Moon phases drawn by Access on an Access report Ms Access Gurus

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Draw the Moon in Access

Draw moons in any phase on your Access reports! VBA procedure that's easy to call from code behind your reports. Access is only limited by your imagination.

Send the report object, coordinate for the center and radius for the Moon. Optionally, you can choose colors, fraction covered in light, and waxing or waning.

The code that does the drawing is all in one module that you can easily import into your projects. The Moon uses the Circle method.

Show the Moon on an Access report

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Download zipped BAS file you can import into your Access projects:

Download zipped ACCDB file with sample data, a module, and sample reports:

Remember to UNBLOCK files you download to remove the Mark of the Web. Here are steps to do that:

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Try it yourself

There are several sample reports you can play around with

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watch on YouTube: Draw the Moon on Access Reports using VBA (0:29)

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Standard module

Specify report object, location and size, and optionally, fraction lit, waxing or waning, and colors.

' module name: bas_Draw_Moon_s4p
'*************** Code Start ***************************************************
' Purpose  : draw the Moon on an Access report in any phase
'             specify report object, center coordinate and radius
'             optionally set colors, fraction lit,
'             and if moon is waxing or waning
'           USES Circle
' Author   : crystal (strive4peace)
' Code List:
' This code:
'   You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it.
'   Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk.
'           Global variables
Public Const PI As Double = 3.14159 
Public Const gZero As Double = 0.0000001 
Public Const TWIPperINCH As Long = 1440 

Public Const gColorGrayVeryLight As Long = 16448250  'RGB(250, 250, 250)
Public Const gColorGray As Long = 11513775  'RGB(200, 200, 200)
Public Const gColorMidnightBlue As Long = 7346457  'RGB(25, 25, 112)
Public Const gColorPaleYellow As Long = 9298389  'RGB(213, 225, 141)

Public Const gColorCyan As Long = 16769385  'RGB(105, 225, 255)

'           Draw_Moon_s4p
' send center coordinate and size
Public Sub Draw_Moon_s4p(poReport As Report _ 
      ,pXCenter As Double _ 
      ,pYCenter As Double _ 
      ,ByVal pRadius As Double _ 
   ,Optional pFractionLit As Single = 1 _ 
   ,Optional pbWax As Boolean _ 
   ,Optional pnColorLight As Long = vbWhite _ 
   ,Optional pnColorDark As Long = vbBlack _ 
   ,Optional pnColorOutline As Long = gColorGray _ 
'230209, 11
   On Error GoTo Proc_Err 
   '  poReport = report object
   '  pXCenter, pYCenter = center of moon
   '  pRadius = radius of moon
   '  pFractionLit = fraction that is lit, 0 to 1
   '  pbWax = True if waxing (light on right)
   '          False if waning (light on left)
   '  pnColorLight = color for the lit part of moon
   '  pnColorDark = color for the dark part of moon
   '  pnColorOutline = outline color, negative is no outline
   Dim nLeftColor As Long _ 
      ,nRightColor As Long _ 
      ,nMiddleColor As Long _ 
      ,dbAngle1 As Double _ 
      ,dbAngle2 As Double _ 
      ,sgAspect As Single 
   If pbWax = True Then  'light on the right
      nRightColor = pnColorLight 
      nLeftColor = pnColorDark 
      nRightColor = pnColorDark 
      nLeftColor = pnColorLight 
   End If 
   If Abs(pFractionLit - 0.5) < 0.001 Then 
      'no middle oval
   ElseIf pFractionLit > 0.5 Then 
      nMiddleColor = pnColorLight 
      sgAspect = 1 / ((pFractionLit - 0.5) * 2) 
      nMiddleColor = pnColorDark 
      sgAspect = 1 / ((0.5 - pFractionLit) * 2) 
   End If 
   With poReport 
      .ScaleMode = 1  'twips

