder(Me,4,mnColorStep(4),80) End If ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End With 'Me End Sub '*************** Code End *******************************************************
Option Compare Database Option Explicit '*************** Code Start ***************************************************** ' module: mod_Draw_Border_Lines ' Reference for drawing on reports: ' https://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/ReportDraw_Reference.htm ' VBA and download with this example: ' https://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/Draw_Line_Box.htm '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose : draw a border or lines on a report. ' if called on page event, draw on page ' if called in section, draw in section ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' Code List: www.msaccessgurus.com/code.htm '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' LICENSE ' You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it. ' Keep attribution. Use at your own risk. '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Public '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Const InchToTWIP As Single = 1440 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' DrawBorder '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub DrawBorder(poReport As Report _ ,Optional piDrawWidth As Integer = 2 _ ,Optional pnColor As Long = 0 _ ,Optional pTwipMargin As Single = 40 _ ) '220801 strive4peace 'CALL from Report Page event ' or conditionally from section event ' 1440 * 0.25 = 360 'PARAMETERS ' poReport is the report object ' piDrawWidth is the line width in pixels ' pnColor is the line color ' pTwipMargin is the same margin for each dimension Dim x1 As Single,y1 As Single _ ,x2 As Single,y2 As Single With poReport 'Report '----------- set up drawing space .ScaleMode = 1 'twips, default .DrawWidth = piDrawWidth 'line width .FillStyle = 1 'transparent x1 = .ScaleLeft + pTwipMargin y1 = .ScaleTop + pTwipMargin x2 = .ScaleLeft + .ScaleWidth - pTwipMargin y2 = .ScaleTop + .ScaleHeight - pTwipMargin End With 'report 'draw a box poReport.Line (x1,y1)-(x2,y2),pnColor,B End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' DrawVerticalLine '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub DrawVerticalLine(poReport As Report _ ,pX As Single _ ,Optional piDrawWidth As Integer = 1 _ ,Optional pnColor As Long = 0 _ ,Optional pYtopTwip As Single = 720 _ ,Optional pYbottomTwip As Single = 360 _ ) '220801 strive4peace 'usually CALL from Report Page event 'RGB(150, 150, 150) = 9868950 'defaults: 1440/2=720 top margin 1/2", bottom 1/4" Dim y1 As Single,y2 As Single With poReport 'Report '----------- set up drawing space .ScaleMode = 1 'twips, default .DrawWidth = piDrawWidth .FillStyle = 1 'transparent y1 = .ScaleTop + pYtopTwip y2 = .ScaleTop + .ScaleHeight - pYbottomTwip End With 'report 'draw a line poReport.Line (pX,y1)-(pX,y2),pnColor End Sub '*************** Code End *******************************************************
Big Report Draw REFERENCE for VBA syntax and help for drawing on Access reports.
Line syntax and parameters
ScaleMode property
ScaleLeft property
ScaleTop property
ScaleWidth property
ScaleHeight property
DrawWidth property
FillStyle property
FillColor property
This page continues from VBA to Draw Circles on Reports
Now you've seen VBA examples for circles and lines, next, we'll combine Circle and Line to draw more complex shapes, and maybe use the Print method to write text too.
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~ crystal
the simplest way is best, but usually the hardest to see