      .DrawWidth = 1  'iDrawWidth
      .FillStyle = 0  'Opaque
      If pFractionLit > 0.99999 Then  'full mooon
         .FillColor = pnColorLight 
         poReport.Circle (pXCenter,pYCenter) _ 
               ,pRadius _ 
      ElseIf Abs(pFractionLit) < 0.0001 Then  'new moon
         .FillColor = pnColorDark 
         poReport.Circle (pXCenter,pYCenter) _ 
               ,pRadius _ 
         'draw a filled half circle on the right
         dbAngle1 = gZero 
         dbAngle2 = PI / 2 
         .FillColor = nRightColor 
         poReport.Circle (pXCenter,pYCenter) _ 
               ,pRadius _ 
               ,nRightColor _ 
         dbAngle1 = PI * 3 / 2 
         dbAngle2 = PI 
         poReport.Circle (pXCenter,pYCenter) _ 
               ,pRadius _ 
               ,nRightColor _ 
         'draw a filled half circle on the left
         dbAngle1 = PI / 2 
         dbAngle2 = PI * 3 / 2 
         .FillColor = nLeftColor 
         poReport.Circle (pXCenter,pYCenter) _ 
               ,pRadius _ 
               ,nLeftColor _ 
         'draw middle oval
         If Abs(pFractionLit - 0.5) > 0.001 Then 
            'draw oval to cover middle
            .FillColor = nMiddleColor 
            poReport.Circle (pXCenter,pYCenter) _ 
                  ,pRadius _ 
                  ,nMiddleColor _ 
         End If 
      End If 
      'draw outline
      If pnColorOutline >= 0 Then 
         .FillStyle = 1  'transparent
         poReport.Circle (pXCenter,pYCenter) _ 
               ,pRadius _ 
      End If 
   End With  'poReport
   On Error GoTo 0 
   Exit Sub 
   MsgBox Err.Description _ 
       ,, "ERROR " & Err.Number _ 
        &  "   Draw_Moon_s4p"

   Resume Proc_Exit 
End Sub 

'*************** Code End *****************************************************

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Access report with Moon phases drawn with VBA


Code behind report to draw 8 phases of the moon. Movement goes from right to left. Code opens a recordset to a table with moon data.

'*************** Code Start CBR ***********************************************
' Purpose  : code behind rpt_MoonPhases_YellowBlue_row
'              calls Draw_Moon_s4p
'              draw 8 phases of the moon
'              from right to left since movement is counter-clockwise
'              opens recordset to table with moon data
' Author   : crystal (strive4peace)
' Code List:
' This code:
'   You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it.
'   Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk.
'           module variables
Private mWidthMoon As Double _ 
      ,mRadiusMoon As Double 
Private Const MOONsPerLine As Integer = 8   'change as desired
'           PageHeaderSection_Format
Private Sub PageHeaderSection_Format(Cancel As Integer,FormatCount As Integer) 
'230214 strive4peace
   'calculate size of moons, maybe 8 on each line

   With Me 
      .ScaleMode = 1  'twips
      '--- width and radius of each moon
      '1/2 moon spacing
      '1/4 moon left and right margin
      mWidthMoon = .ScaleWidth / _ 
         (MOONsPerLine + (MOONsPerLine + 1) / 4) 
      'moon radius
      mRadiusMoon = mWidthMoon / 2 
   End With 
End Sub 
'           Detail_Format
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer,FormatCount As Integer) 
'230212 s4p
   On Error GoTo Proc_Err 

   Dim db As DAO.Database _ 
      ,rs As DAO.Recordset 

   Dim sSQL As String _ 
      ,iMoon As Integer _ 
      ,iLine As Integer 
   Dim xCenter As Double,yCenter As Double _ 
      ,xStart As Double 
   sSQL =  "SELECT M.Ordr" _ 
      &  ", M.FracLit" _ 
      &  ", M.PhaseName" _ 
      &  ", M.IsWax" _ 
      &  " FROM MoonPhase AS M " _ 
      &  " ORDER BY M.Ordr desc" _ 
      &  ";"
   Set db = CurrentDb 
   Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sSQL,dbOpenDynaset) 
   iLine = 1 
   iMoon = 1 

   With Me 
      'starting coordinates
      yCenter = .ScaleTop + mRadiusMoon + (mRadiusMoon / 2) 
      xCenter = .ScaleLeft + mRadiusMoon + (mRadiusMoon / 4) 
      xStart = xCenter 
      Do While Not rs.EOF 
         If iMoon Mod (MOONsPerLine + 1) = 0 Then 
            iLine = iLine + 1 
            yCenter = yCenter + (2 * mRadiusMoon) + (mRadiusMoon / 2) 
            xCenter = xStart 
         End If 
         'Call Draw_Moon_s4p
         Call Draw_Moon_s4p(Me,xCenter,yCenter,mRadiusMoon _ 
         'move X
         xCenter = xCenter + (2 * mRadiusMoon) + (mRadiusMoon / 2) 
         iMoon = iMoon + 1 

   End With  'me

   On Error Resume Next 
   'release object variables
   If Not rs Is Nothing Then 
      Set rs = Nothing 
   End If 
   Set db = Nothing 
   Exit Sub 
   MsgBox Err.Description,,_ 
        "ERROR " & Err.Number _ 
        &  "   Detail_Format " & Me.Name 

   Resume Proc_Exit 
End Sub 
'*************** Code End *****************************************************

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Access report with 2 columns of Moon phases


Code behind report with 2 columns that is bound to a table with moon data.

'*************** Code Start CBR ***********************************************
' Purpose  : code behind rpt_Moon_Detail
'              calls Draw_Moon_s4p
'              draw the Moon in the Detail section
'              report is 2 columns
' Author   : crystal (strive4peace)
' Code List:
' This code:
'   You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it.
'   Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk.
'           Detail_Format
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer,FormatCount As Integer) 
'230212 s4p
   Dim xCenter As Double,yCenter As Double _ 
      ,sgRadius As Double 
   xCenter = 2.2 * TWIPperINCH 
   yCenter = 1.1 * TWIPperINCH 
   sgRadius = 1 * TWIPperINCH 
   With Me 
      'Call Draw_Moon_s4p,no outline
      Call Draw_Moon_s4p(Me,xCenter,yCenter,sgRadius _ 
   End With 
End Sub 
'*************** Code End *****************************************************

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Access report with Moon  phases as they appear in the orbit


Code behind report to draw phases of the moon as they appear as they orbit around Earth. One side of the moon is always dark. Depending on where the moon is, we may see just part of it. The moon travels in a counter-clockwise direction with an orbital velocity of about 2,286 miles/hour.

Between the Earth and the Moon is a small reference moon with a dashed line for the plane we see so you can understand how the different phases appear on Earth.

'*************** Code Start CBR ***********************************************
' Purpose  : code behind rpt_MoonPhases_Orbit
'              calls Draw_Moon_s4p
'              draw Moons as we see them in orbit around Earth
'            USES Circle and Line
' Author   : crystal (strive4peace)
' Code List:
' This code:
'   You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it.
'   Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk.
'           Report_Page

Private Sub Report_Page() 
'230214 strive4peace
' assume 8 records in the MoonPhase table with moon data
' measurements hard coded for landscape page

   On Error GoTo Proc_Err 

   Const INCHtoTWIP As Long = 1440 
   Dim db As DAO.Database _ 
      ,rs As DAO.Recordset 

   Dim sSQL As String _ 
      ,iMoon As Integer _ 
      ,nColorSky As Long 
   Dim xCenterEarth As Double,yCenterEarth As Double _ 
      ,xCenterMoon As Double,yCenterMoon As Double _ 
      ,xCenterReference As Double,yCenterReference As Double _ 
      ,xCenterLine As Double,yCenterLine As Double _ 
      ,dbDistanceMoon As Double _ 
      ,dbDistanceReference As Double _ 
      ,dbDistanceLine As Double _ 
      ,x1 As Double,y1 As Double _ 
      ,x2 As Double,y2 As Double _ 
      ,Y As Double _ 
      ,dbAngleMoon As Double _ 
      ,dbAngleLine As Double 
   Dim dbRadiusEarth As Double _ 
      ,dbRadiusMoon As Double _ 
      ,dbRadiusReference As Double 

   '--------------------- Customize
   'Earth radius
   dbRadiusEarth = 0.75 * INCHtoTWIP 
   'moon radius
   dbRadiusMoon = 0.4 * INCHtoTWIP 
   dbRadiusReference = dbRadiusMoon / 2 
   dbDistanceMoon = 2.5 * INCHtoTWIP 
   dbDistanceReference = dbDistanceMoon * 0.6 
   dbDistanceLine = dbDistanceReference - dbRadiusReference * 1.2 
   'center earth
   xCenterEarth = 3.25 * INCHtoTWIP 
   yCenterEarth = 4.1 * INCHtoTWIP 
   nColorSky = gColorMidnightBlue 
   sSQL =  "SELECT M.Ordr" _ 
      &  ", M.FracLit" _ 
      &  ", M.PhaseName" _ 
      &  ", M.IsWax" _ 
      &  " FROM MoonPhase AS M " _ 
      &  " ORDER BY M.Ordr" _ 
      &  ";"

   Set db = CurrentDb 
   Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sSQL,dbOpenDynaset) 
   dbAngleMoon = 0 
   With Me 
      .ScaleMode = 1  'twips
      .FillStyle = 0  'Opaque
      .DrawWidth = 6  'pixel
      .DrawStyle = 0  'solid
      'draw sky background
      x1 = .ScaleLeft 
      x2 = .ScaleLeft + .ScaleWidth 
      y1 = .ScaleTop + .PageHeaderSection.Height 
      y2 = .ScaleTop + .ScaleHeight 
      Me.Line (x1,y1)-(x2,y2),nColorSky,BF 
      'draw sun    'rays coming from right
      'center sun will be right edge
      'sun appears to be about the same size as the moon
      .FillColor = vbYellow 
      Me.Circle (x2,yCenterEarth) _ 
      'draw sun rays from right
      x1 = x2 - dbRadiusMoon 
      For Y = y1 To y2 Step dbRadiusMoon / 2 
         Me.Line (x1,Y)-(x2,Y),vbYellow 
      Next Y 
      .DrawWidth = 1  'pixel
      .FillColor = RGB(0,0,255) 
      'draw Earth
      Me.Circle (xCenterEarth,yCenterEarth) _ 

      'starting coordinates for Moon
      xCenterMoon = xCenterEarth + dbDistanceMoon 
      yCenterMoon = yCenterEarth 
      'starting coordinates for reference Moon
      xCenterReference = xCenterEarth + dbDistanceReference 
      yCenterReference = yCenterEarth 
      Do While Not rs.EOF 
         'Call Draw_Moon_s4p
         Call Draw_Moon_s4p(Me,xCenterMoon,yCenterMoon,dbRadiusMoon _ 
            ,rs!FracLit,rs!IsWax,gColorPaleYellow,gColorMidnightBlue _ 
         'reference moon
         Call Draw_Moon_s4p(Me,xCenterReference,yCenterReference _ 
            ,dbRadiusReference _ 
            ,0.5,True,vbWhite,vbBlack _ 
         'line of sight
         .DrawStyle = 2  'dot
         dbAngleLine = dbAngleMoon + PI / 2 
         xCenterLine = xCenterEarth + dbDistanceLine * Cos(dbAngleMoon) 
         yCenterLine = yCenterEarth - dbDistanceLine * Sin(dbAngleMoon) 
         x1 = xCenterLine + Cos(dbAngleLine) * dbRadiusReference 
         y1 = yCenterLine - Sin(dbAngleLine) * dbRadiusReference 
         x2 = xCenterLine - Cos(dbAngleLine) * dbRadiusReference 
         y2 = yCenterLine + Sin(dbAngleLine) * dbRadiusReference 
         Me.Line (x1,y1)-(x2,y2),vbWhite 
         .DrawStyle = 0  'solid
         'cover back half of reference moon -- future

         'calculate next angle and center coordinates
         dbAngleMoon = dbAngleMoon + PI / 4 
         xCenterMoon = xCenterEarth + dbDistanceMoon * Cos(dbAngleMoon) 
         yCenterMoon = yCenterEarth - dbDistanceMoon * Sin(dbAngleMoon) 
         xCenterReference = xCenterEarth + dbDistanceReference * Cos(dbAngleMoon) 
         yCenterReference = yCenterEarth - dbDistanceReference * Sin(dbAngleMoon) 

   End With  'me

   On Error Resume Next 
   'release object variables
   If Not rs Is Nothing Then 
      Set rs = Nothing 
   End If 
   Set db = Nothing 
   Exit Sub 
   MsgBox Err.Description,,_ 
        "ERROR " & Err.Number _ 
        &  "   Report_Page " & Me.Name 

   Resume Proc_Exit 
End Sub 
'*************** Code End *****************************************************
' Code was generated with colors using the free Color Code add-in for Access.

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Drawing Reference on MsAccessGurus

Report Draw Reference for VBA syntax and help for drawing on Access reports.

Circle method

DrawWidth property

DrawStyle property

FillColor property

FillStyle property

ScaleMode property

ScaleWidth property

ScaleHeight property

ScaleLeft property

ScaleTop property

Sine function

Cosine function

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The moon has been keeping me up … instead of sleeping, I want to get up and draw moons!

It was a little tricky figuring out how to make the crescents. Two half circles are drawn, then an oval is drawn on top

Not so easy to get an equation for the moon's positoin because the moon is spinning and revolving around Earth, Earth is spinning and revolving around the sun, and even the sun and our whole solar system is revolving around the big black hole in the Milky Way

Next I want to integrate Moon phases with my CalendarMaker ... sometime!

VBA drawing code with links to more pages with code to draw on your Access reports. If you can imagine it, Access can do it!

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~ crystal

the simplest way is best, but usually the hardest to see

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